The Cat and The Bag

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"Fuck," you hiss plopping down on the toilet seat. You rested a hand atop your small baby bump as you rested from washing your face. You stared wearily at your makeup and decided it wasn't necessary for your prenatal visit. It had been three months since you left Wakanda, much to T'Challa's disdain.

Ever since you'd discovered you were pregnant you'd battled over telling T'Challa. Every time you had this discussion selfish you won out. You were terrified to have to go back and own up to what you did in front of Nakia. Quite frankly that terrified you more than labor. On the other hand, two other people's lives would be affected by your decision. On one hand, your child deserved to know their father, and on the other T'Challa deserved to know his child.

Sighing loudly you rocked off of your toilet seat and powered on your kimoyo beads and waddled over to your bed. You sank into the mattress before calling Okoye.

"Sister Y/N! Are you all right?" The general asked as her hologram appeared infront of your face. "Mostly, no broken bones Okoye," you smiled. "I'm afraid I have a favor to ask."

"Anything," Her warm voice melted through the hologram and wrapped you in a hug. "I need you to come get me. Please."

"From America? Are you sure you're all right? Have you let Nakia and T'Challa know?" The generals face was painted with confusion.

"No. I also ask that you do not alert them. I just need you to come get me. I need to come home urgently for a brief spell. I fear I have already delayed his trip as much as possible." You frowned. "Please Okoye, I'm begging."

"Alright, Alright," The general conceded. "I'll send some Milaje right away," she began.

"No, Okoye. You and no one else, unless it's Ayo, but I imagine she will be in charge. Just you no one else need know. Please." You begged, regret beginning to seep in.

"Very well. I will be there as soon as possible. Just be packed and ready to go. I'm afraid that time is not on our side since we need to sneak out and in to the securest country in the world Y/N." She sighed gesturing for someone in the background. "I will see you soon."

When Okoye's hologram disappeared, you sighed and began shuffling around trying to gather some clothes that still fit. You packed mostly dresses, skirts and shirts into a small duffle bag along with your prenatal vitamins and ordered some lunch. Awaiting the familiar hum of vibranium. You quickly called your obstetrician and canceled your appointment.

Sharp knocks on your apartment door jolted you awake. You groaned before rolling yourself off the couch. Yawning, you  opened the door to reveal a distraught Okoye.

She pulled you into a tight hug, you found your arms wrapping around her as well. Tears rolled down your cheeks. Okoye pulled back, her thumbs raced to your cheeks. "Why are you crying?" She asked.

You simply grabbed her hands and placed them on your small bump, "surprise!" You mumbled softly. Her eyes widened in shock as she stepped back to take in your figure. "The father?" She asked cautiously.

"I think we both know you know the answer to that question." You waddled over to your bag and bent over to grab it. You walked through the apartment and turned off all of your lights. "I believe we are on a time crunch?" You gestured towards the door.

"Bast help us all," Okoye nodded solemnly before grabbing your bag from you and walking out. You quickly locked your door and followed after the woman.

When they stepped out of her apartment building and headed towards a long black town car. The flags of Wakanda proudly flapped in the wind as a crowd stared intently at the vehicle.

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