17: Just Me and My Starbies

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*last chapter*

Virgil groaned and curled up next to me, hiding his face in my side. I smiled more and ruffled his hair, sighing out contently as I put the tv on.


Betcha missed me eh?

It hasn't been a while has it?

Short time, much see?


Bet you thought I was snake there eh?

Nope... it's you're favourite.

Just thought I'd test you, see if you guys were awake and caught up.

So yes, it has been a long time I know. I'm sorry for burdening you with this amount of wait time to see me. I promise you, you'll see more of me because a lot of coffee is required.

I hope you've all slept well. No? Well I wonder why that is. My absence I assume.

*Remy's POV*

Now that that's been cleared up.

I walked out of my room, adjusting my sunglasses. I heard the tv playing in the living room downstairs. I walked down into the darkscape living room to see Deceit flicking through channels. "Sup Biotch...." I sat down on the couch. He frowned at me and went back to the tv. "Is the snake grumpy?" I teased.

He hissed at me and frowned, he looked back at the screen which was playing Jekyll and Hyde. "Why this program?" I questioned, looking disgust at it. "Why not?" He retorted.

I rolled my eyes, "Lemme guess.... hmmm..... You relate to Hyde?" I smirked. He frowned at me again, "Go away Starbucks." I laughed and looked up to see Remus coming down. He came over and sat down next to me and Deceit.

I stood up, "I'm going to check on the others," I stated. They both turned to me frowning, "Why do you even stay here if most of your time is spent with those dorks." Remus frowned and laughed a bit at something after. I rolled my eyes again, "You couldn't do without me" I smirked and sank out.


*Virgil's POV*

I frowned and opened my eyes. I felt strong hands wrapped around me and I looked up to see Roman smirking down at me. I was sat on his lap curled up against his chest. My face heated up slightly and I frowned, rolling my eyes slightly.

"Come on Virge, I know you love sleeping with me," he smirked. My face heated up more and I looked away, "s-Shut up Prince...."

He laughed and held me tighter, "Make me." I sighed and gave up, laying against his chest as his arms kept around me protectively.

A few moments later, Logan and Patton came out of the kitchen holding hands. At the same time Remy appeared in the living room and smirked at the two, "Ooo what were you two doing in the kitchen?~"

"M-Making pancakes-"

"Making out." Logan stared with a straight face.

Patton went bright red, "U-Uhm, maybe that too." 

Remy laughed, "And I see you two had fun too~" he smirked and turned to me and Roman. I blushed and hid in Romans chest. "Anyways, I just came to check on you love birds,"

"Sure you wasn't coming to see someone else?" Roman smirked.

Remy's eyes widened under his sunglasses but you couldn't see it. "What-Pfftt-No-Just me and my Starbies-

"Hey!" He walked in skipping.

Remy looked over and his face turned bright red, all his 'chill' had completely gone; making us all laugh slightly as the two both looked confused.

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