The Consequences We Bear

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"Welcome to the chateau," Okoye tried to lighten the mood. She grabbed your suitcase from your hands and lead the way into the home. You stopped at the large windows and stared at the scenery around you. In the states you had missed home, as much as coming home hurt seeing T'Challa, the sheer beauty of Wakanda always amazed.

"Are you alright?"Okoye called, you noticed she had disposed of both of you all's suitcases. "I am fine," you murmured, glancing around the new scenery. "I was telling you that your mother called, she is coming by later to help you."

"Why does no one believe that I am fine?" You huffed settling into the nearest seat. Tucking your feet under your body. "Maybe. Just a thought," Okoye began settling across from you. "You spent three weeks locking yourself in your hospital room, accepting a select few visitors, none of which included the father of the child," she explained.

"You think I should have just let him waltz back into my life like nothing is wrong?," you fired off. "No, I am not saying you were wrong for wanting time away from the king, but you would not eat." She tried again. "I ate!" You insisted. "Yes. Yes you did. But only enough to live y/n, you have another life inside of you to care for. You have to take care of yourself, in order to take care of him." Okoye soothed. "I still do not feel I need my mother babysitting me all day twice a week. I have you here."

"We both know that, the only one who can't get you to do right is you, your mother, and T'Challa. Now unless you would like the king to come check up on you twice weekly, I suggest you let your mother come in peace," you groaned as Okoye smirked.

"Besides, we only do it because we love you, and the child you are carrying inside of you," the warrior gripped your hands lightly and squeezed. "Now what does my godson want for lunch?" Okoye asked, rising and moving towards the kitchen. "I am not hungry right now," you called.

"I didn't ask you, I asked what my godson wanted. And for bast's sake you will give it to him." She demanded moving into the kitchen. "He really wants a really big peanut butter, pickle, and mustard sandwich on pumpernickel bread." You called. "Great, I'll make two turkey sandwiches," Okoye laughed moving towards the fridge. "Okoye," You pouted.

"No, I will not let you ruin his taste buds before he is even born." The warrior asserted pulling all the ingredients out of the fridge. "Why don't you go freshen up? Maybe we should lunch in the garden," The woman called.

"Are you trying to tell me I stink," You scoffed pushing yourself out of the chair and shuffling towards the bedrooms. "I mean three weeks of sponge baths aren't particularly good hygiene for anyone. Your room is the one on the right. And use the wheel chair." She called without batting an eye.

"Bah. I don't need the wheelchair," you insisted. "Great, again it is not for you. Stop being stubborn and use the wheelchair. It's only for another month or so." The General paused her sandwich making to ensure that you flopped down into wheelchair. "Happy now?" You pouted. "Very," the woman smiled as you rolled into the bedroom.

You quickly rolled yourself over to your suitcase. Grabbing a fresh outfit you rolled over to the shower and tried to pinch yourself into the seated shower. Forgetting to put the brakes on the wheel chair, the seat lurched from out under you hurling you towards the floor.

"For Basts sake, why won't you just ask for help!" Okoye fussed as she caught you. She helped you into the seated shower. "Call me when you want to get out please, you have your beads, so use them," the warrior reminded before walking back to the kitchen. 

The cold marble was a welcome contrast to the heat of the day as you slumped against the wall. Your swollen stomach absorbed most of the lukewarm drops of water as you took in several deep breaths.

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