I Still Love Him [Gladion x Reader]

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Request by Angel_Fanfiction and I am terrible at writing Gladion but I'm so happy for a request I don't care and I'm gonna try my best. Sorry in advance.

You met him in Po town. You were there visiting a family member you haven't seen in forever since they got a new job. Your family was running low on money. Your sister lost her job and went into depression. She met a guy and girl and introduced her to Team Skull, where she has a second family and her depression has gotten a lot better. You went there to thank these people personally. In her letters she said their names were Guzma and Plumeria. 

You saw someone sitting on the dock. He was wearing a black hoodie and wearing these headphones with MCR and P!ATD stickers on the sides. Based on his clothes and the back of his head (all you could see) you assumed this was Guzma. Your sister did explain how he dressed like a thug sometimes and how his favorite song was The Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! At The Disco. So you approached him with a big smile, holding them lterr you were going by as a reference to who these life changing people were.

"Hey! My name is (name). It's nice to finally meet you!"

Gladion took off his headphones and rose an eyebrow. Someone wanted to meet him? That's new. Normally people can't stand him or hate him. His mother hates him, most of Team Skull hates him, he even is starting to think his sister is starting to hate him. Gladion saw a letter in your hand with a Team Skull sticker on it and instantly remembered how a lot of people write to their families. You must be another person looking for Guzma or whatever. This isn't the first time he's been mistaken by the old man. Gladion scoffed.

"If you're looking for Guzma I'm not him."

Oh, you felt really bad now! Maybe your sister mentioned who this guy was? Blonde hair, green eyes, hella cute... oh! She might have mentioned him in the letter you brought! Maybe you could make it up to him! He seems to have an awesome taste and music and could use some company. You scanned the note for names. You noticed near the bottom she was talking about a new recruit named Gladion who she said had rooster-like hair. Yep, his hair was rooster-like. This must be Gladion!

"Well, Yeah, But it's still nice to meet you instead! Gladion, right?"

Gladion flinched. You knew his name?! Whoever your relative is they must have made fun of him or something. Gladion felt a Heat or something like that rise in his cheeks. He took his phone out of his pocket, not bothering to hide his phone case which had the team skull logo on the back, and paused the album he was listening to. Right in the middle of Set It Off's Dream Catcher. One of his favorite inspirational punk songs. He took off his headphones for good and let them rest on his neck. He looked into your eyes.

"Yeah, I'm Gladion. What have you heard about me?"

Gladion would be going to hell for lying if he said he wasn't at least a little bit Excited. Was thst the right emotion? Nervous? Anxious? Nervoucited? That pretty much explains it. Nervoucited. A mix of nervous and excited. He was practically rocking back and forth. Meanwhile in your brain you were panicking. He was freaking adorable and all your sister mentioned was that he was some edgy dork and has rooster hair! You didn't want to be rude, seeming that he was so nice to you! You tried to assume a few things, even though on Tumblr you'd be scolded for doing just that.

"Well, my sister said she likes your style! She loves how you don't care what anyone thinks and wear your hair how you like it! Plus your jacket is really nice and I love it personally! She said you always act like an edgy kid, which she thinks is hiding insecurity. I don't know everything she thinks, but I know I'd  love to get to know you a lot more!"

You grinned at him, hoping that would work. Gladion just stared at you. Nobody was ever so nice to him before. Was he really that obvious? He knew the eyeshadow was overstepping his boundaries a little bit. For the first time in a long while he smiled genuinely, as if he was actually happy for once.

"Yeah. I'd like to get to know you too."

You watched his face go red and him avert his eyes. Only then did you notice his hand and him leaning a bit towards you only for him to pull away. You wanted to giggle but he started being s total tsundere before you could really say anything.

"But not because I want to or anything! You just need someone to introduce you to what we do around here and crap! I don't like you, idiot!"

You were fighting back the urge to tease him and say something like "I never said anything about that~" or be flirty and say something like: "abuts what if i like you~?". But nah, you decide not to be a tease and just smile and laugh at him as he crossed his Arms. Gladion looks back st you from the corner of his eye and can't help but smile just a little bit again. A friend. Someone who actually enjoys him being around. 

He was going to like this a lot.

You decided to stay after meeting Gladion, Plumeria, and Guzma. Your sister was overjoyed to have you staying with her and to meet her friends. She was so happy. You haven't seen her like this in years. Team Skull really wasn't bad. They were good people who do bad things just so they can help themselves. It's like one big family here. Including you and Gladion. He became happier. Uncharacteristically happier. He was still a tsundere edgy teen, but he showed more of himself when around you. That you loved.

1021 Words

Awww this one is pathetic compared to the last one. I'm sorry guys. I tried. This was going to be based on the video above but it just turned out to be the first half to I took out the lyrics lol.

Thanks for reading and I love you all! Bye bye~


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