11: Perfect timing

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*last chapter*

Deceit stepped closer to Logan, "You should not watch who you threate-" his eyes rolled back and he fell to the floor. As he fell to the floor, it revealed a person standing with their hand outstretched to where Deceit had been, "Yo. You called for backup?" they smirked.


*Logic's POV*

"Remy. Perfect timing," I nodded, looking down to the sleeping Deceit, "You put him to sleep?" I asked for clarification. He nodded, "Yuhuh, four hours at most, just temporarily till you fix this mess," he sipped the Starbucks that was in the opposite hand to the one he used to put Deceit unconscious.

" 'You?' You are not going to help us?" I asked. He smirked, "No, that is why is said /you/ are going to fix this mess, I've done enough for you already," he winked. I frowned, "All you did was put him unconscious-"
"Which should give you enough time to stable Anxiety and help Morality and Thomas before he wakes up," Remy cut me off.

I blinked a few times before replying, "Oh, I see," I stated, nodding, "I suppose. Just any extra help would be appreciated," I added. He paused for a moment, thinking, "Hmm. I suppose I /could/ help. Maybe," he nodded. We both looked over to Creativity and Anxiety.

Anxiety seemed to have passed out or something, as he was now leant against Creativity's chest, his eyes closed. Prince was running his hands through his hair, smiling slightly. "Is he alright?" I asked. Creativity looked up at us and nodded, "Yeah. He's breathing normally now, though I think he passed out for exhaustion," he replied.


*Creativity's POV*

I looked back down at Anxiety, smiling. He seemed so calm and relaxed when he was asleep. Anxiety had his arms around my waist tightly, his head rested on my chest; I held him closely and sat back, resting against the back of the couch.


*Morality's POV*

I was pressed up against the wall, breathing heavily, staring at the supposed 'Thomas', "T-Thomas?" I asked again. The smirk remained on his face as he stepped closer. I cowered back, trying to sink into the wall as much as I could.

His smirk slowly faded and I looked at him confused, until I saw him sway slightly. I moved over to him and caught him before he hit the floor. Frowning, I picked him up and lay him down on his bed, pulling the covers over him. Carefully, I sat down next to him, keeping an eye on him, concern present on my face.

Minutes later Logic and Remy appeared. They both looked at me, then at Thomas. "Is he okay?" Logic asked. I nodded, looking over at both of them, "He kinda just.... passed out. He was being really creepy before," I said, a slight frightened face reappearing as I remembered what happened. Logic looked at me and I thought I saw a slight hint of concern spread across his face, "That must have been Deceit controlling him, and when Remy put Deceit to sleep, it must've put Thomas unconscious too," he stated.

I nodded, "That would seem like a good explanation," I agreed.
"Would you like me to stay here with you Patton, while you look after Thomas?" Logic asked. I smiled, grateful for the help he was offering. And the company. "That would be great," I smiled.


*Sleep's POV*

I smirked, already seeing the connection. I sipped my Starbucks and went back into the dark mindscape, looking over at Roman and Virgil who were now both asleep. They both had gotten paler, I presumed effects from the place, so I put my hand on both of their shoulders and closed my eyes, using as much energy as I had to teleport the two out.

I opened my eyes, now in Romans room. I had teleported them here and made sure they were extra cuddled on Romans bed before leaving with a smirk; They don't call me the Ship god for nothing.

- I know, small chapter. It's because I'm publishing it earlier, you will still get one on Wednesday, just I'm putting this out to make up for the previous chapters being short; So you get an extra chapter this week.

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