Ugh, Boys. [Lisia x Fem!Reader]

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Number one of the oneshots I wanted to do on my day. Remember, through the duration of today I will ignore all requests. Today is the day where I cannot let my own creativity spill and do the characters I want to do.

Lisia is too underrated omg.


You love Lisia and you love her passion for Contests, but with being a Contest Star comes a fanbase. Her fanbase is mostly boys. You and I both know how the majority of teenage boys are. Boys are constantly trying to take your girl. Mister Steal Your Girl is pretty much every guy in the crowd when she's preforming, not to mention teenage boys are 90% perverted. Some were cool and chill, others are pushy and don't care even when she says that she isn't into guys. Those are the type of boys that really make your blood boil. Like right now!

It was after  contest and Lisia was talking to a crowd of her fans. Some of them were little girls looking up to her as a role model, there were maybe two chill people and some parents here with their kids. The rest were teenage boys who couldn't keep their eyes off her chest and legs. Seriosuly? Her eyes are up on her face, pay attention to that and not her body you sick boys. This is the exact reason you're lesbian, you can't stand boys. Call you Tumblr, but they all seem to be green eyed perverts. Except a select few. Ugh, Boys.

"Thank you all for coming to see me and Ali today! We both appreciate it!"

She cheered out to her audience, eating some cheers in response. You couldn't help but smile warmly from within the the crowd. Your girlfriend was always one for hype. She was pure, innocent, and energetic. Three lovely things you can't help but love about her. But the nice atmosphere instantly changed when one of the teenage boys shouted at her, almost like a heckler to a comedian.

"Hey! Strike a cute pose!"

Oh no. They were going to go there weren't they? You instsntly spotted a group of boys taking out their phones, their screensaver of Flannery or Winona without her sky suit on. Perverts. You looked back a ton your girlfriend with fingers crossed. Please so no, please say no, please say no. You know better Lisia!

"Umm, okay? I don't get why though. Here ya go!"

Lisia jumped up a bit, putting her hand on her hip and getting some rufflage out of the tiny skirt thing she wore. She wore a big happy grin and she winked. A lot of people in the crowd oohed, awwed, and gave her a short applause. You watched the boys taking photos. Then one of them whispered to another. Wicked grins spread over their faces. You take special notice of one taking a zoomed in picture of her stomach and waistband. You were almost at your limit, clenching your fists at your side.

"Hey, why don't you come take selfies with us! We can treat you to lunch later too."

Nope. Bags of nope. Stupid boys. You started pushing through the back of the crowd to get back around to the area where Lisia was. You didn't get to see her reaction to that, but you could hear it clear as day. Her response to the icky perverted teenage boys was one to make you proud as a girlfriend.

"Sorry, but I can't! My girlfriend wouldn't like it if I did that and I'm really busy today! We're going to Stoopolis later to hang out with my Uncle Wallace!"

You could tell the boys were about to protest and try to convince her to go with them. Like she said, she wasn't. She wasn't going anywhere with those icky perverted teenage boys. You walk up right behind her And embrace her fro: behind, glaring daggers at the boys. You watched as each of them lost the color from their faces and extanged looks. They knew you from last time. They knew you don't mess around. That's the kind of Reputation you get when you are the daughter of an elite four member after all. Thank you Sidney and Phoebe for getting married and having a child that nobody knew about until recently when you started your gym challenge.

"She said she was going to hang out with me, her girlfriend. Now scram."

You seethed at the boys and they instantly scrambled off and away. You let go of Lisia. That's a lie. You just stopped hugging her. You held onto her hand tightly and snarled as you watched those boys run away with their metaphorical tails in between their legs. Lisia just laughed a little bit awkwardly and shoved you playfully in the shoulders.

"(Nickname) you didn't have to be so rude to them! They're stil my fans after all!"

You turned around, losing all hostility in your being. You place your hand on the side of the cheek, not minding the crowd. They all support and ship you two anyways. You've seen the fan blogs. You craned your neck and kissed your girl on the nose.

"Sorry, just can't help but get jealous when other people want your attention..."

And ain't that the damn truth.

865 Words

Yep, it's short. But it seems good. Who am I kidding it's not.  Whatever. It's my day just to let my creativity pour and if this is the byproduct than so be it. Sorry though for such a terrible oneshot.


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