9: Affecting the mind scape

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*last chapter*

He took a deep breath, "How are we gonna get him back?" He asked. I paused for a moment, "Going to," I corrected, "And I have a plan, go get Morality and meet me in the living room," I replied.


*Anxiety's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes to see black. Just darkness. I sat up and looked around a bit, only then realising I was in my old room; I was in the dark mind scape. As I looked around, I realised just how dark my old room is. The walls are all black, there is little lighting, except a small lamp, and all the furniture is darkly coloured.

I frowned and pushed myself off the black bed I was sat up on. Walking over to the door I rubbed my eyes, 'how'd I get here?' I thought as I opened the door and walked out.

I slipped downstairs right into the living room to see Deceit sat on the couch, he seemed to be fiddling with the tv remote. He looked up and smirked, "Finally, took you long enough to wake up," he stated as he turned his attention back to the tv screen. I gave him a confused look, ".... Did you bring me here?....". He didn't say anything and just nodded.

I frowned a bit, feeling the effects of the dark mind scape washing over me. I had to sit down, so I moved over to the couch and sat the other end Deceit was on, ".... Why?.." I asked, resting my head in my hand, that was leant against the arm of the couch.


*Deceit's POV*

I looked over at him once again. I noticed how pale he looked. Probably the affects of the mind scape I suppose, he's not been here for a little while. I smirked at him, "Why not?" I simply said, turning back to the screen. Everything was playing out. I could see in the corner of my eye him frown at that, ".... you know what-..... I mean...... you probably are planning-..... something-...." he stuttered out, frowning more. I smiled evilly, "Oh Virgil, you know me so well," I laughed out.


*Anxiety's POV*

I could feel my breathing decreasing and the pressure on my chest getting worse. I took quicker, shorter breaths and could already feel it kicking in. Any second now. I looked up briefly to see him smirking, but his eyes were focused on the tv. I pulled my knees up to my chest and clutched them tightly, trying my best to keep my breathing somewhat steady, however, it wasn't exactly working.

My eyes widened when I realised, ",...... you're-....... you're trying to-..... make me have an-.... attack-........ so Thomas-" I stumbled in between breaths, not being able to get the last bit out as I shut my eyes tightly and held onto my knees closely, loosing my breathing pattern. He smirked, "You're so smart, Virgil," he replied before I eventually fell into the attack, gripping my legs so tightly I could feel my nails dig in as I bit my lip, trying my best to not burst out into tears.


*Creativity's POV*

We quickly gathered into the living room, Morality and I sitting down on the couch while Logic stood in front of us. He explained the situation, me being asleep and Morality not being there when it all happened.

After he'd told us what was going on, he suggested what we should do, ways to stop Deceit, and where he might have gone. Logic said he had cancelled out most places, and suspicioned Deceit to have gone to the 'dark mind scape', a place we all had never been before, except Morality, who had gotten close to it when he first found Anxiety.

I stood up, holding my sword in its case by my side tightly, ready for any attack, "Let's go then! We don't want to waste anymore time while Deceits our there with-....". I was abruptly stopped when the living room started shaking slightly. Looking at the other two they were clearly confused.


*Logic's POV*

When the living room suddenly started moving slightly a confused expression crossed my face. That was until I realised, "Virgil," I stated. Both Morality and Creativity looked at me confused. "He is having an attack, which is affecting the mind scape, and Thomas. Though, I have never seen it this bad. It must be the dark mind scape that is affecting him," I added.

Both their eyes widened, "We've got to get to him quickly then!" Creativity exclaimed, cautiously standing up as the shaking started getting more and more worse. I nodded, "Morality. I need you to go out of the mind scape and look after Thomas," I said, looking at him intently. He looked a bit sad to not being able to help us with Anxiety, but nodded and sank down.

I turned to Creativity, "Now we shall go," I added, to which he quickly nodded and we both started walking down the halls careful of the ongoing shaking.

- Sorry its a bit short, I just wanted to get something out here for now... I haven't done one for almost a month.... so merry Christmas guys and Happy New Year, since Ive missed that.... another chapter should be out sooner than last time... hopefully soon to make up for this being short.

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