I Do [Cilan x Reader]

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Well well well. Looks like 13WiiU had a case of Striaton deficiency so she pulled out the Striaton law on me. THREE ONESHOTS RIGHT NOW LETS GO


There you were, happily sipping a tea and sitting at the table in the center of the resteraunt. Cilan, your boyfriend, could hardly take his eyes off of you. He remembers when he first met you. He was still a gym leader then. You challenged his gym and after yunlost asked for advice and thanked him. You came back a total of three times before you finally managed to beat him. You had to catch a pidove first though. He can take help but chuckle to himself thinking about it. After that you decided that gym battling wasn't exactly your thing. You settled around Striaton City and became a good family friend to the Striaton Siblings.

He remembers when he first asked you to go out with him. The gym just closed that year so Marlon could open his further along the Unova Reguon journey. You two were stargazing in the Dreamyard that night, reminiscing about the gym and trying to figure yourselves out. Cilan asked if you could figure everything out with him, by his side, as his lover. He remembered the way you feared up and squealed, hugging his neck like a woman from Louisiana when she sees her father after three years. Very tightly and full of so much love. He remembers asking for st least one of those hugs on a daily basis. He absolutely loves holding you.

Now here he is, six years after meeting you. He was fifteen then, he is twenty one now. Now he is legallly able to do this. He can legally have you forever. He remembers the endless babbling that goes on between you two. He remembers one time asking you what kind of children you want wanted when you were sixteen, going on Seventeen. He remembers being seventeen, going in eighteen. You just beamed and said as many as humanely possible because you love kids and you want to make sure his legacy is carried on. Then you proceeded to say that every single one of them would be little boys except for one: the Youngest baby girl. So she would have all her big brothers to protect her and so Cilan as another girl to spoil. The thought of having lots of children with you made his heart soar. It almost makes him wonder how many children tou want now.

Now here he was, waiting in the Striaton Gardens. His brothers were taking you on a scavenger hunt around the city. He knows how much you love puzzles and wonders. This was the perfect way to propose to you. Cress said he would shoot a text when you were at the last clue. Chili and Cress were doing this entire thing by your side, having fun with their new sibling in law. They already gave their blessings to Cilan. Cress offered being the best man. Chili really wants to be the flower girl. That's adorable to think about, but Cilan needs him to walk his beautiful future spouse down the aisle. Or himself if he decides to wear the dress. The specifics aren't set in stone. 

His phone vibrated in his pocket. He checked it just in case. Three missed messages from you and one new one from Cress saying they were almost there. Cilan was purposefully ignoring your texts. It may hurt him, but the whole thing was part of the surprise. He could see Chili running with you by then hand and Cress with his hands over his head in the distance. Cilan couldn't really wait any more. He was certain. He wants you. Just you. Nobody but you. He was ready to start your dream family.

"Cilan! What's all this? Your brothers had me halfway across town and then over here! Did you set this up? It was amazing!"

You laughed and pressed a kiss on his cheek. Chili and Cress stepped off, watching from a co soderable distance. Good. Cilan had to be thankful he had such understanding twin brothers. Triplets brothers? That is an odd thing to say for triplets. Whatever, forget the English language for now. He looked into your eyes. They were bubbly, full of light and joy. He could only imagine what kind of expression you'll pull when he bends down On one knee with a ring in his hands. Would you cry tears of joy? Would you squeal in delight? Would you faint out of overstimulation?  Would you remain calm? He didn't know, but he would love to learn.

"Yes, My Love. Now, I have a question for you..."

He peeked your interest. He then took the small black box out of his pocket. He watched your eyes widen and heard you gasp. You flung your hands over you mouth. Now he can't see the smile or frown you'll make. He still has your eyes, the very window to your soul. He got in his one knee and looked up to you. He flicked open the black box to reveal an interior made of red velvet. Not the cake red velvet, but the fabric velvet that I'd colored red. W beautiful diamond ring encrusted with emeralds on the band was revealed to you. Lots of silver and green shone into your vision. Tears brimmed your eyes and he could faintly hear your screaming. It looks like you would cry and shriek in joy. There's his answer.

"(Name). We've been together for six years now. Six long years and I know we have s long life ahead of us. You told me one day you wanted so many children. All boys except for one girl. You told me one day you want a big wedding in Striaton plaza where everyone in the city is invited. You told me you would never leave my side for as long as we both shall live. How about I make your wishes come true? What do you say, my love? Will you marry me?"

You shrieked out loud and were flailing your hands out of having too many emotions. A tear rolled down your cheek. Cilan stood up, taking this as a yes but not assuming anything. You flung yourself in his arms and embraced him. That warm, exaggerated embrace he hasn't grown addicted to. He held you right back and heard you're precious voice call out the same phrase that would change his, and your, life forever.


Chili was cheering in the distance and Cress just smiled and shook his head. Cilan had a dopey grin as he pulled your head off his shoulder. He looked deep in your eyes and kissed your lips ever so passionately. 

This was the start of the rest of your life.

1142 Words

Wow this was sweet. I liked this one. This is a delayed request from the person tagged above. They asked for the entire Striaton law, which Is good because Ohana. You know the definition. But I have school and homework and there's no way I can get the other twin done in the morning like this so take my word when I say chili and Cress will be done the second I walk home.

Thank you guys so much for reading you mean so much to me and I love you so much. Please leave your thoughts And even request if ya want. I don't mind having a list. Love y'all!


Pokemon Boiz, Gurlz, And Non-Binary Peoplez x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now