3: Its-... Complicated

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*last chapter*

~~ Creativity ~~
He looked up from the floor and started to walk away when I grabbed his hand, he stopped and turned to look at me quizzically. "...... I umm.... wanted to ask you something," I said, "..... about.... Deceit.....". He looked back at me almost as if he was fearful of what I'd ask.....

"...... what did he mean by 'back then'?....." I asked, confused by what he meant


*Anxiety's POV*

I paused, thinking of what to say.
"It's-... complicated." I replied, which was true. I struggled to think of what I'd say if I were to try and explain it. Princey stepped closer to me, "You can tell me, I'm not Logan, but I'll try my best." he said chuckling slightly. I smiled back, "....Well, he's talking about, what happened, before I came to you guys..." I replied looking at the floor, uneasy.

He took my hand and led me to the couch, "I've got all day," he smiled.

"O-okay well... before I came here... I was with Deceit in a different area of Thomas' mind. It was just the two of us... we were close, but not the kind of close you'd think. Deceit used to manipulate me, use me in a way... everyday the same... he'd always twist his words and make me feel bad about myself... a-almost controlling..." I explained. I could feel a tear falling down my cheek and my vision was blurry from my eyes tearing up. I felt a hand reach to my face and wipe the tears off my face. I looked up and saw Princey looking down at me sadly.

He wrapped his arms around me in a hug and I flinched slightly at the sudden contact, but hugged him back, placing my head on his shoulder. His warmth made me feel calm and I sunk into his arms.

"Don't let him get to you, half the nonsense that comes out of his mouth are lies, most likely all of it" Princey stated, giving me a reassuring smile. I nodded, "thanks Princey....." I smiled back, not lifting my head from his shoulder.

"Roman." he replied.

"what?...." I asked pulling away from him to look at him.

"You can call me Roman." he smiled. My face turned a shade of pink and I nodded, "O-Okay. Thanks Roman....."


*Logic's POV*

I had escorted myself back to my dormitory after I had accessed the situation to be at hand. I brought out my laptop out and pulled it open. The strange figure we met earlier was still on my mind, so I decided to put my extra time into good use.


Hours later, I walked into the living room to see Anxiety and Princey on the couch, watching some sort of cartoon. I made my presence noticeable but giving a purposeful cough. They both turned to set their eyes on me when I stepped further into the room, walking up to the couch and standing in front of them, next to the television set.

"I did some research," I stated. Roman looked at me strangely,
"Oh? On what?" he questioned. I could see Anxiety tensing up, knowing exactly what I looked into.

"The guy who goes by Deceit," I replied, "He's just like the rest of us, he seems to represent part of Thomas."

Anxiety gave me a look that told me I was correct in my assumption. Roman nodded, "Anything else?" he asked looking at me for answers. I sighed. "Unfortunately not. Care to tell us more, Anxiety?" I asked, knowing he was the best source of information about him.

His eyes widened and he looked at the floor, "I- ermm... it's-...complicated......". Roman seemed to have already gotten an answer like that so he nodded and held Anxiety's hand, for comfort purposes I guess.
"Complicated how?" I asked, I knew pushing it probably wasn't the nicest thing to do, but we needed to know.

Anxiety took a deep breath in
"Deceit... his trait is lies and deceiving, if you couldn't tell, he basically lies, but twists his words to make you think that- they're true, in a way....." he finally spoke. That makes sense actually, Deceit. How didn't I see it before? I guess I wasn't really paying attention to the explicit information, just trying to find the implicit, anything we didn't already know about him.

"So, he is not a character to be trusted." I added, clarifying the given information I just received about him. Anxiety nodded, but with meaning. He'd clearly experienced this 'mistrust' first hand, which made me think, 'what else does he know about him?', but I didn't want to push it anymore, so I just nodded back and sat beside them on the couch.

"What is this?" I asked, looking at the television screen. Creativity looked at me shocked, "You don't know one of thee best cartoons to ever exist?!," he asked. I looked at him blankly before turning to look at the screen again. Nope. I shook my head.

"Gravity Falls, a cartoon about two twins and a mysterious town." Anxiety added, looking at the screen too, engulfed in the scene that was currently playing. "Cool, I'm going to my room now," I stated, standing up, "and Anxiety? If you wanna talk about the guy, I am going to be in my room, any information you have, would be...  lit? Is that the correct usage?" I asked.

Creativity burst out laughing, and Anxiety looked as if he was holding back a laugh, "I assume not, nevertheless, what I mean is, if you have anymore information about him that you do not mind sharing. It would help," I stated before walking out the room.


*Creativity's POV*

I couldn't help but laugh, but I stopped when I saw Anxiety staring blankly into the air, his eyes glossed over. "I-... Anxiety? Are you okay?" I asked, stopping all laughter and turning my attention to him. He didn't move, and he didn't answer. "Anxiety?" I asked again, still, he stared into nothing, blankly, "Virgil?!".

His eyes widened slightly and he shook his head, coming out of the trance-like state, then he looked at me, "Sorry, but, you were freaking me out, are you okay?" I asked again, now that he was aware. He paused for a minuet, before smiling slightly, "Yeah.... I was just- thinking..." he replied, moving his eye focus to the floor.

"Thinking? You didn't answer me, twice. What's wrong?" I questioned. To my surprise, he stood up, "nothing, I'm fine... I'm kind of tired, so I'm going to head to my room..." he said before going to walk off.

I stood up and walked over to him, catching up, "Wait! At least let me escort you to your room," I said, smiling. He turned and his eyes darted around my face, as if looking for a part of me lying, of course, I wasn't, so he just nodded, "okay? But I don't see why......" he replied.

I smiled again, "So I know that you're okay," I said, taking his hand in mine. He was cold, 'that's strange?' I thought. He looked at his hand in mine and I could see a small bit of pink spread across his face, "I'm fine, but... I'm not going to stop you...." he added before turning so that we were both facing the living room door, hand in hand.

I smiled and started walking alongside him, he led the way mostly, we went past my room and all the way down the hallway until we stopped at the end of it to a small-ish looking room. He turned around and had a small smile on his face, "thank you Ro-..." I stopped him quickly by stepping closer to him and connecting our lips. He seemed shocked at first, but he timidly kissed back.

I pulled away from him to look him in his red face, "Goodnight, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance," I said sweetly, as I smiled at him and turned to head back to my room, leaving a froze, shocked Anxiety in the hall.

I May Not Show It: PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now