12: For what?

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*last chapter*

I opened my eyes, now in Romans room. I had teleported them here and made sure they were extra cuddled on Romans bed before leaving with a smirk; They don't call me the Ship god for nothing.


*Logics POV*

I sat next to Patton, looking down at Thomas. We got him a damp cloth to put on his head and put a blanket around him. We were both just sat there, in a somewhat comfortable silence as we shared the same worry.

Morality eventually sighed, breaking the silence, "Do you think he'll be alright?" He asked, looking over at me with a concerned expression. I looked back at him, "I am most certain he will be alright," I nodded. That brought a more relieved expression to his face as I looked back down at Thomas.

It went back to silence for a moment before Patton spoke up again, "Hey,... Logan?" He spoke. I looked back up at him, it had seemed as though he had never taken his eyes off me, holding back whatever he was going to say for a while, Yes Patton?" I asked. He paused and looked down, before looking back up with a small smile, "Thank you," he finally said. I looked at him, confused, "For what?" I questioned. His smile grew, "For staying here with me,".

I felt my face heat up slightly and I was immediately confused by it, frowning slightly. "Is something wrong?" He asked. I looked at him and shook my head, "Not at all, I'm fine,".


*Creativity's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. It was fimiliar. My room. I looked next to where I was laying and saw Anxiety curled up next to me, his head against my chest. I blushed slightly and smiled, kissing the top of his head and tightening my arms around him slightly, pulling him closer. He seemed so peaceful, his chest rising and falling evenly.

A few moments later, however, I heard a small sound and I looked at him, seeing his eyes half open. "Anxiety?" I spoke softly. He rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times before his eyes properly opened and landed on me. His face grew a slight shade of red and I smirked, "You okay there?".

He hid his face in my shoulder, groaning, "... mrghh..... 's too earlyy...." He slurred. I laughed a bit, "It's almost 2 am,". He frowned, ".... re'lly?...." he mumbled and I ruffled his hair, smiling brightly, "Mhmm," I replied.

Anxiety shuffled a bit, inching slightly closer to me which made me smile grow wider. "How are you feeling?" I asked. He shut his eyes again and yawned, ".....tired...". Nodding, I ran my hand through his hair calmingly, "Go back to sleep then, Virgil,". He yawned again and nodded, putting his head on my chest and hugging me tighter. I smiled and kissed the top of his forehead and closed my eyes, falling asleep cuddling him.


*Remy's POV*

Once I had put the two opposites in Romans room I slowly walked back to my own; Teleporting more people than just yourself is tiring. I eventually made it to my room and flopped back onto it, passing out straight away...


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