18: I May Not Show It

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*last chapter*

Remy looked over and his face turned bright red, all his 'chill' had completely gone; making us all laugh slightly as the two both looked confused.



Of course he had to walk in, all perfect and all. He looked so cuuute. Even my Starbucks was shocked like, omg there he is.

I looked over at Emile and smiled a bit. He saw me and smiled back, "Hey Guys!" Emile said smiling.

Everyone smiled at him and said hi.

Emile started walking over to me and that's when I started to feel nervous-WAit, me? Nervous? Nah that's unt-true oh no he's right next to me.


*Virgil's POV*

It was quite funny to watch actually. You could faintly see Remy's hand shaking whilst holding his Starbucks. Emile just kept smiling at Remy and Remy looked so lost. I've never seen him this... unconfident. I frowned a bit.

Roman rolled his eyes and summoned a bunch of flowers into Remy's hand. Roman was the romantic one so, of course he had to step in. Although he kinda did save their awkward situation as a Remy smiled and nodded at Roman a 'thanks' before handing them to Emile.

Emile looked at them and smiled widely, "Aww! Thanks Remy!" He giggled and took them, sniffing them and sneezing after. Remy laughed and rubbed Emile's back, which made Picani's face tint a slight red.


*Logan's POV*

I looked over at Remy and Emile. They seemed so... fluffy? Is that the word? I am not quite sure. I observed them before turning to see Virgil and Roman cuddled up together, smiling at each other. It was nice to see Virgil relaxed.

I felt a warm hand go around my waist and I turned to look and saw Patton smiling at me. I smiled back and put my arm around his waist also. This was something I had learned over time; a thing people who liked each other did frequently. It was to show affection or something like that; show you cared. It also is supposed to calm the other.

Patton blushed a bit and giggled before placing a kiss on my cheek. I smiled a bit back.

Everyone in the room seemed happy. Everyone had someone. Everyone was calm and relaxed, not having anything else to worry about; just being content in their lovers arms, and for once, it actually seemed like everyone got their 'happy ending'. Even Deceit -who might I say was being a pouty snake whilst cuddling up to Remus.

Everyone was happy. And, even though I may not show it, So was I.

- thank you everyone so much! I enjoyed writing this story, short as it was. It's one of my first books and honestly, it was really fun to write. I have a new book that I'm working on called Supernatural Changes, so you can go check that out! And thank you all so much for the support and I'm excited to be writing this new book. It's once again, Sanders sides. Comment or Vote this part if you'd like a sequel. I was thinking maybe set it in the dark mindscape and have it set after this.

I May Not Show It: PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now