The Let Down

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My dearest T'Challa,

You must get through to the elders, this is the best decision for Wakanda. This decision could truly change the world for the better. Instead of working to solve all of their problems, you alone can not please them all my love, sit down with them and compromise. If they are afraid of attack, work with them to create a safe place for citizens of attacks should arise. Create safety procedures and evacuations, plan for every disaster possible. We as a country can not let fear prevent us from walking into the future, if we can not avoid it, we must plan for it. Don't stop till you agree. Just always remember, there is someone on your side all the way across the sea. In the letter I got from you, two day ago, I noticed a comma in the middle of your phrase. It changed the meaning of the entire phrase. Did you intend this? One tiny change and you've kept me awake at night T'Challa. Usually you write, "my dearest Y/N," but this time you've written "my dearest, Y/N" with the comma after dearest. Implying that I am the dearest thing to you. Any way, all of this to say, I'll be coming for a visit this summer, I was pleasantly surprised when I received an invitation from my dear friend, Queen Nakia. I understand you are to take a family vacation to an unknown destination. I'll be there with you and your family when your vacation starts, and I will stay a few weeks after as well. I know the elders are keeping you busy, and your work is of the utmost importance, but I'm crossing the ocean. And I can't wait to see you face to face, you will only be a moment away. I believe this will be good for you as well my King. I look forward to seeing you soon.

With all of my love,

T'Challa's eyes lit up as he read the end of the letter. He quickly placed the letter in a lock box. Once the lock clicked shut he hid the key and the box in his desk before calling his wife.

Nakia's light blue hologram hovered over his wrist as he stood at the window. "My love," she smiled at the King's face. His indescribable joy was contagious as he stared at her through the kimono beads.

"Where are you my love?" T'Challa asked as he started for the door. "I'm in front of the garden my love, are you," Nakia began. "Don't move, I am on my way!" T'Challa ended the call and quickly sprinted down the Palace hallways.

He narrowly avoided three crashes as he ran to his wife. When he ran into the flowerbeds and hedges that lined the path to the garden. The aroma of flowers calmed the king as he spotted his wife at the far end of the garden with his daughter. He motioned to his child to stay quiet as he snuck behind her mother.

The hedges aided in his progress as he ducked behind the green leaves. Soon he reached the vibranium bench that Nakia was perched upon. His arms shot out and grabbed her waist. He twirled her around laughing at her shrieks. 

"T'Challa, What has gotten into you?" She laughed once he finally set her down beside the bench. "You, you are amazing! You invited Y/N to visit!" He pulled her lips to his and kissed her. She melted into the kiss, hand gesturing for the nanny to take her daughter away. When T'Challa pulled away from the kiss, Nakia took a deep breath and smiled.

"She was my best friend before she was yours," The queen gently nudged her husband as the ventured between the different flowerbeds. "I know, but I know I have missed her as much as you have," he offered the woman his arm.

For the first time in months their bodies stayed in constant contact as they navigated through the manicured grounds. They stopped to wave at a few gardeners before heading back towards the palace.

"So, when does she arrive?" T'Challa asked, imagining your bright smile greeting him as you walked down from the jet. "Two weeks, she could not get away from the embassy until then," Nakia explained.

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