It's Okay/It's Alright [Wally x Reader]

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Can't resist! Too cute! AAAAAAAAaaaaa Have some angst fluff my beloved readers!

It's okay

Wally had always been frail. Since his early childhood he had asthma and was constantly in a state of being sick with something. Fevers, pneumonia, the flu. Countless colds and countless lung problems. He developed anxiety and was borderline depressed growing up. He was so frail the doctors thought he was still born coming out until they discovered he actually was breathing, but very faintly. He didn't scream or kick one bit. He just fell asleep just like that. He was a quiet, sick child. But he grew up with a friend.

 Key word: 


Growing in Venduarf town was nice. It was a small community With very few new people outside of the traveling contest stars. You didn't have a good family, constantly being neglected and all, so you often hung around Wally's family and became his only friend. His guardians took care of you often like their own and you liked to play with Wally. You didn't understand constantly being sick, like he was, but that was because of the ignorance that came along with youth. How we're you supposed to know what asthma was? You were, like, six!

One time you were sleeping over at Wally's. You shared his bed since you don't really have one over here and Wally wasn't so sick he was contagious or whatever His Mom said. Or aunt? You think Wally mentioned something about them bein his aunt and uncle... you're not sure so let's just go with the Mom/Dad titles shall we? So you're sleeping soundly when around three in the morning Wally just sits up and practically knocks you off the bed like that nursery rhyme with the monkies, just you didn't fall down and bump your head. You sit up too, worried for your friend but also very very tired. Keep in mind you both are, like, six. You rub your eyes tiredly.

"...Wally? What's wrong?"

Wally was sweating and holding onto the blanket, trying to catch his breath. He has an inhaler on the bedside table next to him. Lucky it's on his side. He had a really bad nightmare he does not want to talk about. Everyone suddenly hated him and everyone's was circiling surround him, telling him terrible things. Here are a few terrifying examples: "you will never ammount to anything!" "You're so sick, why not just die?" "You're such a dissapointment!" And the worst one of all was from you: "I don't even know why I'm still here with a trash bag like you." He didn't want it to be true. He hoped it wasn't, but he believed it was. He was crying. He was whispering and crying and trying to catch his breath. You didn't hate him... did you?

"Wally? You're crying. Did you have a nightmare!? Oh no!"

Wally looked over at you in the darkness, the only light being the nightlight you refused to sleep without. You know one of those pillow pet nightlights that puts stars in the ceilings? Does anyone remember those? You had one of those. You wiped his eyes with your tiny hands. Tiny hands to wipe of tiny tears from a tiny face. Wally sniffled as you took your arms and having him a big hug sitting there in that bed. You knew nightmares were terrible. You have them all the time while sleeping at your own house. It's like the house could swallow you up and nobody would realize you were gone. That's scary.

"It's okay, Wally. The nightmare is gone now. You still got me."

Wally hugged you back tighter than his stuffed teddyursa bear that was tucked in his toy chest. He cried into your shoulder as you maanaged to lay back down and get back under the covers. Soon enough, the two of you were back asleep and would sleep through the rest of the night nightmares free. Wally's guardians would be in for an adorable surprise when they came in to wake you up at seven for school.

It's Alright

You and Wally have grown up so much since you were six. How old were you two now? Wally had finished his journey around the Hoenn region and became the best trainer while you managed to finally get your family to notice you and build yourselves together again. Everything was going great for the two of you. It's been a year since Wally returned so you have to be.... at least eleven add a year... twelve doesn't sound right. You never were good with keeping track of your birthday. Nobody remembers what day it really is anyways. You remember Wally's though! So if his birthday was.... there you go! The two of you are thirteen now! Solving simple questions one step at a time!

So you two are back and like when you were younger, having a slumber party. Just for old times sake you used the nightlight and shared Wally's bed instead of getting sleeping bags and camping in the backyard. Wally has been getting a lot better. He can control his asthma and anxiety and doesn't get as many fevers or flus. His immune system is getting stronger, just like his pokemon! So after talking about random stuff and just being a couple that's not officially a couple yet, you both fall asleep.

Then you get a terrible nightmare. Wally is standing there, in front of you. Behind you is your family, now reconstructed and happy. Suddenly a flash of lightning strikes you through the heart and when You open your eyes again Wally is gone. Just a pile of ash in its place. You turn around and your parents are both holding whips and knives and grinning maliciously. They both start to approach you. You take a step back, but then you're ankel is caught. You fall to the ground and your parents hover over you. One of them holds and knife up and drops it down on you. Before it makes contact, you wake up.

You bolt up to a sitting position and feel the sweat crawling down your back, just like sins but you haven't committed any. Too many damn Undertale puns this needs to stop. You look to your side to see Wally opening his eyes and sitting up tiredly, rubbing them with his fists. This moment seems oddly familiar, vaguely familiar. You look at your hands for wounds, scared that you might have actually gotten hurt from those parental units in your nightmare. No. You're all good. And Wally is still there alive. Thank fucking Arceus for that.

"(Nickname)? It's really early.... did you have a nightmare?"

You just look at Wally. Your cheeks feel a little ticklish so you wipe them off. Wait, are these tears? Are you crying? Wow, you're getting a huge sense of Deja vu. Whatever, you don't care. All you really care about right now is that Wally is safe and alive and right here next to you. Wally isn't  pile of ash. That's all that really matters right now.

"Wow, you never have nightmares. It was always me who had them. What did you do when I had nightmares again? Oh, yeah."

Wally was just mumbling to himself. It was adorable but you were too frightened and relieved to comment on it. Wally then took you into his arms and laid the two of you back down, throwing the covers over you. Then, to make it different than when you were six years old, Wally pressed a sweet, gentle, and warm kiss to your forehead. You let your eyes close and your mouth curl into a smile. All insecurity left your being. Everything was okay. Wally was okay. It was all just a nightmare. Wally's next works would confirm this statement.

"It's alright. It's just a nightmare."

1296 Words

This was really bad I'm sorry. Thanks for reading anyways and I love ya!


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