You Are My Dad, You're My Dad! BoOgIe WoOgIe WoOgIe [Grimsley x Reader]

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Because we all could use a domestic dad being the best dad he can be. I'm honestly surprised that the entire title fit. Have a heartfelt oneshot even though the title is a vine reference. The song is amazing and i 10/10 recommend.


Grimsley is honestly the best dad in the history of dads. You're his spouse and you've just (adopted/birthed) a beautiful baby boy named (son's name) and you love him with all your heart. He's only about six or seven months old and he cries a lot. It's amazing how Grinsley has managed to keep calm and be such an amazing dad. Im going to guess you want examples? Alright. Here we go:

Example One:)

It was about eleven at night, or at least you thought it was, perfect time to feed (son). You had your alarm set for ten fifty five so you could wake up before him with his newly fixated feeding and sleeping schedule. But you didn't wake up to the sound of an alarm. You just woke up on your own. You sat up in the bed and didn't feel the weight of your husband there. Instsntly you panicked and looked at the clock. Five forty five. Five forty five in the freaking morning. You slept past the alarm! You threw yourself out of bed and got a robe on as soon as possible (you sleep in your underwear in this fanfiction) and run out the door.

You look all through the downstairs of your two story house, but no Grimsley and no (son). Panic override. Parent sensations are tingling. You pass through the kitchen, living room, and dinning room but your boys aren't there. You race up the stairs, not caring how loud your feet pounded and if you woke up Grimsley's Pokémon who had free reign of the house at home. You raced to the baby's room and instant relief washed over your entire systems. There were your boys, safe and sound. Parenting sensations can stop tingling now. Everything is okay.

There was Grinsley, sitting in the rocking chair you had in the room for reading bedtime stories to your beauitful baby boy and for feeding him late at night in comfort. Grimsley had the baby boy held against his chest and he was sleeping just as sound as (son). You felt your heart melt at the sight. You walked over to your boys and pressed a kiss to the forehead of both. You watched both of them warmly smile in their sleep. You turned around to walk out of the room when you felt the faint grasp of Grimsley's slender hand wrap around your wrist. You turned back around and saw his colbalt eyes barely open, staring right at you. He was obviously very tired. You held his hand and crouched down in front of him in the chair.

"Thank you, Grimm. I know you let me sleep. Now why don't you get back to bed? I can handle him on my own until you wake up. You look like you need it~"

You whisper-coo to your husband. Grimsley lnew better than to fight you on this, much less when he's tired as hell. He yawned and handed you the baby before walking down the stairs back to your shared bedroom. The whole time (son) remained asleep. You sat down in the rocking chair in Grimsley's place, lightly rocking back and forth to make sure he remains asleep. The seat was warm. How long was Grimsley sitting here? You notice several pre-made bottles of baby formula. He must have been here a while. You were filled with DETERMINATION to let him sleep and take care of your child on your own.

Example Two:) 

Grimsley had work today so he wouldn't be home until eight o'clock tonight, leaving you with (son) until then. There were only two more hours until he was home, but you'd guess he would be irritable like he could get sometime. He texted you about Shauntal and Caitlyn bugging him again so you guessed he would be extremely tired. You decided to make him dinner! You already had the boxes of noodles and red sauce out on the counter. In an hour you start the red sauce and boiling the water for the Spaghetti. You can never go wrong with Spaghetti! It's just a pain to give (son) a bath afterwards...

Skipping time to when Grimsley walked into the door you were already sitting the table and you had a very awake, playful (son) sitting in his little booster seat. You decided not to give him spaghetti and made him a cut up peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You managed to figure out how to cut the sandwhich into strips small enough where's he can eat them on his own. What a smart Seven Month Old! You looked up from your task and saw a very disshelved Grimsley. He looked like he had a headache and quite the workout. You walked over to him and gave him a big hug and kiss on the lips. Grimsley happily reciprocated. When the two of you pulled away, you stared lovingly into his eyes.

"Welcome home, Grimm. (Son) and I have been waiting."

Grinsley chuckled and walked with you over to the dinner table. He leaned over and gave his son a kiss on the forehead. Even after a long day at work he can remain calm and happy enough to have a nice dinner with his family. He doesn't lash out when he's stressed. He isn't unpleasant in the slightest. He's the most amazing dad ever. You can't help but feel proud of him for being such a wonderful man, contrary to popular belief. Grimsley picked up the two forks you left on the table as well as two napkins and set them up. He took the salt shaker and lightly salted both of your plates, knowing how you never can Guadeloupe how much salt to add to the red sauce. He holds out a chair for you and you sit down, he pushes your chair in and you just beam. You love this man with all your heart.

Example Three:) 

"Well Crap."

Grimsley groaned. You look up from doing the dishes to see Grimsley holding up (son) from under his Arms. First of all you're proud of Grimsley for not swearing. He used for be bad about that. You didn't want your son's First words to be 'Arceus fucking damn it, after all. Secondly you saw his diaper sag. You sighed and got ready to pry of the latex gloves you used for washing the dishes to go get (son). Grimsley must have seen your annoyance. You were a little bit irritable at that moment. Grimsley let out a breath of his own and asked another question.

"Where's the downstairs baby changing station."

You pointed towards the bathroom and Grimsleh went to go change the baby. You just stood there, completely awestruck. Grimsley would always complain and swear that he will NEVER be the one to change a stinky diaper. Based on that diaper sag it had to be one big load of crap. That can be confirmed when you heard Grimsleh swear like a sailor.


You couldn't even yell at him for that. That was the first time he has ever changed a diaper. He's seen you do it several times so you didn't doubt him. You just went back over to the sink, pulling your Dexter's Mom gloves back over your arms and grabbing the sponge. We wash our dishes with our hands in this household. You made a mental note to thank Grimm Later for being such a great husband and dad. You're so proud of Grimsley Words can't even describe it!!! 


But sex can~

Sorry sorry I had to include that ending! 

Woah, 1303 Words? I'm super proud of this one! I know I have requests but I've been wanting to do this one since I re-opened the book but more requests backed me up. I think after working hard and since Christmas was yesterday I deserved to do what I wanted beforehand doing what you want.

Fun fact: PokemonSandwich requested a grimsley oneshot in the middle of example two. So I guess you could count this as a request? Idk. 

Thanks for reading! I love you guys! Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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