The Touchdown

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The ship floated down slowly over the landing pad. As you stand at the door Shuri walks over and squeezes your hand. "Are you ready?" Shuri whispered door started to drop. The stairs unfolded in front of you revealing the heat of the Wakandan sun. "I guess," you flashed her a small smile squeezing her hand.

Queen Ramonda rubbed your shoulders before walking out with your mother. You followed after with Shuri at your side. In the shadow of the sun you could make out T'Challa and Nakia waiting at the end of the runway.
You were grateful for the wind behind you blowing your dress forwards effectively hiding your small bump for a few seconds more.

"Queen Mother, Mrs.L/N. it is so good to see you again," Nakia smiled engulfing them both in a hug. She pulled back and a grin slid across her face as she spotted you. "So this is where everyone snuck off to," she laughed walking over and pulling you into a hug. "Well America has been treating you well I assume. You've gained some weight since the last time I saw you."

"I'm afraid I'll be gaining weight for the next six months as well," You laughed quietly. "You're pregnant?" Nakia breathed a hesitant smile creeping across her face. "I'm going to be an auntie," she whispered.

"Nakia," you tried to interrupt. "Oh this is wonderful," she clapped still keeping the. Conversation between you two. "You will stay here until the baby is born of course. The father will he be joining you as well?" She rambled excitedly. "Nakia," you tried again to lowly interrupt her.

Shuri walked over noticing the tension building in your posture. "The father will be joining you as well?" She repeated again confusion then hurt flashing across her face. "Right?" tears began to warble her voice.

"Nakia," You breathed tears threatening to run down your face. "No! Where is he. He will be joining you as well," her voice broke and so did yours. "Nakia please," You croaked.

"Nakia, I'm afraid he is already here," Shuri whispered. "No," she ripped herself away from you. "Nakia please," you called after her. "I trusted you," her hand rested on her stomach. "When I didn't trust him, I trusted you." She croaked before running into the palace.

"Nakia!" T'Challa yelled confusion plastered on his face. "Nakia wait," you called kicking off your shoes to run after her. "Y/N!" He called again trying to catch someone's attention. As he tried to run after you Okoye and his mother stopped him. "My king this is best left between the two of them." Okoye cautioned.

"Quite right. You've done enough my son," Ramonda warned. "Will someone please tell me what I am missing? Cause it is going right over my head." T'Challa frowned.

"Esh, you know what you've done doofus," Shuri snacked the back of his head. "Eh, someone enlighten me please!"

Okoye stepped forward. "She's pregnant kumkani wam. With your child." T'Challa's eyes widened as he stared after you and Nakia. "King T'Challa, may I speak to you," your mother called softly, invading T'Challa's thoughts. He nodded and followed her lead.

Nakia's retreating figure was a guiding light as you chased after her into the halls of the palace. "Nakia! Wait. Please!" You cried. Your pregnancy got the best of you and you sagged against the wall and tears spilled down your cheeks.

You don't know how long you cried before you felt another body settle next to yours.
"It must have been one hell of a dress," Nakia laughed dryly.

"That was you?" You peaked up from between your arms. Her head rested up against the wall, knees pulled up to her chest. "Guilty as charged," she sighed.

"Why?" You sat up slowly, lowering you ankles to the ground and resting your hands on your stomach.

"You run fast for a pregnant lady," Nakia joked. "Nakia," you prodded. "I thought if I gave you two, two weeks. Two weeks together. It'd give you peace. Space to act on your longings and experience it once more." She sighed looking over at you. She reached her hand for yours and clasped it. I didn't expect, involving another life. I certainly didn't bank on my husband being dumb enough to knock you up."

You let out a loud full bellied laugh. She chuckled and laid her head on your shoulder. "So. How was the sex?"Nakia nudged your shoulder.

"Nakia!" Your mouth dropped open in shock as she laughed. "What? I mean you got knocked up on your first try. It had to be good." You blushed and stared away.

"Hey, I am a woman who is stuck in a marriage with a man she doesn't love. Just because the man you had sex With is my husband,doesn't change anything about what best friends tell each other. I'm still your best friend and it doesn't change anything about what best friends tell each other."

"You don't love him?" You looked up surprised. "No, not like I used to at least. I married the first man that came along and I thought was attractive. I did not even know T'Challa that well. The crush faded after a while. About a year into the marriage."

"Nakia, you've only been married two years,"you sat up.

"Exactly. So again. How was the dick?"she smirked and You scoffed. "Girl, If it was good for me, plus the connection y'all have. That sex had to be astronomically amazing."

"I missed you," you confessed laying your head on her shoulder. "I missed you too. I'm sorry for all the years you spent alone."she sighed.

"Don't be, It was my decision to make." You reminded her. "I'm so sorry for betraying your trust."

"I'm sorry for blaming it on you. T'Challa deserves some responsibility as well. You couldn't be pregnant without him." She snorted.

You groaned as you rolled off the wall to face her. "So, You are not mad?" You asked.

"Not mad, a little hurt. Because I can't give him what you can.But nothing that won't fade. I hold no resentment against you and your child." Nakia placed a hand on your abdomen.

"Nakia you gave him two children." She laughed, "I'm not talking about children Y/N. I'm talking about love. I couldn't give him the all consuming love he gets with you. That is neither of our faults, which is why I'm not bitter." Nakia explains.

"You always were the more rational of us." You joked.

"So What are we going to do?" You sighed. "I don't know. But I definitely think we should talk to the one person who doesn't know what's happening. "

Your mind instantly snapped to T'Challa. "Crap, we just left him." Nakia stood up and bent down to help you. "Yep. Let's go find the poor fool before he has a heart attack." You both laughed as you headed back towards the dining room.

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