The Future is Us

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"Now can you say Shuri?" The young scientist cooed. "Sure- ee." Your son babbled in amusement as Shuri tried to combine him to say her name. "Suffe," he giggled clapping his hands. "No sureee- eeee" the princess tried once again, to no avail. "Shuri," you called. Alerting your son to your presence. He quickly reached out for you as you walked over to the princess. "Shuri, he is only nine months old. He can barely say, baba." you grinned picking the chubby baby from her arms. "hi umama's joy, " you grinned. Kissing the young prince's cheeks

"You are never to young to be a genius. Y/N look at me. I've been running the Wakandan technology department since I was 16. He could be doing it by 12." The princess grinned. "Let's get him walking first, then we can talk about becoming a child prodigy." You smiled kissing the side of Shuri's forehead. "Where is your brother?" You asked setting your son on his little feet. Gently supporting his arms, you followed him as he tried to toddle around. "Oh he told me to give this to you," Shuri exclaimed handing you an elegantly folded note. "Here I'll trade you Dakari for the note." Shuri switched places with you. Dakari whimpered slightly as you walked from behind him. "I'm right here unyana wam," you kissed his cheek once more before settling on the bench.

Hello my love,
I will be back late from my meeting tonight. Okoye has the project plans for the next phase of The Lost Tribe.

All my love,

"I guess I should actually get some work done today," you sighed pushing yourself up off of the bench. "Come on Dakari. Let's get some work done before Baba gets home," The young prince giggled. You laughed, sweeping him out of Shuri's arms. You both gave the princess a hug. "I'll see you at dinner eh?" Shuri nodded her assent. You kissed her forehead once more. Carrying Dakari on your hip, you began the short walk to the training rooms.

The sounds and smells of the gym, hit you long before the sight did. The Dora stood in challenge formation, as a new initiate battled Okoye. Noticing your presence, the general winked before flipping the poor woman on her back. "that will be all for the day, " she smiled, extending an arm to help the woman up. "Good job Aduba, we will continue working. But today you held your own. For that, I am proud." the general smiled. Aduba's smile stretched across the planes of her face. She saluted the general in time with the other Dora. Before running excitedly to her friends.

Okoye walked over to you. Her attention was immediately drawn to the giggling Dakari. "nkosana wam omncinci, " she cooed. "the little prince is not so little anymore, " you huffed, shifting Dakari higher on your hip. "he will be a great warrior, " she smiled.

"so far he is a certified genius and a great warrior. I'm afraid unyana wam will have the biggest head of them all, " You teased, while Dakari giggled. You bounced him on your hip. "T'Challa said you had some business plans for me?" You questioned the general. "Ah, Yes. I had them taken to your office when I decided to train." She frowned apologetically. "Eh, I guess I will go do a final sweep through of the chateau before the construction workers come for renovations. Would you like to come with us?" You offered. "I am afraid I cannot. We are getting together to plan Ayo's surprise party while she is out of town. "I was wondering who could convince the general to take a trip off," You teased, I should have known only Ayo could do it."

"Well, she was right. I trust that she can take care of T'Challa. We also needed to work on this party." the woman admitted. "I will not hold you long then. I will be looking for my invitation in the mail," you smiled. Okoye nodded once more before jogging over to the Doras. Your Kimoyo beads hummed gently on your wrist. You turned your palm up in surprise, before your mother's hologram appeared from your beads. "So she is alive?" she sassed, raising an eyebrow in faux shock. "Hello to you too umama," you sighed as you started your journey out to the car. "What is all that sighing for?" she frowned. "Because you aren't calling about me mama." She feigned shock, "Who says I am not calling about my wonderful, beautiful, daughter who can take care of herself."

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