The Sacrifice We Make

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"My king, with all due respect. We can not allow you to sully Wakanda's status by leaving your wife in pursuit of a common whore," the now standing Merchant tribe elder replied. "A common whore?" T'Challa roared, spinning to face the man. "How is she a whore if I seduced her into MY bed. I got her pregnant on purpose. It was MY plan. She was no more in pursuit of the throne than any of you are by sitting on this council."

"Kumkani, do not beat yourself up," another elder commented. "As men we have certain, needs and manners we cannot control. Women should not open their legs for us just because." T'Challa frowned, "And if no woman opened their legs, how would any of you have been sated? Why should she not seek her own pleasure as well, since you are using her body to please yourself? She has every right to do as she so chooses without that classifying her as a whore. And do not give me that bull about not being able to control it. Many men can keep it in their pants until they so choose. Most of us did not going around having sex with everything that breathes just because we were hormonal elder. If a person did, then they are most certainly entitled to that choice, as long as they acknowledge that it was a choice that they made of their own free will."

"As I did," Nakia called from the door. Everyone's gaze flicked to she and Y/N as they stood in the doorway. Nakia glided into the room, gently helping her friend down the stairs and into a chair. She shot the pregnant woman a small smile, before taking a deep breath.
" From the time I came of age, I was told that marriage was a contract that bound two people together, love had nothing to do with it. I learned that my best friend gave up her happiness for what she perceived to be mine. Seeing these two, my husband and my bestfriend, and countless other couples suffer because of this mentality, I decided that I would do something about it. When I found out my husband had gotten my best friend pregnant, I realized that he could never love me the same way he loved her." Nakia paused to survey the room. "On the day she arrived, I made a decision with my husband, I would file for annulment, so that we could both have a chance at love." The queen glanced at T'Challa. "But, time has shown me that people will not easily let go of their old ways Sometimes we must force the change we want to see." Nakia paused to survey the room once more. She took a deep breath before continuing. "My husband is not the only one that committed infidelity in our marriage."

"Nakia, you do not have to do this," T'Challa interrupted. "No, I am afraid I do. They will not change their minds." Nakia smiled sadly. "I was pregnant with a child. By D'Ajuh Fesiro."

Nakia's father's eyes almost bugged out of his face as his daughter admitted to her pregnancy."My, Queen," the mining tribe elder began softly, "When you say were, did you kill the child?" she finished softly. "No, it was ectopic, the fetus had to be removed." Nakia clarified quietly. The silenced engulfed the room as the elders processed this new information.

"With this new information," Nakia's sorrowful smile vanished. Her diplomatic face sliding into place, " My final act as queen will be to override the council's decision and clauses that surround the ruling on my annulment to King T'Challa of Wakanda." the queen asserted, her father's face twisting up in horror. "I invoke my right as co ruler of Wakanda, to grant King T'Challa of Wakanda an annulment of his marriage to I, Queen Nakia Udaku of Wakanda, on the grounds of infidelity on the behalf of the queen consort." Time slowed to a crawl as Nakia delivered each ultimatum one by one. "I also invoke my final right to suggest a replacement for my position."

The Border Tribe elder jumped to his feet. "You have no such right in this room as of right now, you have annulled your marriage and forfeited your place as queen," he argued, determined to stick as close to the original ruling as possible. "She has every right!" The mining tribe elder fired back. "She has signed no paperwork, she is still a ruling regent until the adjourning of this meeting!" the Merchant tribe responded. Several of the elders nodded in agreement.

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