Skydiving [N x Suicidal!Reader]

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Requested by Trainer_NofUnova so....



You've always wanted to go skydiving one day. It was a dream after you learned your great uncle by your sister's marriage was the flying type gym leader on this very region. He loved flying, and so does your sister in law. Skydiving was just something you always wanted to feel. The wind on your fsce as you plummet down. It looks like you're going to get your wish after all. Too bad it's the last thing you'll ever do.

In Castelia City, they have tall buildings. Skyscrapers that give you the perfect height to feel yourself fall down, down, downwards into the concrete streets adorning the ground. You found the tallest building and walked up every flight of stairs, realign like you don't deserve the elevator. You walk up to the roof and feel the low ozone levels hit you. It's hard to breathe up here, isn't it? But it can't be as bad as Sky Pillar. You walk over to the ledge of the building, ready to take your dive and die. Relief washed over your body, knowing in just one jump this entire painful existence would be entirely over. 

But it won't be.

N was on the building, talking to some Pidove and other flying type Pokémon who we're having a hard time eating because they lived on the streets. He was feeding them with a loaf of Kalos Bread he bought in a shop (French bread pun) when he heard the door open. He hid on sight, still not being used to being around humans. He still didn't like humanity, but he understood them at least. He could hold a little bit of empathy for very, very few. Those who aren't trainers and those who are kind Pokémon.

N watched you walk to the side and open your arms out in a T pose. Wait, what were you doing? He was so confused. Then he realized you were going to fall! He didn't know you, but he knew nobody deserved to just fall and die like that. You would die if you fell from here! He lunged out of his hiding spot and rushed to go save you, flying Pokémon bolting over with him jistnin case you did fall. The flying type Pokémon could get you if N failed. You were already off and had your eyes closed. He was lucky to be able to grab your arm. He held onto it as tight as he could.

"Don't worry! I got you!"

You opened your eyes as the wind stopped hitting your face. Some green haired man with his long hair whipping in the breeze was holding onto your left arm with both of his big hands. Tears looked like they were spilling from his eyes. Bird Pokémon of all kinds felwa over and used their bodies to push you up. Why was he saving you? You wanted to fall. You wanted to die. Besides, when did he get here anyways? You were completely frozen as he pulled you up back to the rooftop and away from your skydiving dreams. He held you as if a mother held their child.

N felt these weird thing so he learned were emotions ball inside of him. You were trying to take your own life. If someone does that, that means they are too gentle to hurt anyone else. He noticed you had no pokeballs. You aren't a trainer. He could respect you. He held you close in fear that you would jump right back off again. He won't let that happen. Not now, not ever. You were his responsibility now.

"Please never do that again. Someone has to care for you, right? And if no one will, I'm sure I can help you get someone."

You felt tears weld up in your eyes. This boy was too much. You hugged him right back, feeling a warm embrace you haven't felt in so long. A warm embrace you haven't felt since you decided to release your starter Pokémon and not be a trainer. You knew Tepig was unhappy being cramped in a pokeball and battling all the time. You weren't happy forcing a helpess Pokémon to fight until it passes out. You couldn't help but let your words spill out like a carton of milk.

"I'm sorry! I can't. I can't! Everyone hates me for not wanting to battle and be a part of the legacy but I can't! I can't force Pokémon to get hurt on my behalf! I'm sorry I'm sorry! I just wanted to dive in the sky! I just wanted to feel the wind on my face as my last moments! I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

N could feel his heart break. The bird Pokémon he was friends with were all saying practically the same things. "N, help them." "N, I know this human! I was there when they fought with their sister!" "N. Please save them. They're just like you. They just can't hear us." "N, be friends with them!" So you weren't a trainer, you can't stand battling either. Now he had a huge reason to help you. He would do as the Pokémon say. He tried his best to comfort you just as Concordia and Anthea would comfort him in his days back at his castle.

"Everything is going to be okay. You don't have to if you don't want to. You can stay with me. You don't have to. You never will have to."

And that is the story about how N saved you from falling to your death. You let out a sigh and closed the little photo album of your entire life. You looked out to the children and Pokémon sitting around you in your rocking chair. Your grandchildren asked you how you met your husband, N. He is their grandfather after all. He was in the kitchen with his sisters and your children helping to make a vegan thanksgiving dinner, because you aren't sick and you don't eat Pokémon. Tofu for life! Lots of young Pokémon and the children stsrted for a moment. Then, your grandchild Sora decided to speak.

"Wow, (GranGran/Grampy), you really are lucky to have met Grandpa."

You just smiled, holding back your tears.

"I know."

1029 Words

Wow this was just terrible I am so sorry for making you read this crap I'm the worst author ever lol.


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