Super Cute Waiter Boy [Cilan x Reader]

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Striaton Law: If you write about one Striaton brother you must write about all three


You sat in the Striaton Resteraunt, eyeing the green haired boy that was a short distance away. He had green hair to match his hair and had a Pansage at his side. You watched him smile and serve his customers without faltering once. He must have noticed you were staring by now, right? People can feel the eyes on their back. But he seemed almost used to the entire thing. It's was quite odd to say in the least. Whatever. He was cute and as long as he doesn't get mad at you staring you were fine.

You looked across the table at your Pokémon partner, happily eating. You smiled warmly. You loved your Pokémon. They were your partner since your early child. As far as you could remember, the Unovan Pokemon was right by your side. You wondered if they would get along with that Pansage because you were starting to crush on thst super cute waiter boy. If only you could know him by more than just his name: Cilan

You know what? Screw that. You were going to wave him over. You lifted your hand only to out it back down on the table. He went over to another table to take an order for s bunch of pretty girls. Man. You slumped back down, watching super cute waiter boy smile and take their orders. He seemed to wear the same smile for everyone. You wondered if that's was his work smile and what he looked like with different expressions, different kinds of smiles. It makes you wonder....

"Let me guess, you have a crush on Cilan."

You jumped at the sound of that almost energetic voice. You turned around to see a redhead version of your waiter with a cocky smirk wnd red eyes to match his hair. You were starting to see pattern with these waiters. Thinking back, you heard something about these three being triplets and gym leaders.  Yeah, there's a definite pattern. Super Cute Waiter Boy must be a grass type guy and this one must be a fire type friend. You haven't even spoken to him before. This is probably your second or third time here and Cilan was always your waiter. 

"Every girl who walks on here manages to have a crush on one of us anyways. Normally they flock here in groups, but you're sitting here all alone. I'm on my break and I'm bored."

He slumped and pulled a chair up from the table literally right next to you and sat down. Three chairs now. Your partner just kept happily eating, not even bothering with the redhesded waiter boy who decided to make his acquaintance to you. He must be the brother of super cute waiter boy Cilan over there. What did those girls say? The three names were Cilan Chili And Cress? Oh! Right. Like Cilantro, Chili Peper, And Water Cress. That's a way to remember it. This one must be Chili.

"Oh right, you're a newbie. My name's Chili and I'm one of the Striaton Gym Leaders slash triplets slash whatever you wanna call it. Who are you? I'm curious. You don't look like you're from around here."

Wow, that's a nice and blunt way to put it. Well, at least you can confirm thst his name is Chili. In all honesty you have to give him props for not lying his way around it or being super awkward. He seemed spontaneous and like he had too much energy. So not your type romantically. You could see yourself being friends with him though. You woudlnt mind that. But he was right about the not being from around here thing. Cliché, I know. Sometimes as an author cliches can be your best friends. Deal with it, Reader.

"Yeah, I'm (name) and I'm from Kanto. My parents were fighting and about to get a dicpvorce so I ran away here so they don't have to fight over my custody. Odd number of kids, gotta right over one. Now it's even and everything might be okay back home. I really hope so. Why am I telling you this? I don't know. You just seem like the kind of guy not to make too big a deal out of it. Nice to get it off my chest."

You take a deep breath after that. Your Pokémon partner stopped eating and looked down sadly. A pansear hopped onto the chair next to it and Started to comfort your partner. You looked back at Chili, who looked like a deerling in headlights. There was a silence between you two. That's when super convienant super cute waiter boy Cilan finally decided to give you your order. He placed the plate in front of you and the entré your partner ordered in front of them. He smiled as he served you.

"Sorry for the wait on the entrés. I hope you enjoyed your appetizers! Wait, Chili!? What are you doing over here!?"

You snickered. He just noticed Chili was at this table? That's flipping adorable. Chili just grinned and didn't a little wave thing at his brother. the whole resteraunt seemed to be watching now. Why? Because there were two brothers at your table and nobody knew who you were and why you got that attention. Just bask in the attention, okay? This was starting to get kind of funny. Cilan had red dusting over his cheeks, so if he was worried Chili was going to embarrass him. He's a super cute waiter boy all right.

"Well, I was just talking to a very (pretty/handsome) (guy/gal/non bianary pal) right here. Looks like you could use a break, Cilan. Allow me to take over for you~"

Before Cilan could process what was happening, Chili stole his little waiter's tray and the ticket thst eead What goes where. Pansear jumped off of the chair and brook the little breadbasket and water tray from Pansage, who was getting his break along with Cilan. You suddenly realized what Chili was doing. He was trying to get you alone with Cilan. Probably out of pity or something. Ya did basically tell him your life's story for no apparent reason. Thank you cliches! Pansage then had Cilan sit down right where Chili was before and he then left before Cilan could say a Word. The Super Cute Waiter Boy seemed to be in a daze, struggling to process what was going on. You couldn't help but giggle, getting his attention on you.


You saw his face go red and he averted his eyes. That's adorsble. No matter what anyone wants to say right there, that's adorable. So in reality he's the awkward type, huh? You wondered what else you might be able to learn about him. He awkwardly replied to your "hey"

"Uh, hello..."

He's cute. Really cute. That service with a smile facade was cool and all, but you wanted to see what he was really like. How he was outside the resteraunt. How he acts, what he's passionate about, how he gets when he's passionate, stuff like that. Right now you're seeing what he is like when he is flustered. His face right now would put Chili's hair to shame. Speaking of Chili, he was in your line of sight giving you a bigger thumbs up and mouthing "go for it." Go for what? How curious....

"So, it's Cilan, right? I'd really like to get to know you more. Maybe outside of the resteraunt? Thst is if it's okay with you."

Oh wow, real smooth. You basically asked him out on a date. You wanted to curl up and die right there. You wished Chili specified what he meant by go for it! You bit your bottom lip and watched as Cilan grabbed the cuffs of his sleeves and looked into your eyes. He was also biting his bottom lip. Wow, pidoves of the feather amirite? He then gave you a big smile, way different than the waiter smile he flashed everyone else, Andy gave you his answer.

"Yeah, I'd like that too."

And this was the start of something wonderful.

1347 Words

Eh, decent enough. I had no idea what I wanted to do but I did know before I start requests I wanted to do my Striaton brothers. ❤️💚💙

A big thank you to everyone reading and I love you all!


Pokemon Boiz, Gurlz, And Non-Binary Peoplez x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now