Chapter 14: A Day with My Lads (Part Deux)

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-Half an hour later-

WHERE COULD THEY POSSIBLY BE?! I've search everywhere for the both of them and no signs of them anywhere! Okay, not everywhere. I didn't check the men's restroom, because it's illegal-ish to do so, since I'm a girl..? Anyway, bottom line, I can't find them. I'll just go grab a small snack and I'll think of something..

-One snack eating later-

I still haven't thought of anything! But, how can you blame me? I'm the only person searching for the both of them!

?: "Williams?"

Omg, YESSSSS! A miracle came to my rescue!

Heather: "Hey, Russell!"

Russell: "What you're doing here all by yourself?"

Heather: " I was with Christopher and Emily but, I lost them..."

Russell: "Oh, your friends?"

Heather: "Yeah..."

Why is it always Russell that appears out of nowhere when I'm in trouble? Is he my guardian angel or something?

Russell: "I think I saw Christopher with some girl that I don't know yet.."

So Christopher did find Emy, which is great! At least it's less work for me to handle.

Heather: "Really?! How does the girl look like?"

Russell: "Brown and orange-ish hair and a little short?"

Heather: "That's definitely Emily."

Russell: "Okay, that's cool. I saw them near the tea pot ride or whatever."

Heather: "They were near it or they went in the ride together?"

Russell: "I'm not totally sure.."

Heather: "Thanks for your help! I've gotta go find them so, see ya!"

Russell: "Can I come along? Pretty please!"

Heather: "Fine, whatever..."

-Near the tea pot ride-

Heather: "You see them anywhere?"

Russell: "Wait, my eyes are still scanning the area... Oh! There they are!"

Heather: "What are they doing?"

Russell: "They're- Umm... See for yourself?"

As I look at the distance, Emily was hugging Chris very tightly and he was smiling very big. I'm confused...

Heather: "Let's interrupt their party shall we?"

Russell: *nods*

As I approached them closer and closer, I started to get a little mad at them since, they didn't even bother asking where was I or not even coming back to me...

Heather: "Hey, guys..." *scary face*

Emily: "Oh! Um... Hi..."

Heather: "Where were you guys?! I've been looking everywhere for you two and I've been worried about you guys!"

Christopher: "We kind of are having something going on here..."

Heather: "A date?"

Emily: "Kinda..."

Heather: "So you're telling me, when I wanted the three of us to hang out, you two took advantage of it so you can have a date?!"

Christopher: "Bingo...?"

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