Turt [Shauna x Reader]

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Don't ask why, just read and enjoy. I freaking love Turtwigs....


What is this thing? You and your girlfriend Shauna found an egg abandoned at the Pokémon center and decided to raise it together. However when's the egg hatched you saw a Pokémon you've never seen before. Bulbasaur was in Shauna's lap as she sat crisps crossed on the floor and you laid on your stomach. This Pokemon looked like a grass type Squirtle or something? But standing in four legs? It was adorable, but you were so confused. The Pokémon cheered happily at the two of you, fumbling to get out of the egg. You looked over at your girlfriend.

"Uh, Shauna. Is your Pokédex saying anything?"

Shauna held her Pokédex up to the Pokémon, who was kicking the shell off of its hind legs and fumbling around to do so. Once the Pokémon looked directly at Shauna, the Pokédex Reid to register. The deeper beeping noise meant that her Pokédex couldn't register the Pokémon and she sighed, shaking her head. This is quite the mystery, wasn't it? You noticed how the Pokémon was stumbling to walk over towards you. You smile at the small Pokémon and it makes a small sound. It sounded like someone saying 'Turt'. Was that it's name?

"Turt? Is that what you are? Are you Turt?"

You cooed to the tiny Pokémon, who cheered again! The Pokémon repeated the name you gave it like a baby with their its word. You're heart was melting because if the grassy turtle Pokémon. That's so freaking adorable. You smiled and the small Turt bumped into you, giving you an accidental nose kiss. Yep, you're keeping it. This is your Turt now. Everybody go home, you've officially fallen in love with this cutie patootie named Turt. Shauna set Bulbasaur down and laid down next to you. The bigger and stronger Bulbasaur walked up to tiny Turt, introducing himself to them. While Bulbasaur was greeting the new (probably) grass type into your lives, you started talking to your girlfriend Shauna. Well, more like she started talking to you.

"So are we going to bring Turt to the Professor? He should know how to identify this Pokémon and teach us how to properly take care of it."

You shook your head. If the Pokédex can't identify this Pokémon, then there's no way the professor can. Maybe you should just take it upon yourselves and learn along the way. Nurse joy trusted you two to take care of the egg and whoever hatched from it. If Turt happened to hatch from the egg than so Be it. You noticed how little Turt was trying to get Bulbasaur to play with them, jumping around and trying to tug at his vines to get him to play tag. It made you waonder what nature Turt was...

"If you don't want to bring Turt to Professor Sycamore... then what should we do (Nickname)?"

You let out a long sigh, pushing yourself off the ground and sitting up. Shauna follows you and you sit criss cross applesauce like a primary schooler or elementary schooler would do. You watch Bulbasaur give into Turt's playful temptation and they start to run around to his room, as if playing tag with one another. Turt just hatched and seemed to start getting used to their own weight, running just fine despite the obvious imbalance with their head to body ratio. You smiled and looked over at Shauna.

"I think we're going to be just fine raising Turt on our own."

581 Words

I think from the title we call could tell this is a crack shot. Hey! Don't worry! I'm still getting back into the swing of things! Hakuna mattata!

And by to easy on the requests I didn't mean none at all! Feel free to give me some ideas of what you want to see!


Pokemon Boiz, Gurlz, And Non-Binary Peoplez x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now