The Vow

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"Y/N," T'Challa stood with a bouquet of beautiful flowers on the balcony. The sun sank slowly in the sky beyond the balcony. The railing was decorated with beautiful lights and a table set for two.

"What is this?" You asked cautiously stepping out on to the balcony. "Nakia asked me to come up here..... and that was you wasn't it." You huffed.

"Y/N please, just hear me out," he begged walking closer. Nervously he held the flowers out to you. "Five minutes," you pointed before walking to one of the chairs. "Thank Bast," he blessed before rushing to pull out your chair.

"Thank you," You murmured. "Here I brought you your favorite flowers from the garden." He rambled as he gently laid the bouquet in your lap. He smiled as he sat on the other side of the table.

You couldn't help yourself as he finally settled on the other side of you. Giggles spilled out of your lips as he frowned. "What is so funny," he pouted.

"T'Challa you're acting like a school boy on his first date." You laughed. "Well, I don't know how to act in front someone who's life I just ruined," he sighed.

"T'Challa-," you began. "No just hear me out please. I don't even know where to begin. It's like you told me before. I was being so selfish that I didn't stop to think about what this plan meant for you, or if marrying me was still what you wanted. And for that I'm truly sorry, and I don't expect you to forgive me but I don't know what to do to fix it. So just tell me. Tell me what to do to fix it."

"T'Challa-" you tried again. "Anything I promise. Name it and I'll do it. If I can't do it I'll find somebody to do it. Just please, tell me what to do. Because I can't lose you," he lifted his hands and placed them on your baby bump for the first time. Tears sprung to his eyes," I can't lose either of you baby please," he sniffled kneeling Infront of your chair.

"Can I talk now?" You smiled. He nodded wiping a tear, "if I asked you to go right now and get a vasectomy so you can't have any more children, you'd do it?"

"T'Challa visibly paled, "yes, but please don't ask me to do that sithandwa sam," he begged. "T'Challa stand up," You laughed. "You did not ruin my life. Granted you've put it in a bit of a tailspin. But you did not ruin it, by any stretch of the word. You gave me a child, albeit not when I was planning to have one. But they are here none the less. I'm just frustrated, because you are so selfish, but no matter what you do, I can't stop being in love with you. But more than anything. I'm just terrified. I don't know what I'm doing T'Challa, I went from a king's ex fiancée, to his mistress, to his baby mama in a matter of weeks. I don't know how to raise a child, nor do I know how to deal with bad publicity." You confessed lightly squeezing his hands.

"Hey, I know it's not perfect, and that's my fault. But we've got love and balance-" T'Challa began. "Balance?"

"Yes. Selfish and selfless," he smiled. "We balance each other out," you both finished at the same time. "Yes, and if you're willing to take this chance, I'm willing to walk through it with you, together." He promised.

You nodded. "I do have one request." He smiled helping you back into your chair. "Anything," he responded. "I want my mother to move into the palace. I want her here with me through this pregnancy. I don't know what I'm doing and it terrifies me."

"Done. If she wants to move in we have a room for her." He grinned. "Thank you."
"No thank you, for staying, and giving me another chance.

"Now, this doesn't mean I'm going to marry you T'Challa Udaku," you poked your finger into his chest. "You'll have to earn me back. We're starting all the way over from the beginning. Deal?"

"Deal." he nodded. "Come here," he grabbed your hands and walked you over to the door. "T'Challa, I'm pregnant and tired. My ankles are the size of softballs. Why do you have me walking?" You whine as he shut the door.

"Just trust me," he took a deep breath, "Y/N, would you like to go to dinner with me?" You giggled nodding your head, "Yes, as long as I can eat now and you massage my ankles after." You waddled over to your table with T'Challa's help. "Of course sithandwa sam, I'll even carry you back to the room." He smiled waving in the waiters.

"Is that a promise Mr. Udaku?" You smirked. "It's a vow."

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