When I Saw Your Face [Calem x Idol!Reader]

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Request by Yunasviell! This was delayed due to the fact that I had another's oneshot I really wanted to do. Sorry Yuna! (Your new nickname from me, lol) 

Without any further delay, it's STORYTIME!!!

You were in disguise, not wanting to be recognized by anyone in Lumiose City. You're a PR video trainer number one on trending and you're also a Showcase Coordinator. Different from a regular Contest Coordinator, a Showcase Coordinator has a totally different objective and way to preform. That's besides the point. The point was you were in Soleil café trying not to be recognized and just wanting a nice coffee and a cute little cake. You sat down at the table, airings for your order to be completed, when a boy worn raven hair walked into the cafè. You two made eye contact and your heart went BOOM.

You tried to catch his eye from the side of the ballroom, Everybody's dancing and the band's top volume. Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine. Grab my sister and whisper "yo, this one's mine!" Is what WOULD have happened if your name was Elizabeth Schuyler back in 1780 during a Winter's Ball. What happened instead is that you just kept an eye on him as he took his order. He was about your age. You're, what? Thirteen years old? At least in this oneshot you were! He looked about twelve or thirteen. You watched him carefully. He sat down at a table right next to your own and he brought out a Pokémon. He had a Froakie. How cute! He must be a trainer working along with Professor Sycamore. You watched as his water type Pokémon leaped into his arms And he began to shower the Pokémon with affection. That gave you an idea. Operation Small talk is a go!

"Hey, is that a Froakie? That's so awesome! That makes you one of Sycamore's five selected Kids, right? Man, you must be so lucky!"

The rwvenette boy just looked at you for a moment, confused like heck. He then looked down at Froakie me gave you a clumsy smile. He was fo freaking cute! Sure, you didn't even know his name but he looked super adorable! You just want to take photos of him in adorable outfits and spoil him like a baby Pokémon! Or a baby! Just spoil him! He looked do dang precious you were going to die! And based on that smile he also acted super precious.

"Yeah, I guess. To be honest I've always wanted to be a trainer. Professor Sycamore just gave me that chance with Froakie. I wouldn't call myself lucky  maybe fortunate would be a better word here. I'm Calem by the way, what's your name?"

Oh shit. You just realized if you say your real name someone might overhear and recognize you. You can't tell him that your name is (name)! Uh, you had to think of something fast! What was a good name for you? Let's just go with something that's completely bland and gender neutral like Alex! Yeah! Your fake, disguise name is officially Alex!

"I'm Alex! Wow, it's nice to meet you Calem! So I'm just wondering, what's your goal as a trainer? Make PR videos... Showcases... Gym battles... Knowledge and Discovery... I'm just curious about you!"

You try your best to make that sound as lesst creepy as possible. Calem looks at you a while, just staring into your eyes. You feel yourself growing more and more nervous. Then he finally gives you an answer, relieving the tension in the atmosphere. To your surprise, he didn't answer your question. He actually exclaimed something you really didn't want you to exclaim.

"That's how I remember you! Shauna keeps gushing about Trainer PR Videos and Serena loves Showcases and both of them talk about you all the time! Your name is actually (name), isn't it? Wow, and I thought my brain was playing tricks on me when I thought you looked familiar!"

You blushed deep red and looked around the café. Thank Arceus nobody overheard. You laughed it off nervously, the mood and tone of this oneshot completely shifting from love at first sight to being discovered as an idol and trying to keep your secret in front of a super cute boy. In all seriousness he is super duper cute. Back to the actual plot of the story you rubbed the back of you're neck like an anime character would and clumsily smiled back at him. Looks like the clumsy smiles went full circle.

"Yeah, Ha Ha... you caught me! Now, I really didn't want to be noticed today and I just want to learn more about you. Are you going for the gym challenge or Pokémon research? PR videos or showcases? I'm curious..."

And that's how you started your first date-not-a-date with your future husband.

802 Words

God I'm the most pathetic worthless author in the entire world I'm sk sorry thid was garbage. You deserve better Yuna! Everyone deserves better!


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