chapter 8

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Mahi and yuvi stood beside Leela and Kunj.

Mahi asked Leela : mother, where is twinkle?

Leela said to her : I left her at the cafeteria.

Mahi just nods and just then she spot twinkle who is lost in her thoughts, kunj who was talking on the phone didn't saw twinkle approaching and twinkle who was lost in her thoughts didn't see Kunj approaching and dumped in with each other but twinkle lost her balance and was about to fall and closes her eyes but Kunj in a hurry holds her in his arms and twinkle open her eyes slowly and froze for a second as she was lost in kunj's eyes while mahi, yuvi and Leela was looking at this scene with interest but twinkle and Kunj departed away from each other when they heard the doctor's voice.

The doctor said to them : the surgery is about to start.

All nods and sat down patiently.

It has been two hours since the doctors are operating on Dede but no one tells the anything which made them very restless.

Soon the doctor came out from the surgery room and smiles to them widely.

The doctor said to them : congratulations, the surgery went well.

All happily hugs each other and to kunj's surprising twinkle hugs him out of excitement but pushed him when she sense that she has hugged Kunj.

Lutral house.

Jerry said to Manohar : such a foolish girl dad, she thought I love her but doesn't know that I'm her worse enemy.

Manohar laugh evilly and said : like mother like daughter, fools.... But Kunj is very lucky to have twinkle as his wife as she is still pure.

Jerry said to him : that stupid twinkle always talk about her purity.......she never broke her virginity with me... She will say.. When we get married then I can do that but I will never let Kunj break her virginity... I will have twinkle the day she gets married and then will tell her mom that, we were having a relationship during her marriage ceremonies.

Manohar laugh and said : you have now got brains like me.... You have now become very intelligent, that's like my boy.

Jerry look at him and both laugh evilly.

Taneja mansion.

Leela said to mahi : the priest will be coming in an hour mahi, we have to look for the date suitable for Kunj and twinkle's marriage.

Mahi nods and went to the kitchen while Alisha was standing upstairs frowning in anger.

Alisha said to herself : I will never let twinkle and Kunj leave in peace... But I feel like twinkle is hiding something from us... Especially when she was in the cafeteria... I know she is hiding something from us and I will find out what the matter is.

Soon the priest came to the taneja mansion and they offered him a tea.

After sometime, the priest collected twinkle and kunj's horoscope.

The priest said to them : I have never seen this matching horoscope before... The are made for each other but evil eyes will before them but they will overcome all obstacles...... There are horoscope are united for the seventh lives, they will be together till eternity and this is a match from heaven.

All smiles happily while Alisha got irritated and walks upstairs in rage.

Soon usha and Kunj entered the house following with yuvi.

Usha said to the priest : have you look for a particular day for the engagement and wedding.

The priest smile and said to them : two weeks from now, you can use the one week for the wedding ceremonies, that's the perfect time.

Usha just nods and looks at Leela.

Kunj said to them : then we don't have any much time left for the preparations... We should start.

All nods and usha said to them : kunj's grandma will be coming tomorrow afternoon.

All nods and just then twinkle run from upstairs and usha looks at her with disgust but twinkle ignore her gaze.

( twinkle's dress)

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( twinkle's dress)

Usha said to twinkle : I hope by the time you get married you will quit that nasty job of yours and these kinds of dressing because, I can't tolerate these dress.

Twinkle said to her : mo.......

Usha interupted and said to her : I'm not yet your mother in law so don't call me mother, you have no traditions or formalities, you this family are the most manipulative people I have ever met, your sister first took advantage of my son's kindness and threw him to prison like a piece of trash and now you want to do the same thing.... Didn't your mother teach you manners.

Twinkle looked at her angrily and shouted : enough, I will tolerate you insulting me but never allow any one to speak to mother with insults.... We regret what we did to your son in the past and we apologize for that but that doesn't give you the right to insults my mother..... What if I say you didn't teach your son manners and you are a ruthless mother.

Kunj looked at twinkle in rage and yelled : mind your language miss twinkle taneja.... You can't talk to my mother like that.

Twinkle looked at Kunj and shouted at him : and you tell your mother to mind her language, she should think before she speak and I'm serious about what I'm saying.

Twinkle and Kunj looked at each other furiously while Alisha was watching all of this with excitement. Leela sense things are not going to end well and come in between.

Leela said to them : I will be conducting a dinner tonight, so that the wedding of Kunj and twinkle will be official and I want you all to come.

Kunj looked at Leela and Leela nods to her.

Kunj took a deep breath and said : yes mother, go with yuvi... I will come to the house later... I want to go with twinkle to see granny.

Usha protest : but Kunj.....

Kunj said to her : just try to understand me mother... Or you can stay here, I will come and pick you up.

Usha looks at Leela and said : of course not... I will go to my house.

Kunj nods and twinkle looked at Kunj.

Kunj asked twinkle : shall we.

Twinkle said to him : I don't want to go with you.

Kunj asked her : you don't want to go with me or you are going somewhere else?

Twinkle looked at Kunj tensely and Kunj realize that twinkle is hiding something and Alisha also notice that.

Twinkle nods to Kunj and both headed to the hospital.

Next chapter : kunj and Jerry's confrontation and mahi and yuvi attraction.

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