Ashore [James x Reader]

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This is directly copied and pasted from a complete book of mine called It's Not Rocket Science. It's buried in my stories but if you scroll down far enough I'm sure you could find it. 


James stirred himself awake, sitting up to see water crashing into his legs all the way up to his belt. He felt wet sand falling off of him as his back lifted off the ground. He clenched his fingers to confirm it. Yes, it was sand. James looked to his left and right. No sign of Jessie or Meowth. No that was extremely odd. Normally whenever Team Rocket blasts off, they blast off together. Besides when they separate it's supposed to be Meowth who's left on his own. James hasn't been left on his own since, well, forever!

James reached around his belt, sighing in relief when he realized his Pokémon was still there. He took the pokeball and released him just to be sure. Inkay hopped out of the pokeball, twirling around in the air and ready for anything. James smiled as Inkay went towards him for a big hug. James hugged Inkay tight.

"I'm glad you're here with me at least."

That's when James noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. He and Inkay both turned to see there were various semi large rocks around the beach. Upon closer inspection James could tell one of them was moving. He and Inkay shared a look, San if both trainer and Pokémon ere deciding if they investigate it as a team. James doesn't have Jessie to take orders from, so he had to look to Inkay for them. A mindset is hard to break if it still been through Kanto to Kalos.

James stood umm the weight of the water in shin clothes and sand in his lavenders hair making the task in itself quite difficult. Once he was back in his own two feet he walked over to the the movijg rock. Inkay followed James quietly, hovering around him protectively. James knelt down in front of the rock, reaching out to it. As he was about to pick it up...

It turned out to be a Dwebble! A Unova native Pokémon that must also be native to Kalos. The Dwebble jumped out of the shell trying to startle whoever got too close, like in Five Nights At Freddy's. James jumped back and fell onto his butt in he sand. Inkay, who merely flinched, started laughing along with the Dwebble at how jumpy James was. Once James recovered from the shock, he glared at the two Pokémon.

"Ha ha, very funny."

Inkay hovered down to Dwebble's level to give him a high five with one of his tentacles on his little claw. Before the two could celebrate startling James, who was a complete mess from the blast off prior to our story, a voice started calling out for the Dwebble who spooked James like Foxy on Night Four.

"Dwebble? Where are you? I know you're somehwere on this route!"

Dwebble giggled whatever kind of giggle that Pokémon had and hid right back inside of his rock. Inkay decided it was a good idea just to lay ontp of his rock she'll so that's exactly what's the little floating squid Pokémon did. James, however, sinoky turned his head and torso around to see you with your hands cupped around your mouth, eyes grazing over each stone. Then your eyes meet his and you flash him a smile. A smile! It's nice to be smiled at every once in a while. It felt nice.

"Hey! You must Be new. I haven't seen ha around Coastal Kalos before. Wait, backtrack. You haven't happened to see a Dwebble around here, haven't you?"

James just smiled at how wacky you were. Going out of your way to say "backtrack" and then actually rewinding your words was kinda fun to think about. James then scooted off to the side, not feeling like standing up with heaven pants and boots, and pointed to the rock shell. Inkay opened an eye and saw another human. He hopped off and went straight next to James's head for protection. People don't get close to him often, unless it's Jessie, so Inkay doesn't really trust strangers around James.

"Ah! Thank you! Dwebble! What did I tell you about coming here without telling me! Do you have any idea how worried I was for you?!"

James watched you walk up to the hermit crab Pokémon with pokeball in hand. The second you reached out for him the Pokémon decided to play peek-a-boo again. In hadn't no effect on you as you just tapped the pokeball against his head, forcing the Pokémon to return. With a huff of breath you sighed and stood up straight, tucking the pokeball back away in your bag. That's the last time you let your eye off of this mischievous Pokemon. Oh right! The lavender haired person sitting there! You turned to him and held out your hand to both shake it and help him up.

"Sorry for late introductions. I'm (name), it's a pleasure."

Having it be someone's pleasure to talk to him? That was a welcome change he would want any day. He took your hand, shook it, and then was surprised hen you pulled him up with little to no trouble at all. James caught his balance and stood up straight. Yep, he was taller than you, but not by much. You smiled up at him, waiting on him to say his part of the introduction. When it finally clicked in his brain touw atched him just go from a kind smile to a clumsy one.

"Oh, right! It's kind of hard to do this without a partner..."

James rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Wait, introductions without a partner was difficult? Did he do Staten performances or did he and his best friend have this secret thing where they introduce themselves as eachother? If so that is so awesome! You wished you had a friend you could do that with. Wait a minute, you can!

"I can do it with you! Just tell me what I need to say!"

James chuckled at your enthusiasm, but no. It wasn't the same without Jessie. If he was going to do it with someone, it had to be Jessie. Besides, who would be Meowth? Inkay? Speaking of Inkay he grew bored of being protective and decided you were friendly enough. He was hovering around all the rocks, hoping to find another Dwebble to Okay with whole the boring human trainers talk amongst eachother.

"It's fine, my name is James."

James was a cool name! You liked it! Then your eyes wandered to his hair, it was covered in the back with Sand. You looked down at his clothes and sure enough, they met the same fate mixed with dampness From the ocean. Oh dear, this simply won't do! You won't have any of his! You had to get him dressed and fixed up. That would be the polite thing to do, no? You had plenty of clothes that would probably fit him at home in Cyllage city. It was just north from here. YOu smiled warmly at James.

"Well then James, how about we go to my place? Fix you up with some new, warm clothes and give you a big meal before you send off to wherever you're supposed to go?"

Now you were offering him food!? If James could he wouldn't justness marry you right in the spot right now! Blasting off separately had to be the best thing that hasn't happened now in a while! New clothes, some food, and possibly a new friend who is just nice to him. Unlike a certain pink haired brat he knows. But he loves Jessie anyways. She has her moments. Where was he? Oh, right. The story. You just asked him if he's wanted to have lunch st our place and change.

"Yes! That sounds wonderful! Hold on a moment. Inkay! We're taking a visit to Cyllage city!"

Inkay flew away from the rocks and went right to James's side. Inkay probably didn't want to go in his pokeball anyways so why make him? James gestures you to take the lead and show him the way. With a big smile on both of your faces, you made your way to Cyllage City.

1379 Words

Again, if you liked this oneshot please go find the hook for the other five chapters. 

Thank you so much for reading and I'm sorry for my lack of updates! Inspiration is killing me...


Pokemon Boiz, Gurlz, And Non-Binary Peoplez x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now