14: The Gayest Of the Gays

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*last chapter*

I looked down the hallway, seeing someone approach. I squinted my eyes under my sunglasses to try and make out who it was.



*Thomas' POV*

After I had a shower I went downstairs and sat on the couch, putting Steven Universe on. It was a favourite of mine.

I continued to watch it until I heard a knock at the door. I looked over confused, stood up and opened the door.

Joan and Talyn looked up, both smiling at me, "Hey! We came slightly early. We both thought it would be better to set up, ready to start at 9, giving you more time for filming," Joan smiled.

I gave them a confused look, "What? What are you talking about?" I asked, looking between the two. Joan and Talyn exchanged concerned looks, before looking back at me, "Are you Alright Thomas?" Talyn asked. I looked at them and nodded, smiling a bit, "Yeah just-.... what are you guys talking about?" He asked again.

"The filming. For your Sanders Sides series. I thought you called both of us to help with the filming for it?" Joan answered. I looked down, trying to job my memory. And getting nothing. I sighed out, "I don't remember. When did I ask this?" I asked back. They both seemed even more confused, "Literally two days ago." Talyn replied.

"Oh..." was all I could reply with as I still was confused, I couldn't remember what happened yesterday either. Maybe something happened that lost my memory of the past few days. I shook my head and stepped aside, "You can come in," I said.

Joan and Talyn smiled as they stepped in and sat on the couch. I followed them and sat beside Talyn. Joan was the one to break the silence. "So. You don't remember asking us?" He questioned. I looked at them and shook my head, "I don't remember the past few days to be honest," I admitted, sighing out. They looked at me confused, "What do you mean by that?".

"Well. I have no clue what I did yesterday. At all. I woke up and Logan and Patton were sat beside my bed, sleeping. Was I ill? I have no clue." I stated. Joan seemed to ponder on the statement momentarily.

Talyn's eyes brightened as they thought of something, "Wait! Could it have something to do with your 'sides'? I mean. More importantly one of your dark sides? I doubt Logan, Roman, Patton or Virgil would have done something to your memory," they suggested.

I looked down, thinking. "I-... it could be. I didn't think of that to be honest." I admitted. I closed my eyes and summoned all my sides. And I mean all. That I knew of anyways.


*Virgils POV*

I felt a tug pull at me and I frowned, fighting it back and waking up. I looked around to see Roman gone. Maybe that tug was Thomas trying to summon me. Roman must have been summoned too.

I rolled my eyes and got up, quickly making myself presentable before appearing in the living room.

I looked around and saw Logan and Patton sat next to each other. Roman was asleep in his spot next to the stairs, my spot. However, what struck me is that I also saw Deceit. I frowned and glared at him.

Thomas cleared his throat and I tapped Roman, waking him up. He looked startled till he saw me and relaxed, before looking around and realising everyone else was here. We all looked over to Thomas.

"Guys. Why can't I remember the past few days?" Thomas asked. All of exchanges looks whilst Joan, Talyn and Thomas looked at us with questioning eyes. I looked down and sat down on the stairs, hiding in my hood slightly.


*Joan's POV*

I looked between them and saw Virgil sit down and try to hide slightly. So I looked towards Logan. He's usually good at explaining. I saw a slight smirk form on Deceit's face. Logan cleared his throat, "Well. Yesturday-"

"DECEIT TRIED TO TAKE OVER THO-..." Roman was quickly stopped with his hand that covered his mouth. I looked confused, "What?" I asked. Logan sighed, "Deceit. I swear. Let people speak." Deceit rolled his eyes.

"Well, Thomas you see. Deceit has been a bad snake!" He laughed, smiling brightly. Deceit hissed and frowned at Patton, to which Patton made a very quiet whimper. Virgil frowned, "Leave Patton alone Deceit," he stood up.

Deceit glared at Virgil, and in response Virgil glared back. It was as if I was watching a staring contest.

"BIOTCH!" a guy with glasses slammed open the living room door. We all turned to look at him; He looked like Thomas, as if he was a side. He had a leather jacket and sunglasses on. He looked around and realised that me and Talyn where also present and also looking straight at him.

"Oh uhm. I didn't realise you had guests over Thomas. I just came to collect the nuisance," he smirked as he looked over at Deceit. Virgil smirked also, breaking the 'glaring contest' as he looked over at sunglasses guy, "He's all yours,"

"Wait what. Who even are you?" Thomas asked. The guy turned towards us, "The bestest of the best. The gayest of the gays. Remy,"

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