The Beginning

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"Are you sure you won't come with us Y/N?" Nakia asked. You both stood on the tarmac, the crew preparing for take off as your nieces and nephews waved from the ship. "I'm sure. We both know if one of us doesn't stay T'Challa will work himself to death," you both laughed. "Are you sure? You came here to vacation Y/N. I'd hate for you to miss that." Nakia grabs your hand.

"I'm sure Nakia, I'll see the children when you all get back. They deserve a chance to get out of this house, just as you do. Unless you're not comfortable with me being here Nakia?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Should I be uncomfortable with you staying here?" Nakia countered back. "No, you shouldn't. T'Challa married you Nakia, you have three kids together. I think that speaks for his decision." You pointed out.

"We both know how little that counts with men Y/N," Nakia pointed out. "But I trust you.

"What about T'Challa?" You asked. "He hasn't been himself lately. I am not blind, I see how he treats you, how much happier he is when you are around. I also see how much happier you are when he's around as well. Sometimes I wonder if he should have married you instead," Nakia started.

"Nakia! Stop it. Nothing will happen between us, he married you. He just hasn't seen me in a long time, that is why he is so happy," you reassured the Queen. Nakia raised her hand to your face.

"Please, do not patronize me Y/N. I know T'Challa did not choose me on his own. I know you led him to me. Going against everything my gut is telling me I am leaving you here. I'm trusting you. To take care of him, because I know he needs that right now." Nakia sighed before hugging you.

"Nothing will happen Nakia," you promised as she walked towards the ship. "I wish I believed that,"she mumbled as the doors shut behind her.

You sighed as the ship took off. You watched till it breeched the barrier. Then with Nakia's words haunting you, you turned and walked to the throne room. You came across Queen Mother in the hall.

"Queen Mother,"you bowed your head. "Y/N, what a lovely surprise. How are you my dear?" She pulled you in for a hug. "I'm good. Nakia invited me to visit for the summer," you explained.

"Oh that's wonderful, it's too bad Shuri is in the states for a few weeks." She frowned. "I know she would've loved to see you."

"I should still be here when she gets back, unless the Wakandan embassy has a huge meltdown." You smiled. "Well let us pray to Bast that everything will run smoothly. I assume you're looking for my son?" She smiled.

You nodded. "Let me guess he's in the throne room?"

"How'd you guess?" She laughed lightly. "If you leave now he should be in between meetings." She gestured down the hall. "Good luck. Oh and Y/N, remember T'Challa is a married man now. I do not know what Nakia was thinking leaving the two of you alone," The queen began.

"Queen Mother please. T'Challa married Nakia, Nothing is going to happen.  I am just here to visit," you insisted.

"No, hear me out. You are like a daughter to me, which is why I feel I can tell you this. I see the way my son looks at you. Like you are the light of his universe. I'm sure Nakia sees it as well. I have never seen him look at a woman like that before, not even his wife. To this day I will never know why my son married Nakia," she started. When she caught sight of your face she raised her hands in surrender. "Now don't get me wrong, she is a wonderful woman, but she is not who he loves. And you my darling girl have grown even more beautiful since the last time I saw you. So let my words be a warning, watch yourself and T'Challa. A man in love does crazy things, It is not you I don't trust, it is him. We both know T'Challa fights for what he wants until he gets it."

"Yes, Queen Mother," you bowed respectfully. You waved goodbye before continuing down the hall. The queen's words bouncing around in your head.

The sound of your steps muffled by the elaborate runners that ran the length of the halls. You shook your head to clear your mind and knocked on the large vibranium doors. You waited a few seconds before his deep voice rang out through the walls.

"Come in."

You pushed in the heavy doors and walked towards the throne. You shut the doors before kneeling before the throne. "My king," you dramatically called to the man by the window.

T'Challa's back stiffened when he recognized your voice. "Y/N, I thought you left with Nakia and the children?" He turned to face you. You rose from the ground and walked over. "No, I decided to stay here and take care of you, because bast knows you won't do it yourself." you smiled.

"Thank you," he smiled taking your hands in his. "Don't thank me yet. My first order as your care taker was clearing your schedule for the rest of the day. You and I are going on a trip!" You declared pulling him from the room.

"You did what!" He dropped both of your hands and turned back to the window. "Y/N I can not go on a vacation right now. I thought I made that clear. And who gave you permission to clear my schedule? You of all people should know that I need to have this meeting with the elders to set this plan in motion."

No," you began calmly expecting this reaction. "What do you mean no!" He roared. "I mean no!" You yelled back. "T'Challa what you need to do is take care of yourself. You can not run yourself ragged! Just because you are a king and the black panther, does not mean you are not just a man. A Good man at that. It is hard for a good man to be king. As long as I am here, you will not neglect your own needs!" You huffed, fire raging in your eyes.

"Now," You breathed, trying not to laugh at his shocked face. Your voice going dangerously low and even, "I cleared your schedule for the rest of the day. We are going on a trip to the waterfalls. Bring your swim wear. I'll meet you in your room in ten minutes." You winked at Okoye before gliding out of the room.

"I forgot how much I missed having her around," the warrior joked. "She's good."
"She's the best. That's why she's the ambassador to the US." T'Challa smiled. "I wish she would've stayed here though."the king sighed.

"T'Challa that was years ago. You are a married man with a wife and kids. Do not jeopardize that. Put your feelings behind you my king." Okoye advised the man as he headed to his rooms.

"If only it was the easy Okoye," T'Challa sighed, stopping to face the General.
"Do not do something you will regret my king, whatever choice that may be. Do not regret it." Okoye warned vaguely. T'Challa nodded. "And don't freeze when you see her."

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