6: Sarcasm is a good sign

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*last chapter*

My red face was obvious, because Roman turned to look at me and chuckled, "Cute tomato," he added. I think that was just about as much as I could take cause before I knew it, I saw utter darkness, letting me know I had fainted.

*Creativity's POV*

I saw Anxiety's eyes roll back, and I quickly jumped over to him and caught him before he fell off the couch. 'uh oh...' I thought, I narrowed it down to me making him too embarrassed or flustered. He'd clearly just fainted.

I moved him to fully lie down on the couch in a comfortable position and sat down in front of the couch next to him, as Morality joined me by my side, staying standing up.

"Is he okay?!" He asked. I looked up at him and nodded, "Yeah, he just fainted by the looks of it," I answered, giving him a reassuring smile. His shoulders relaxed and he took a relieved breath. "Good... are you going to stay with him?" He asked. I nodded without hesitation, he smiled, "Thanks, cause I have something I'd like to talk to Logic about..." he stated before thanking me and walking out.

*Morality's POV*

I hated to leave Anxiety there like that but I had to ask Logic something, and Prince seemed to have it under control. I walked out and went to Logics room, a dark blue door. I knocked and patiently waited for it to open. He eventually turned up at the door, I waved at him and smiled "Hey Logic!". He looked at me blankly, "Greetings Morality, is there something you required?" He asked instantly. I blinked a couple times before I put on a serious face, "I needed to talk to you about something, may I come in?" I asked politely. He thought for a second before nodding and stepping away, opening the door wider and letting me in.

I stood next to the office chair he went and sat at after he shut the door. He pointed to the bed and I moved over there, sitting down, keeping my serious face on.

*Logics POV*

Morality sat down and started, "-So I went to check on Anxiety earlier and I heard him crying slightly, I asked to come in, and he turned up at the door with all his eyeshadow smudged and his eyes were puffy..." he said looking at me then the floor, "He said he fell of his bed but, it didn't make sense... I heard a massive bang against the wall, not the floor," he stated.

I paused for a minute, contemplating. "Hmm.... interesting," I replied whilst writing some notes down. He seemed to almost try to peer over to read what I was writing. "I'm just writing this down, for future references, it might also help figure this out," I answered the question that was clearly on his mind. He nodded, letting me know he agreed.

After a few note taking, I deduced it to a couple of possibilities, "He has been upset with a few things this week, one being the sudden appearance of 'Deceit', perhaps he was acting off for that reason?" I suggested. He nodded, "But that wouldn't explain the crash against the wall," he added. I thought for a second, that was a question I did not know, yet. "Indeed, I'll have a look into it," I replied, closing my notes book and standing up.

We both left my room and went to the living room, finding Prince and Anxiety.

*Creativity's POV*

I did not have it under control. I had no idea what was happening. Well that was a lie, I knew he fainted of sorts, but I had no clue what to do. He was just laying there, looking fairly restless and uneasy.

An idea popped into my head.

I ran upstairs to grab a cloth and I dampened it, ringing it out. I went back down and placed it onto Anxiety's forehead, moving his bangs out of his eyes. He flinched slightly at the coldness, but settled back down a minute or so after, seeming to be a lot more relaxed then earlier.

Ten minuets or so after I had calmed him down, Logic and Morality came in. "How is he Prince?" Morality asked, looking at me concerned. Logic hadn't known what happened but he came to me and looked over at Anxiety. "He's fine-"

"You need to prop his head up... and get a blanket," Logic added

I looked at him, confused, "He only fainte-"

"Passed out."

"What?" I asked looking at him even more confused.

"He would have woken up by now if he'd fainted. He's passed out, and while that damp cloth is helping, only his head is burning up, the rest of him is cold,"

"......" I stopped speaking, I'd made a mistake. I tried my best to correct it by getting a blanket for Anxiety and a pillow to prop his head up so he wasn't uncomfortable. I draped it over him and he instantly fell into it, holding it close to him.

"He should wake up soon," Logic stated, walking away to the kitchen. Morality thought it would be best if he had some space and not to crowd him, so he went back to his room, leaving me alone with him. I just sat next to the couch, looking over at him every minute or so, whilst sharpening my sword. I finished and put it back in its hilt just as Anxiety woke up... well sort of.

*Anxiety's POV*

I felt something cold placed into my forehead, making me flinch slightly, although it did calm my overheating head. A few minuets after, I felt a warm blanket being placed over me, which I immediately curled into. My head was also lifted and placed onto something. I relaxed slightly at my current state.

That was until I heard Deceit's voice ring in my head

"...I will not be back..."

I sprang awake into an upright position. Princey seemed to jump ever so slightly and he moved over to me, putting a hand on my shoulder, "You're fine... lay back down," he said almost moving me back down himself. "Mrghh..... what happen'd?.." I slurred.

He smiled back, "You just passed out, don't worry about it,". He took the cloth off my forehead and put his hand to it, "How are you feeling?" He asked. I looked at him and blinked, "Uhhh..... like my person'l space is be'ng invad'd" I slurred again, due to the fact I just woke up and was still half awake. He chuckled and took his hand off my head. "You seem fine. Sarcasm is a good sign as well," he smiled. I just nodded and sat back up again, he tried to lay me back down but I glared at him. Rubbing my eyes I started to fully wake up, trying to also remember the reason for me fainting or passing out, whatever.

My face went a bit red once I had remembered, but I hid it as soon as I realised, ".... thanks I guess" I said standing up. "No problem Anx," he punched my arm jokily. Unfortunately for me, I was still aching from last night, so I flinched and clenched my jaw slightly. He looked at me confused and concerned, "I didn't hit you that hard did I?". I shook my head and turned around, trying to make a quick exit, "Anxiety," he called back, but I ignored him, keeping on path to my room.

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