It's Going to be Okay [Hau x Reader] (Poem)

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Alright, so here is where you see my first poem story, or story where I format it like a poem. When this happens, I'm either uninspired or really really sad. Guess which one it is? Forget it. It's both. I don't know what to do for Hau.... let's just hope I can make a narrative with this

Request by ____LEXI____



Are not


You're sad all the time

After your father died

You've secluded yourself from 




Lillie and Gladion

Sun and Moon


You've lost your dad

The only parent you love

He taught you how to be you

Smiled and told you

"It is going to be okay"

But now he isn't here to tell you that

And it's not

You finally decided

It was time

To open up again,

But only slowly.

You invited one person over

The one who means the most

Your beloved boyfriend


He wasn't energetic, overbearing, or too much.

He was cognizant of you

He understood

He toned it down

He was compassionate and listened closely when you spoke.

That's why you love him

He's patient

He understands

And he loves 


"Don't worry

I'm here

I understand

And I will wait for you

To be okay.

But know

No matter what

In the end





And you believed Hau

For the first time since he died

You thought 

You'll be okay

I'm so sorry this is garbage I'm garbage I will just leave now....


Pokemon Boiz, Gurlz, And Non-Binary Peoplez x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now