16: No I Did Not

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*last chapter*

He frowned at the reoccurring nickname I gave him but sighed out contently. I saw a small smile form on his face as he looked down at Patton, before looking back up at the tv.


*Third POV*

Virgil slowly opened his eyes and looked up from Roman's lap, seeing a sleeping Prince. His cheeks tinted red slightly as he sat up next to him and smirked slightly, taking a picture of the unconscious male.

Patton smiled a bit, awake too as he saw Virgo take the picture, "Just be careful Kiddo. Don't want that to cause an argument, hmm?" He whispered over.

Virgil turned his head to look over at Patton and nodded, smirking still as he prodded Roman's cheek. Roman frowned and opened his eyes, seeing Virgil. His gaze softened and he sat up straight.

Logan was the only one that was off the couch. He had woken up in advance and started 'making breakfast', not wanting to wake up Patton -who usually did it- however, he was failing slightly.

He frowned at the burnt pancakes that were stuck to the pan. Everyone could smell smoke and burnt food in the air. Patton clocked and jumped up, making a quick jog to the kitchen and seeing an annoyed Logan.

Patton giggled and walked over.


"Heh. Logan you didn't put enough oil in the pan," he smiled, walking over to the stove. "Wait what. I put at least two teaspoons in," he stated.

Patton looked at him confused, "then how-. Wait. Did you put any more in after making your attempt one?" He asked, seeing the disfigured pancake on a plate next to the stove.

"Why would you do tha-. Oh. Right. No I did not." He sighed and shook his head. Patton smiled, "That's okay. You just needed to add more oil after every pancake. Only a little bit though, just so they don't stick."

Logan nodded as Patton scraped off the burnt one into the bin and put more oil in, "Thanks for trying to make breakfast though!" He smiled. Logan looked down a bit, hiding a bit of a blush, "Oh uhh... that is okay. I did not want to wake you," he stated.

Patton smiled, "Aww! It's okay. I wouldn't have minded," he shrugged as he put more pancake mix into the pan. "Here. I'll show you," he smiled as he flattened the mix to fit the whole pan and waited a few minuets.

Once ready, he flipped the pancake and smiled as it landed perfectly back onto the pan, facing the other way. Logan stared in awe, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.


*Roman's POV*

I sat upright and saw Virgil sat next to me. I smiled at him and put my arm around his waist, "Hey Hot Topic," I smirked at him. His cheeks tinted pink and he looked away slightly, trying to hide. I laughed and pulled him closer, "What's wrong Virge?" I smirked more.

Virgil groaned and curled up next to me, hiding his face in my side. I smiled more and ruffled his hair, sighing out contently as I put the tv on.

I May Not Show It: PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now