4: I will not be back

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*last chapter*

I smiled and started walking alongside him, he led the way mostly, we went past my room and all the way down the hallway until we stopped at the end of it to a small-ish looking room. He turned around and had a small smile on his face, "..... thank you Ro-..." I stopped him quickly by stepping closer to him and placing my lips on his. He seemed shocked at first, but he timidly kissed back.

I pulled away from him to look him in his red face, "Goodnight, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance," I said sweetly, as I smiled at him and turned to head back to my room, leaving a froze, shocked Anxiety in the hall.


*Anxiety's POV*

I stood there, frozen in shock to what just happened. I shook my head, pulling away from my stillness and turned around, opening my bedroom door to walk into the dull, plain black room. I stepped in and shut my door behind me and leaned into it, sliding down all the way to the floor.

'Did that just happen?' I asked myself. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, 'no, it didn't, he just, acted on impulse! That's it!. He couldn't have done it intentionally....' I added. After a couple of deep breaths, I stood up and walked to my small bed, I never saw why I'd need a big bed, just one with enough room to sleep on, if I ever did sleep. I sat down on it and looked to my digital clock: 10:59pm.


I was laying on my bed still, it's been two hours since what happened. I couldn't stop thinking about it, I couldn't sleep, so that was all I could think about. I glanced over at my bedside table: 1:06am.

When I knew sleep was useless, I got up, letting out a long, exaggerated sigh. I walked over to a small set of draws that had a mirror above it and looked into it. 'Great....' I thought when I saw faint black circles around my eyes.

"Something right?" I heard a voice behind me say, I looked in the mirror behind me and saw him, I jumped back and turned around to face him.

"W-What are you doing here?....." I asked, gripping my right arm across the front of me, trying to keep myself from collapsing to the ground. He smirked and stepped closer to me. "I've only come to check up on you, I could tell you could sleep." he stated, stopping two feet in front of me.

"I'm fine, just- Why have you come to see me? At this time of the day?....." I asked stepping back as he came closer to me. He took another step forward, "Have you told the others anything about me?" He asked, frowning at me.

I stepped back again, now touching the dresser behind me as I gripped my hands around the edge of it "N-No..." I said, trying not to anger him, even though I did tell the others a little, not much, but a little.

He stepped forward again, I had nowhere to step further back. We were now inches away from each other, he gripped his hand round my right arm and shoved me into the wall on the left side of him, moving me from the front of dresser. I slammed against it hard and bit down on my bottom lip, holding back a yelp and tears that I could feel forming in my eyes.

"Liar! You should not know by now I know when people tell truths!" he said angrily. I leant against the wall, still hurt by the impact, "I-I'm sorry, please.... I didn't tell them much....." I said shakily. He strode up to me and looked me over, as if analysing if I was lying or not, before he gripped my right shoulder, "Hmmm. I believe you, but if you tell them anything else, I will not be back."

He let go of my shoulder and disappeared into the darkness around my room. I slid down my wall into a heap below it, everything hurt. I held my arm from where he'd gripped it before pushing me across the room. Tears flowed down my face and I sat there for about 10 minuets, just crying, when I heard a knock on my door.


*Morality's POV*

I could hear someone faintly crying, most likely Anxiety, seen as it's his room. "Anxiety? Are you okay? May I come in?" I asked, he sounded pretty upset. "N-No! I mean. Uhhh. One second...." he shouted back, his voice was shaky.

I waited for a couple of minutes, until he turned up at the door, opening it slowly. His eyeshadow was smudged, it looked as if he'd been crying. "Anxiety, are you okay? I heard a massive bang against the wall, connecting our bedrooms together," I said, a worried look on my face. He gave a small, slow nod before looking down to the floor. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine Morality, thank you. I just, uhhh, fell off my bed," he replied, not making eye contact.

I could tell something was wrong, but I didn't wanna push him. "Okay, if you say so, Kiddo. Try get some sleep okay?" I added, before giving him a smile and walking back to my room.

I went and laid back on my bed, looking up at the cute cat and dog paws that were plastered all over my walls. 'Anxiety seems off, he'd definitely been crying,' I thought, 'I should probably bring it up with Logan, he'll be the most likely to figure this out', and with that, I fell asleep, knowing what I'd do tomorrow.


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