Stay With Us? [Possesive!Ingo x Reader x Possesive!Emmet]

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Request by GhostPerson245! But we are changing it up a bit by making it about BOTH Boiz! Haijin Law! I'm also too lazy to do desperate requests and I have three backed up after this lol. I'm the one who asked for this, wasn't I?


You felt a hand on both wrist curl around and yank  backwards. You were a challenger to the battle subway and were just about to leave for the third time. You kept coming back, determined to finish the battle and emerge victorious with your team of amazing Pokémon. Turns out you weren't going to leave and get the chance to come back here after all. You collided back first with something, more like someone, and the grinning face of the cherry conductor smiled down at you.

"Where are you going, (name)? Don't you want to play with us a little more?"

His voice cooed to you like you were a little baby. You just froze there, his arms wrapped around you as if trying to embrace you. You stared directly upwards at Emmet, just smiling and waiting for you to answer. You look forward rather than up to see Ingo standing there with his normal stone-faced expression. He walked closer to you and placed his hand on the side of your face. It was oddly comforting. You closed your eyes for a moment only to open them again and see a small smile painted over Ingo's lips. 

"We would surely think so. Nobody has ever come back to us. You came back twice. Surely you don't want to leave us, right?"

Emmet pushed some of your hair back from out of your eyes and Emmet snuggled a bit into you from behind, craning his neck and resting his chin resting on your shoulder. You were just frozen in time, trying to process everything that was going on. Was this kidnapping? Was this Stockholm Syndrome? Probably because you felt like you didn't want to leave the twins alone. You kept thinking abut their words, dripping with loneliness and some sort of eerie yandere aura. 'Play with us a little more' and ''Nobody has ever come back to us' stuck out like a sore thumb. You were the only reoccurring challenger. You must mean a lot to them, despite the fact you've only seen them three times. You flashed a bright, cheery smile to match Emmet's normal optimistic expression at Ingo. You put your hands over one of Emmet's For reassurance. Welcome to Stockholm Syndrome kids! I'm joking, obviously. (Only half joking)

"I guess I can't leave you two all on your own, can I?"

You felt Emmet lift his head and watched Ingo pause. You were confused. You thought they desperately wanted you to stay. You squeaked when you felt yourself being picked up. You found yourself staring right up at Emmet as he swung you around in his arms, laughing and exclaiming happily.

"(Name) is staying! They're staying with us forever and ever Ingo! We won't be alone anymore! We finally get a friend!"

Emmet let you go and instantly you were pulled back yet again into the embrace of Ingo, who rested his head on top of yours and kept you tight to his chest. Unlike with being in Emmet's embrace, you were directly facing Ingo. You let yourself close your eyes and completely relax, hugging Ingo back. He seemed like the kind to be desperate for a hug. You listened to Ingo's heartbeat at the given chance. It was slow and relaxed, not quickened like you would have thought.

"You... you'll actually stay? I can't believe this worked... I can't explain how happy I am. How happy we are..."

You felt something Ram into the two of you from behind. You heard giggling as Emmet made the embrace into a loving three-way group hug similar to how a family would have it. You felt safe. You felt happy. You felt like staying here forever and forever was the right thing to do. You smiled and closed your eyes, letting yourself become a subway master sandwich. How could this be the wrong decision?


A year Later there was a new, popular subway added to the Haijin station: Triple battles. At the end challengers would face Ingo, Emmet, and the newest addition to the Subway Boss Family. In a gray cunductor's hat and jacket was (name). With a smile and a wicked glint in their eye ultimately they would Be the one To knock out a challenger and encourage them to come right back. 

With you by the side of your two lovely twins, more challengers kept coming back and ere filled with determination to win. Emmet had a playmate he could always stack Joltiks with. Ingo had someone to talk to Seriosuly. Both boys had someone to hold them and do whatever they wish. You were the best thing to happen to those boys. None of you could even try to imagine what would have happened to them if you ran away from them at day. Nobody even wanted to imagine it. This life was to perfect to throw away.

"We love you, (name)."

The boys would always chant and remind you. You were their lover after all, and they were your boyfriends. Every time you would smile and kiss their nose right back, confirming and reciprocating their feelings.

"I love you too."

885 Words

Wow, I'm pathetic aren't I? This is just terrible. I'm so sorry I'm such a terrible author this was super short. I thought of an idea and tried my best to do it. Clearly, I failed.

Also, important message alert:

I'm sorry to everyone I rejected their request, I'm just not good at writing about the protagonist characters you want and I want to finally finish this list of requests before I even do anything, then I want to be able to write what I want.

Okay, this is a long enough ending note. I need to work on the Striaton law request next. Toodles.


Pokemon Boiz, Gurlz, And Non-Binary Peoplez x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now