Night in Nimbassa [N x Reader]

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The first legitimate request made by FluffyPokemonChild. I don't think I need to say anything else.


Where was he? You practically lost him. You were looking for the King of Team Plasma: N. Lord Ghetsis ordered you to go after him and watch him as he goes to Nimbassa city to enjoy the little "festival" there. After learning of his little sneaking out to go ride the Ferris wheel Ghetsis told you to keep an eye on him. But it's hard to keep an eye on him if he sprints to the next thing like an excited little five year old hyped up on a thousand jolly ranchers and a case of Monster energy drinks!

Oh, here he is! N was at a booth, trying his best to throw some random baseball at a tower of bottles to knock them over and win a giant stuffed toy that looked like a substitution doll. You chuckled to yourself, watching from inside the crowd. He three all three and missed. He never was good at any kind of sports or sport related things. Looks like he's also hopeless at baseball. You rolled your eyes and pushed your way through the crowd over there. N was slouching. He used up the last bit of money he could, the rest was for the entrance fee for the Ferris wheel. He can't miss that. It's  the best part of the Nimbassa Fair.

"I'll take a go."

You say, placing the money you need for a set of three baseballs. Not to brag or anything, but as a kid you were pretty much the star of your baseball team. You're sure you can knock it down in one go. You look over at N. He is dazed but with a big hopeful grin on his face. Honestly, the king of team plasma could be so adorable sometimes. No wonder why Athena and Concordelia love to fuss over him sometimes. He wanted the substitution doll, right? You were going to win it. THe guy at the booth just smirks and takes a step back so you can throw.

You take the first baseball. Wait, what the hell!? This wasn't a baseball! This was weighted not and had some form of stickum on it! You could tell. You played with cheaters before in the sandlot. You scoffed and tried to wear the stickum off as much as you could. You tossed the ball in the air in your hand a little to try and get a feel for the weight. The weight was shifting like sand. This guy just loved to scam hopeful little kids out of their money, huh? You'd show him wrong. You placed your fingers on the ball like you were going to do a two-seam pitch. You chuck the ball at the bottles as hard as you can. If you thrown it hard, it will take longer for the delay of weight to hit. If you aim fir the top bottle, it'll drop towards the center of the stack or bottom and knock all three bottles off. It's the smart way to play. Con a conman, ya know?

The bottles fly off the pedestal with a loud thud. You smirk and watch the man's face lose its color. You look over at N. He was smiling and he ran over to you and gave you out a a big hug. It was awkward, but could you blame him? It's N. He has literally no social skills. The man sighed and got the substitute doll off of the hook. You took it and give it to N, who just snuggled it like a littler kid would. You felt a pang go through your heart. He was too adorable you just can't. He smiled up at you.

"Thank you so much (name)! Come on! The it's time for the Ferris Wheel!"

N must be really really excited then. You couldn't help but smile warmly in an almost mother lay way and let him take you by the hand. He was walking fast weaving through the crowd. It was impressive for a tall boy such as himself to do. You could see the Ferris Wheel towering over the massive cluster crowd of Unova people. It was that high!? No wonder Master N loved it. He could see over the entire region. He could see everyone he was destined to rule over. He could see all the Pokémon he was going to see to free. He could feel free as well. 

N took out some pokedollars from his pocket, about thirty. You had to pay for the entrance fee? Oh no. You aren't going to allow that to happen. You took out your own wallet and halted in the line for the Ferris wheel. N was so excited. You squeezed his hand, which he had a hold of yours quite tightly. N turned around innocently, smiling like a child. You held up your wallet and smiled at him.

"Don't worry, Master N. I'll cover the charges."

His eyes literally lit up like a Star in the sky.


You nodded. He shoved his money back in his pocket and was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. He didn't let go of your hand at all while he did this. The Ferris wheel stopped moving again and they were starting to filter out the people. Soon enough, you made it to the admissions stands. Thirty pokedollars per person. That was insane! Thirt whole pokedollars!? You were about to yell at them about a rip-off but then you looked over at N. He was so happy and excited. You sighed and with a pout of your lips surrendered the sixty pokedollars. You walked into the little car thing and sat down across from N. He sat on his knees and looked out the window excitedly.

"Today I heard they were going to put on fireworks, celebrating the day Team Rocket was defeated back in Kanto. Do you want to watch Next to me?"

He asked awkwardly, a little bit of pink hidden in his cheekbones. You felt your own face heat up. It would be irresponsible of a Plasma Officer to disregard a request of their lord. You nodded and walked over to his side of the car. Right when you sat down next to him, squished together and watching the night sky and ground, you started to to lift up. You tensed up as you could see the ground slowly leave you and everyone else turned into specks. You felt a pit in your stomach and you didn't know what you were doing. You buckled up. You grabbed whatever was closest to you. It turned out to be N's wrist. You completely forgot in the heat of the moment you were terrified of heights. Good job you, good Star for very good job.

"(Name)? Are you okay?"

You looked away and just stared at the ground. Was this thing shaking? You swore it was shaking. You were feeling a little bit dizzy. You can't let N know that. He was looking forward to this. You don't want to ruin the Ferris Wheel for him. After taking a few deep breaths you managed to flash a smile at your prince. Literally. He's the king of team plasma. Taken that however you want.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tell me when the fireworks start so I can watch with you."

N nodded, smiling that childish grin again. Suddenly there was a large bang that's made you jump. You heard N gasp. He squeezed your hand excitedly and was bouncing a little bit. You glanced over st him, watching the awe and light hit his eyes. He was so adorable. He was so precious. He made you proud to be a member of Team Plasma. Sure enough, N kept his promise.

"Hey! The fireworks are starting! Look look!"

You braces yourself and looked at the dark night sky. You used all your willpower not to look at the ground and increase your Nausea. You watched as an explosion of light hit the the sky. Green, red, and blue mixed with the yellow stars and the full moon further brought out the beauty of the sky. That's pit in your stomach faded away as you held N's hand. These were fireworks? They were so pretty. They were so beautiful. You felt that wonder and excitement you could clearly see in N's eyes within yourself. You were so glad you spent those sixty pokedollars to come up here with N.

Should I let you in on a little secret? N planned this. He knew that his father has been sending you to watch him on fridays when he comes here. He always did like you. You're one of the nicest people towards him in team plasma, treating him like a person. Kind of like his sisters but different. He wanted to bring you to see the fireworks this whole time. He was planning it. Now, he was doing what he knew you were. Adoringly gazing st the expressions of wonder you pull when the fireworks burst in the sky. He held your hand inside of it, feeling the warmth radiated off of it. You hit the top of the Ferris wheel and a giant red firework explodes in the shape of a heart. He watched you gasp and smile, a little bit of blush rushing to your cheeks. He knew enough about other people to know what you were thinking about. And it's okay.

He thought it too.

1574 Words

Okay I can be halfway proud of that one. This was adorable! I'm sorry for adding in thst fear of heights out of nowhere. I just thought it may bring some depth to the situation. Did you like the twist at the end? Lol. I know he's OOC. I've never been good at capturing N's perosnality.

First request down! THanks for reading everyone and I love you so so so so much!


Pokemon Boiz, Gurlz, And Non-Binary Peoplez x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now