10: Thomas?

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*last chapter*

I turned to Creativity, "Now we shall go," I added, to which he quickly nodded and we both started walking down the halls careful of the ongoing shaking.


*Third POV*

Patton reappeared in Thomas' room. His laptop was open on his bed and he was curled up next to it, his chest rising quickly. Patton gasped and quickly ran over to him, sitting down on his bed and pulling Thomas up to a sitting position, leant against Pattons chest. "Thomas? Thomas!" He cried out, holding Thomas closely, "it's okay, just breathe, okay? In for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, out for 8 seconds," he added. Thomas nodded, keeping his eyes closed and trying his best to realign his breathing, holding onto Patton.

Logan and Roman stumbled down the halls. Everywhere was still shaking slightly, so it was hard to walk in a straight line; they both used the walls to help them along. Once they reached the dark mindscape, they both took a sharp intake of air, feeling the difference of the two mindscapes.

Virgil was still curled up at the edge of the couch, breathing quickly and gripping his knees tightly, hiding his face behind them. Romans eyes widened and he ran over to him, wrapping his arms around him and holding him tightly, "it's okay Virgil, just breathe," he cried out.

Logan looked over at Deceit who was sat on the bottom step of the stairs with his eyes closed. He had a smirk on his face.

Suddenly, Thomas opened his eyes; They glowed yellow, his attack had stopped. At the same moment, Deceit opened his eyes, also glowing yellow. His smirk grew bigger as he stood up. Thomas moved away from Patton and stood up, his face expressionless.

Logan narrowed his eyes at Deceit, trying to figure out what was happening. Roman kept talking softly to Virgil, trying to help his current state, while Virgil was gripped onto Roman, his head hidden in Romans shoulder.

Patton looked at Thomas confused, "Thomas?" He asked. Thomas slowly turned to Patton, a smirk on his face, "Patton." He replied.
"Uh, are you okay?" He asked, standing up from the bed to be stood in front of him. "I am perfectly fine," he replied, the smirk not disappearing.

Logan's eyes widened, "wait-. Deceit, how long have you been planning this, I must say, it seems well thought out," he stated. Roman looked over, "Why are you worried about that! Logan stay on task!" He frowned before turning back to Virgil, running his hands through Virgil's hair, "it's okay, I'm here. You're safe. Remember, in for 4, hold for 7, our for 8," he told him softly.

"My apologies," he nodded, turning back to Deceit, frowning. He stepped towards him, "Leave Thomas alone," he stated. Deceit smirked, "was that a threat?" He teased, raising an eyebrow, "I believe Patton is up there with him, would be a shame if something was to not happen to him, wouldn't it?" He smirked more. Logan's eye twitched, however, other than that, it was unnoticeable how much that affected him, although, Deceit knew he had gotten to Logan.

"It would indeed, I would advise against it," he frowned. Deceit stepped closer to Logan, "was that not another attempt at a threat?" He laughed, lightly pushing Logan. Logan stumbles back slightly, frowning more, "Leave them both alone, or further action may have to take place, /that/ is my threat," he glared.

Deceit laughed evilly, "wow, it's never the sensible ones, eh?" He smirked.

Thomas stepped closer to Patton, his smirk growing; Patton stepped back in return, his face sinking and he started to look frightened, "T-Thomas?" He asked, stuttering slightly. Thomas kept stepping closer to Patton until he backed him up to his bedroom wall. Patton pressed against the wall as much as he could, "T-Thomas?!" He called again.

Deceit stepped closer to Logan, "You should not watch who you threate-" his eyes rolled back and he fell to the floor. As he fell to the floor, it revealed a person standing with their hand outstretched to where Deceit had been, "Yo. You called for backup?" they smirked.

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