2: Used to be so close.....

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*brief on the end of the story*

Seconds later, a person appeared at the living room door. They looked like the rest of us...... like Thomas. I jumped back and let out a small screech as they literally appeared out of nowhere. Princey jumped up and aimed his sword in their direction and Morality jumped behind the stationed prince.


* Creativity's POV*

The figure chuckled as they stepped out of the shadows and closer to us. "I am so sorry for the intrusion," he called out. As he came towards us, I saw he was wearing a black overcoat over the top of a dark grey, yellow brimmed shirt. He had black trousers and, "Yellow dishwashing gloves?...." I asked confused.

He lifted his head and the shadow cast by his bowler hat moved, showing his face, half of which was scaled, almost like a reptile

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He lifted his head and the shadow cast by his bowler hat moved, showing his face, half of which was scaled, almost like a reptile. "No, I'm definitely not wearing gloves."
Is he a bad liar, or what?..' I thought.

"What were you just doing, washing some dishes?...." Anxiety asked jokily with a small smirk but retained his frown. The figure smirked, "Yes. Did you just come out of the trash can?" he retorted back.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists. "Hey back off, snake.....human, thing!" I declared, now stepping in front of Anxiety, as well as Morality hiding behind me. He frowned and looked over, "Awww, can't I have a little fun...?" he asked, faking puppy eyes.

"Who are you!?" I demanded, trying to stand tall and look mean.

"........ Deceit." Anxiety stated. He glanced over to Anxiety and gave him a smirk, which made him flinch behind me slightly. "You know him?" I asked, looking behind me and at Anxiety. He sighed, "Unfortunately...." He replied, nodding. Deceit smirked, "Come on Virgil, what happened to you?" Anxiety glared at him, slight fear coming through, Deceit just grinned. "Y-you don't get to call me that...." Anxiety said, trying to stand up for himself.

"Oh really?. You didn't have a problem back then." he said, a tone of anger in his voice.


*Morality's POV*

I could see that Anxiety was on edge, for what reason, I don't know. I stood closer to him, staying behind Princey though, I held his hand reassuringly, smiling at him. He seemed shocked, but smiled slightly back.

"What do you mean 'back then'?" Creativity asked the question that had also been on my mind. The man that I now knew named 'Deceit' kept a weird smug look on his face, "Oh, did Virgil not tell you about me? How rude. We used to be so close. Shame..." he said not even looking to care about a single word he said. Anxiety gripped my hand tighter at the mention of his name again, almost showing anger towards him, and also a sense of.... fear?.


*Creativity's POV*

I gripped my sword tighter as he came closer to us. "Stay back!" I warned him in a serious tone. I could faintly hear Morality's and Anxiety's movements, they seemed slightly nervous.

"Threats are totally gunna stop me," he said making no attempts of stopping. "You clearly were just lying," I stated, confused.

"Was I? I didn't notice." he said stopping three feet away from my sword. "You just did it again!" I said getting more angry and confused.

He just grinned, "Wow, I love the new outfit Roman," he said looking me up and down. I was confused but smiled at his kind comment, "Thanks, it's designer," I stated.

"Stop Deceit.", I heard Anxiety say from behind me. Why would he tell him to stop complementing me? Maybe he's jealous... no, he's not that harsh. "Wow, that eyeshadow definitely doesn't make you look like a raccoon." Deceit said, shifting his gaze to Anxiety.

'That was definitely not a complement' I thought, and right on que Anxiety hissed, like a cat. It made me laugh inside slightly, but I kept myself from laughing aloud.

Deceit grinned, and just like that, he faded, into thin air. 'Weird....' I thought.

I turned to look at the two, Morality was close to Anxiety, looking to have been comforting him, as he had quite a fearful face on. I gave him a look of worry, "Are you okay Anxiety?" I asked in a soft tone.

He looked up at me and gave a small nod, I could see he had been close to tearing up, so I put my arms lightly around him in a small hug. He seemed shocked by the sudden contact, but hesitantly returned the hug, laying his head on my shoulder slightly.

I could see Patton in the corner of my eyes smiling, and I held out my hand to offer him a place in the hug, as he wrapped his arms round both me and Anxiety.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, until Logan walked in and saw the bunch of us. "Greetings I-... Oh. May I ask why the three of you are huddled together?" he asked standing 10 feet away from us, near the door.

"Just some weird guy, that looks like all of us, showed up and let's just say it didn't go to well." I answered. He looked confused but nodded,
"Anything I can do to be of assistance?" he asked.

"Hug?" I replied.

"If that will make the situation more at ease, I will be of use." he said before wrapping his arms round us, joining the hug as well.

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We all stayed that way for a couple of minuets, before stepping away from each other

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We all stayed that way for a couple of minuets, before stepping away from each other. Logic nodded as if he knew the situation was settled, and headed off to his room. Morality smiled and bounced over to his cookies that were still on the side cooling, which left me and Anxiety standing two feet apart from each other.

He looked up from the floor and started to walk away when I grabbed his hand, he stopped and turned to look at me quizzically. "I umm... wanted to ask you something," I said, "A-About... Deceit?". He looked back at me almost as if he was fearful of what I'd ask.

"What did he mean by 'back then'?" I asked, confused by what he meant.

I May Not Show It: PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now