7: Deep in the mindscape

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*last chapter*
My face went a bit red once I had remembered, but I hid it as soon as I realised, ".... thanks I guess" I said standing up. "No problem Anx," he punched my arm jokily. Unfortunately for me, I was still aching from last night, so I flinched and clenched my jaw slightly. He looked at me confused and concerned, "I didn't hit you that hard did I?". I shook my head and turned around, trying to make a quick exit, "Anxiety," he called back, but I ignored him, keeping on path to my room.

*Anxiety's POV*

I almost just blew my cover. He almost found out. Lucky for me, I made it to my room in time. I shut the door quickly behind me and slid down it, breathing a sigh of relief, that was cut short by a shadow that moved from the corner of my room.

My eyes shot up to be met with another pair of un-identical eyes, my body froze as he smirked back at me and disappeared. I stood up and walked to my bed, shuffling under my covers frantically as I used them as a shield from the outside world. My head was pounding and my whole being was tense, but I soon fell asleep, exhausted

*Creativity's POV*

"Anxiety," I called back, but he kept walking, not once pausing as he turned to go into his room at the bottom of the hall. I sighed, 'I'll need to ask him about that later' I thought as I sat on the couch. I put on a Disney movie to try and take my mind off it, but it never fully did.


*Logic's POV*

I went back to my room, thinking and thinking. Deceit is the occurring theme, but why? I deduced it to be something about Anxiety's past, unfortunately, something I knew little about.

Although. I do remember Patton finding him.

I shall go talk to Patton.

I got up and walked out my room, swiftly moving to Patton's room across the hall and lightly knocking. He abruptly answered, opening the door with a big smile, "Hey Logic!" He beamed. I kept a serious face and replied, "I need to discuss a matter with you,". His smile faltered slightly and he nodded, opening the door wider to allow me in.

I stepped into his room, feeling a wave of relaxation hit me as I sat down on his bed with a content sigh. He sat a few feet from me and smiled, "What was it you wanted to 'discuss'," he made air quotes, laughing. I rolled my eyes, "About Anxiety, I remember you being the one to find him, how was it that you came across him?" I asked simply.

His smile went and he looked at the floor briefly, before looking back up at me with slight sadness, "I found him deep in the mindscape, I can't remember why I was out so far, but I remember coming across him; He was curled into himself, leaning against a wall, crying. I went over to him and calmed him down as best as I could, asking him if he wanted to talk abut it. He didn't say much to be honest, he just let me take him back to my room and I let him sleep in my room for the night whilst I sorted out a room for him. That seemed to help a bit,".

I nodded throughout, letting him know I was following what he was telling me. "What /did/ he tell you?" I asked, trying to find out as much as I could. He paused for a minute before finally speaking up, "He said something about people not being particularly nice to him; he never said any names; he kept it vague. He mentioned something about darkness, some guy in green, but again, he kept it vague.... and it was a while ago," Morality replied.

I nodded and gave a small smile, standing up, "Thank you for that information Morality,". He nodded and stood up as well, "No problem Lo,"  he smiled. I turned and walked out, trying to piece together this new information.

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