8: Simply Returning Him

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*last chapter*

I nodded and gave a small smile, standing up, "Thank you for that information Morality,". He nodded and stood up as well, "No problem Lo," he smiled. I turned and walked out, trying to piece together this new information.


I looked around me. Everything was black, darkness. I tried to piece together where I might have been. My efforts came to nothing as I was presented with just more darkness.

It wasn't until I heard a voice. I recognised it. I tried to tune into it but it was faint and I couldn't make out many of the words. However, I could hear slightly where it was coming from, so I tried my best to edge nearer to it.

'Please...... don't, don't let them know...... they'll hate me'

(*Creativity's POV*)

My eyes shot open. Why did Anxiety say that? I looked around me and saw that I must have fallen asleep to what looked like 'Aladdin'. I rolled my eyes to myself at falling asleep to such a good movie. Checking the time I sighed, 1:24pm. I overslept. Great.

Although, now seems like a good time to check on Anxiety. After that weird dream I may need some answers, and also to find out about last nights events.

I got up and walked over to Anxiety's Black door to his room, knocking lightly as to not startle him.

*Anxiety's POV*

The noises got louder. I put my hands over my ears to try and cover up the sound, but a voice accompanied it. One I recognised. "Anxiety? May I come in?" He asked. I whimpered slightly, keeping my eyes shut. I heard my door open and seconds later a pair of arms wrap around me. I was moved onto his lap, "It's okay Anxiety, it's just a dream. Wake up," he said softly.

My eyes slowly opened and I looked up at him. He frowned and wiped away tears I didn't even know where there. "What's wrong?" He asked. It was such a simple question, yet, I didn't know how to answer it. The 'dream' wasn't exactly the best experience, and I certainly did not wanna go through it again, so when Princey said, "You wanna talk about it?", my head immediately shook. That question being the only one I could answer.

He smiled down at me and started playing with my hair comfortingly, "That's okay, you don't have to,". I smiled a bit back, Princey seemed to care about me. Enough to stay with me and make sure I was okay. I smiled a bit more, which wasn't much, and leaned into the touch, curling up against his chest on his lap.

I froze when I heard him whisper four words into my ear, "I love you, Virge," and kissed the top of my head. My face went bright red and a small smile crept up to my face. He chuckled a bit at the sight and sighed contently, softly running his hands through my hair.

"...... I-....... love you too Roman," I managed to slip out, looking up at him. He looked down at me with a soft smile as he kissed my forehead. I felt my face heat up and all my worries drift away, even if it was just for that moment. I smiled, properly, and put my head on Romans chest. He smiled back and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. I can't remember when, but I started to drift off and eventually fall asleep, snuggled in Romans arms.

*Logics POV*

I walked out Morality's room and headed to Anxiety's, hoping to get answers to some questions I still had. I knocked lightly and opened the door, but was greeted by the sight of Prince and Anxiety asleep, cuddling each other. A very small smile slipped onto my face as I shut the door quietly and started heading back to my room. That was until-

I stepped out from the shadows and saw them. It brought a look of disgust to my face. I stepped over to them. I removed Roman's arms from Virgil and picked Virgil up. I let out a small laugh before turning around, about to head back into the shadows when I heard the door creep open. I stopped and turned my head to face the person who had rudely interrupted me. Of course. It was the stupid search engine. I rolled my eyes, "What are you doing?" He asked, seeing over my shoulder that I still had Virgil in my arms, asleep. "It is of your concern," my lie rang out, as I turned back around.

"Why do you care so much for Anxiety? Why do you keep pestering him?" Logan asked. I scoffed and turned around, "You are not Logic, no? So why don't you not figure it out, hmm?" I asked, smirking. Logan seemed to think for a minute, "I am trying to figure this out," he admitted, "I believe it has something to do with Anxiety's past," he suggested, almost forming it into a question. I smirked more, "He ran away from home, I am simply returning him,".

*Logic's POV*

He laughed slyly and faded into the shadows before I could react. I cursed myself for not doing something sooner. Sighing, I walked over to Creativity and tapped him on the shoulder. His eyes opened and scanned around him, widening when he saw Anxiety was missing, "Where is he?!" He asked frantically. I frowned a bit, "Deceit," I replied simply. His eyes widened more and he got up, frowning, "How? What happened? Did you seem him? What if he is hurting him? What if something bad happens? What if we don't get him back?" He said very quickly.

It was then I noticed the black lines under his eyes, I frowned and took his hand, leading him out of the room. He looked at me confused, "Anxiety's room was starting to affect you," I answered the question on his mind. He paused for a moment before realising and nodding, "Thanks," he replied as the lines disappeared.

He took a deep breath, "How are we gonna get him back?" He asked. I paused for a moment, "Going to," I corrected, "And I have a plan, go get Morality and meet me in the living room," I replied.

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