5: Prove me wrong

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*last chapter*

I could tell something was wrong, but I didn't wanna push him. "Okay, if you say so, Kiddo. Try get some sleep okay?" I added, before giving him a smile and walking back to my room. I went and laid back on my bed, looking up at the cute cat and dog paws that were plastered all over my walls. 'Anxiety seems off, he'd definitely been crying," I thought, 'I should probably bring it up with Logan, he'll be the most likely to figure this out', and with that, I fell asleep, knowing what I'd do tomorrow.


*Creativity's POV*

I woke up to my alarm and I got up, stretching as I looked over at my Cogsworth clock on the wall: 8:30am. Walking over to my wardrobe, I took the golden handles and opened it up. I took one of my white shirts and white trousers and got changed. Combing my hair to the side, I looked into the mirror smiling.

I walked out my room and down the hall, into the living room and saw Anxiety on the couch. "You're up early," I said walking into the room and over to the built in kitchen, looking in the cabinets. "Y-Yeah...." he replied, sounding a bit off.

I turned to face the couch, his back was towards me, "You Okay, Virgil?" I asked, he still didn't turn around to face me, "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern, but I'm okay. I just-..." he said, pausing.

I walked over to the couch and stopped when I was in front of him, looking down at his face buried in his crossed over arms that were laying on top of his knees, that were up to his chest. I took his arm in an attempt to see part of his face but he flinched and pulled away quickly, which shocked me, "I-... Sorry, I'm just concerned," I said kneeling in front of him so my eyes were eye-level with his.

He lifted his head up and out of his arms to look at me, faint black circles were wrapped around his eyes, "you didn't sleep, did you?" I asked, looking at him sadly.

He looked at me, then the floor, "no..." he replied and shook his head. I brought my hand up to his face and placed it under his chin, lifting his head up slightly so that he had to look at me, his cheeks tinted a bit pink, which made me laugh inside a bit.

"Why? What's wrong?" I questioned, more worry crossing my face. He seemed a bit taken back by the contact, but looked back at me, "I don't know. Its fine. I'll catch up on sleep tonight, okay?....." he answered. He sounded unsure but I smiled and stood up, sitting down next to him, "You promise?" I said, jokily making puppy eyes. He gave a faint smile before nodding.

"Good. You want some pancakes? I'm making some." I added. He looked away, almost thinking for a second before turning back to me, "sure. Why not...." he replied, "..I'm sure the Prince can cook...." he said sarcastically, smirking at me.

I pouted slightly, "Of course I can cook! How dare you think so lowly of me," I said, pretending to be so distraught by his comment. He gave a small laugh before replying with "... go ahead then Princey. Prove me wrong...." he challenged.


*Anxiety's POV*

Wow. I was shocked. He actually could cook. I have to admit, this had taken my mind off of earlier. I finished my plate, and looked up at Princey, he'd finished a minute or two before me and was waiting patiently for me to finish.

Once I did, he immediately opened his mouth, "Did you like it then?" He asked with a big smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes, I couldn't lie, it actually was good, "... hmmmm ehh, it was average...." I teased.

He pouted, "Admit it, it was good," he said. I rolled my eyes again, "Admit it, or I'll make you admit it," he teased back.

"... oh? Really? And how do you plan on doing that?...." I asked, going along with it. He smirked, "I guess you'll have to find out. Or admit that I'm a good cook," he replied.

I pretended to think, "... hmmmm, I could never admit defeat. So I guess I'll have to find out..." I answered back. He grinned and stood up, before walking over to me from across the kitchen table and picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder. "Put. Me. Down....." I pouted.

He walked me over to the couch and put me down, before sitting next to me and smiling, "As you wish, Hot Topic," he said, giving a small bow.

I'm fairly sure my face lit up bright pink as he smirked at me and placed a kiss on my cheek, which did not help my situation, only making my face go even more red. He chuckled, "You tomato," he said, clearly referring to my flustered face.

I tried to look as chill as I could before answering, "... whatever, Sir. Sing-a-Lot....." with a smirk. He smiled, " I actually like that nickname so- the jokes on you," he said as he kissed me on the lips, making my eyes widen.

Fortunately or unfortunately, we heard a squeal from the living room door. I jumped to the other side of the sofa, furthest away from Roman as Morality jumped up and down. "EEEEEKKKK! OMG, OMG!" he screamed from behind his hands that were over his mouth. He realised how embarrassed I looked and took a deep breath, "Sorry, but that was just cuuuuutttteeee" he smiled.

My red face was obvious, because Roman turned to look at me and chuckled, "Cute tomato," he added. I think that was just about as much as I could take cause before I knew it, I saw utter darkness, letting me know I had fainted.

I May Not Show It: PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now