1: I May Not Show It

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* Anxiety's POV*

I woke up to the blinding light from my curtains which I had clearly forgotten to shut... again.

Slowly, and with an exaggerated sigh, I got up and shut them, before looking to my bedside table at my digital clock: 5:27am. 'great' I thought, 'another day of waking up early... weird'

I walked over to my closet, grabbed my regular outfit, and got changed, not forgetting to put eyeshadow on. Trudging over to my door, I took the cold handle and twisted it and stepped out into the hallway, peering around. 'I doubt anyone will be up,' I thought after stepping out and closing my door behind me...


I was sat on the couch, the tv at a low volume as I stared into the screen at the Disney movie, The Hunchback of Notre Dame -one of my favourites- it was almost finished when a yawning Prince came through the door.

"You're up?" he asked stepping over to me and glancing at the screen over my shoulder. I jumped and pressed the 'off' button on the remote before turning to see him.

"Yes... problem?..." I asked in my usual tone I gave to him. He chuckled, "How can I have a problem with Disney?" He smirked.

'frick... he saw...' I though, embarrassment filling my pale face.

"I didn't know you liked Disney. I though it was too bright and happy for you?" he said jokily with a smirk. I glared at him. "Yeah sure, whatever Princey... you know... Disney can be quite dark..." I added, trying to defend myself.

He looked as if he was about to say something back when Morality jumped into the living room... literally.

"Hey Princey, hey Kiddo!" he said happily. I looked over and gave him a small smile, "Hey Morality..." I greeted back.

Princey turned to him. "Hey! Seems like we're all up," he stated. I stood up and was about to head back to my room to avoid more interactions when Logic also came in, stopping in front of me. "Salutations Anxiety, did you have a good rest, after yesterda-..."

".... yes." I cut in. It came across a bit harsher than I was implying, but it got the message that I didn't wanna talk about it. He nodded as if he understood.

There was silence for a brief moment, before we all heard Thomas call us.


*Creativities' POV*

Once we had finished filming the video Thomas smiled and put the camera down, "Thanks guys! That was great! And thank you Anxiety. You contributed quite a bit," he smiled over to him. I looked over to see his reaction and he kinda just gave a small nod, nothing else.

Logic and Morality sank out shortly after, leaving me and Anxiety in the room alone, as Thomas had left to start editing the video. I went to go over to him to ask about yesterday when he gave me a 'dont' look. I stepped back a bit shocked, when he sunk out himself. I stood there confused before sinking down myself.

I appeared in the living room, Morality was already baking cookies, typical.... Logic has clearly headed to his room, and Anxiety was sat on the couch, his knees to his chest. I walked over and sat next to him. "Hey are you oka-..." he cut me off "..... I'm fine."

I thought he was being slightly more rude than usual, but I kept calm and collected. "Look, I may not show it, but I care about you. About all of you, so please, if there's something wrong, tell me." I stated, being truthful.

He looked at me in disbelief, before giving a small nod. 'That's it? I just get a nod?' I thought. I then sighed, "Whats wrong. What happened yesterday?" I asked again, this time surprisingly he didn't cut me off.

"N-nothing I-. I just had a small attack... that's all...." he said, looking at the floor, not making eye contact. "Okay well, if it happens again, my doors open." I replied, giving him a reassuring smile. He looked up and gave a smile back. A proper smile. I couldn't help but... blush?... that confused me, but I shook it off.

".... thanks.." he said before standing up. I grabbed his hand, "W-wait! I-... do you wanna watch a Disney movie together?" I asked him. He seemed shocked, but he smiled again and nodded, "That would be great...." he said sitting back down.


* Anxiety's POV*

Hours later after three movies in a row, it was 3:47pm. The title screen for The Little Mermaid was on and Princey was kinda staring at me. I looked away, pretending not to notice.

He realised and shook his head, pulling out of a trance-like state. He switched the tv off, "That was fun. Thank you Anxiety," he smiled.

I was shocked he said that hanging out with me was 'fun', it made my face fill with... a blush?... it confused me but I shook it off, and tried to hide in the hood of my jacket.

"Well, I mean... it was fun too I guess...." I said sarcastically, smirking at him. He chuckled, "Whatever Hot Topic." he smiled. My face heated up and I hid in my hood even more. Luckily I had quite pale foundation on, so that should cover it up slightly.

Lucky for me, Morality came in after hearing the oven go. "THE COOKIES!" he burst out squealing as he ran to the oven with a wide grin. I jumped on the sofa and into Romans lap from the loud sudden noise. My face was even more red, but he just seemed to chuckle slightly as I rushed to return to my original position on the couch.

"Are they done now? They smell good." Princey said smiling over at Morality. He nodded back, "But wait for them to cool, okay?" he said taking the tray out with his cat oven gloves and placing the tray on the side.

After doing so, Morality came over to us and sat next to Princey, he smiled at the two of us. "Were you two watching Disney together?" he said containing an awaiting squeal.

"Y-yes...." I timidly replied, "We were both bored....". Morality nodded and smiled, "Cool. You two were both great for today's filming, especially you, son!" I looked over at him, with a slight frown, "You know I'm not your son, I've told you this before.....". He just waved his hand, almost dismissing my comment, "Sure, sure," he said not letting his smile go.

Seconds later, a person appeared at the living room door. They looked like the rest of us. Like Thomas. I jumped back and let out a small screech as they literally appeared out of nowhere. Princey jumped up and aimed his sword in their direction and Morality jumped behind the stationed prince.

I May Not Show It: PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now