15: Me and You

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*last chapter*

"Wait what. Who even are you?" Thomas asked. The guy turned towards us, "The bestest of the best. The gayest of the gays. Remy,"


*Virgil's POV*

I looked at Remy, "Can you just sort him out already..." I frowned. Remy turned towards me, frowning also, "Uhm. Excuse me. People need to know who I am," he pouted. I rolled my eyes and looked back to the ground, shoving my hands into my jumper pockets.

"Anyways. I am Remy. I'm not exactly a side, more of an.... uhm...." he paused, trying to think until Logan interrupted him. "More of an aspect. He represents something, Sleep, however he is not a personality trait," he stated. Remy turned to him and frowned at him, "Hey! I'm still important. But yes. I'm an 'aspect'," he sighed.

Thomas nodded, "ookaay? So... Remy? Why did I not know about you before?" He asked

"Well I'm not exactly a personality, so I wouldn't have been around a lot. Plus I've been trying to keep Deceit in check." He stated, turning his head to glare at Deceit, getting a glare back in response.

"So. Back to the question: Why can't I remember anything?" Thomas asked. Remy turned back to him and sighed, "Deceit had been plotting something. He wanted to weaken the other sides so that he could take over control of you, which actually happened, for like, two minutes, till /I/ was the one who saved you all," he put his hands on his hips and adjusted his sunglasses. He got a few glares shot to him, mainly from Roman, who refused to agree that Remy was the ONLY help.

"So, why did I forget things?" Thomas asked, still confused. Remy looked like he was thinking and about to explain before once again Logan intervened, "When he took over, he filled your head with falsehoods. So you don't remember much of what happened yesterday. Its why you forgot about Talyn and Joan coming over. Because it was as if yesterday never happened, making you think it was a day behind," he stated, pushing up his glasses.

Deceit smirked widely, which earned him a glare from near enough everyone, except Patton, he just couldn't properly glare at anyone. Remy walked over to Deceit and grabbed his arm, "Anyways. Explanation done, I shall be taking my leave, with Deceit," he said as he sunk down with Deceit.


-A few months after-

*Roman's POV*

Everything was back to normal.

With a few minor details changed.

Virgil and I we're now boyfriends. Logan and Patton has started dating, or at least something was happening between them. We hadn't heard much from Deceit but Remy had came to visit us often, also reassuring us Deceit wasn't doing anything harmful.

Currently I was on the couch in the living room, the tv on, all four of us were sat watching the movie. Well almost all of us. More like half. Virgil had fallen asleep, curled up on my lap and Patton had fallen asleep too, practically hugging Logan in a death grip, which he didn't seem to mind that much.

I looked down at Virgil and smiled, ruffling his hair a bit as I looked up at Logan, smirking, "Heh.. looks like it's just me and you now..." I laughed, pointing out Virgil and Patton's current state. He frowned at me, "You and I," he corrected. I rolled my eyes at him, "yeah yeah, whatever Specs," I replied.

He frowned at the reoccurring nickname I gave him but sighed out contently. I saw a small smile form on his face as he looked down at Patton, before looking back up at the tv.

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