13: Yes

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*last chapter*

Anxiety shuffled a bit, inching slightly closer to me which made me smile grow wider. "How are you feeling?" I asked. He shut his eyes again and yawned, ".....tired...". Nodding, I ran my hand through his hair calmingly, "Go back to sleep then, Virgil,". He yawned again and nodded, putting his head on my chest and hugging me tighter. I smiled and kissed the top of his forehead and closed my eyes, falling asleep cuddling him.


*Logan's POV*

We sat there for a while, keeping an unconscious Thomas company, till I felt a form relax against me. I looked to my right to see Patton's head on my shoulder, he too had been taken by unconsciousness. My face heated up slightly and I unconsciously put an arm around Patton, holding him closely and supporting his weight.
An hour passed and I also fell asleep.


*Thomas' POV*

I slowly opened my eyes and pushed myself up to a sitting position, blinking a few times to wake up properly as I looked around. My eyes landed on Logan and Patton. Logan had his arm around Patton and Patton's head was rested on Logan's shoulder. A small smile crept up to my face as I saw the sleeping pair.

I put my arm on Logan's free shoulder and carefully forced the two back into the mind scape. After doing so I stood up from my bed and took a shower, not remembering much of what had happened the day before.


*Virgil's POV*

Blinking, I opened my eyes slowly, groaning as I did so and clutched tighter onto whatever I was holding. Only later did I realise I was cuddling Roman. I looked up at his sleeping expression and blushed slightly. I could feel his arms around my waist and his evened breathing. I paused momentarily and cuddled closer to him, enjoying his warmth and company.


*Roman's POV*

I was awoken to a groan, that when I opened my eyes and looked down, came from Virgil as he removed his arms from around me and clutched his head. "Are you alright?" I asked him concerned. He looked up at me, noticing I was awake. Sighing, he nodded, "Yeah..... 'm f'ne...." he slurred and snuggled into my chest more, causing me to smile at the gesture.

Only then did I notice that he was shivering slightly. I frowned, "Virge?.... are you cold?..." I asked, concern laced in my voice. I felt him nod and I in return pulled the covers over us more and pulled Virgil closer to me. I saw a small smile creep up to his face as he seemed more relaxed.

I sighed out contently and we both lay in each other's arms momentarily.


*Remy's POV*


While everyone else was all fluffy and cuddly. I was currently pressed against a door, trying to keep an angry snake in....

Seriously. Why'd Kai make me the one to have to keep Deceit at bay? I wonder.

Anyways, as I said. My back was against the door, keeping the door from opening and unleashing an annoyance. I sighed out, "Seriously Deceit. Can't you just stay still for /one/ moment?!" I called out.

I heard a hiss from the other side of the door, "yes." He replied, still pushing against the door. I grumbled and pushed my sunglasses up slightly into the crook of my nose, sipping on my fresh Seasonal Depression that I got this morning after I woke up.

I looked down the hallway, seeing someone approach. I squinted my eyes under my sunglasses to try and make out who it was.


Oh great....

-hehe rhyme......

I May Not Show It: PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now