Chapter 3: New Faces

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Tuesday, September 5

I went to school 10 minutes earlier this time to explore a little bit in my new high school. I waited for Chris to arrive, but I guess he's coming later.

The first place I went is the library and holy moly it's big! I'm a big fan of books by the way and this is good news for me, no, GREAT news!

I just looked around for some books that may seem interesting, when I spotted a girl reading a book all by herself.. I guess I may approach her, she looks harmless.. So, I went to her table and tried to talk to her..

Heather: "Hello....?"

*Girl still into her reading*

Heather: "Hellloooo...?"

*Still into her reading*

Heather: "HELLO!"

*Girl jumped out of her chair*

Girl: "Oh, umm, umm, hi.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to ignore you like that.. REALLY!"

Heather: "It's alright, it's alright.. I just came by to say hi since you seem lonely before."

Girl: "No, I'm fine! I wasn't lonely at all! I have my books and they keep me company especially my food!"

Heather: "Okay, gotcha.. So, what were you reading?"

Girl: "Probably the best book ever! It's my favorite!"

Heather: "No wonder why you didn't notice me the first time.."

Girl: "Well, yeah I'm like that. When I read something so good, I tend to forget about the people around me."

Heather: "At least I know next time. Nice meeting you.. Um.. You never mentioned your name.."

Girl: "Emily. Emily Velasco."

Heather: "Heather Williams. Nice to be acquainted with you."

Emily: "Certainly."

Heather: "So, what do you have now for class?"

Emily: "English and you?"

Heather: "Math.."

Emily: "That sucks.. We're not in the same class.."

Heather: "I know.. All right, I'm going now.. See you around?"

Emily: "Of course. Bye!"

-Math class-

Mr. Boreden: "Good morning class... My name is Mr. Boreden and I'm here to teach you some Math.. So, lets get started.." *Bored toned*

Seriously, this guy makes me want to fall asleep so badly, because he's SO BORING! He makes me want to open the class window and jump out of it and into the wild (or hospital).

*Student interrupts the class*

Mr Boreden: "Miss Ivy Preston, running late I see hmm?"

Ivy: "Pardon me, just pretend I was present the whole time and everything will be fine alright?"

Mr Boreden: "Don't sass me Ms. Preston. Just take your seat and pretend you didn't interrupted my class!"

My first impression of Ivy makes me feel weird. I don't know about you, but she looks like the mean popular girl and the drama queen in high school movies.. Maybe it's just my guts but hey, don't judge someone right away right?

So, Ivy went to sit in the only spot available. Right beside me.

Ivy: "Hey! Brunette!"

Heather: "Yes, blondie?"

Ivy: "Make sure you keep your distance away from me.. It's like you're giving me no-style disease. Got it?"

Nope, not all. My first impression of her was exactly what she is in reality, GREAT.

Heather: "Oh. Thanks for warning me. I thought maybe your sense of style is not appropriate for your age hm?"

Ivy: "I don't need your judgement brunette! Just don't talk to me.."

Heather: "You're the who talked to me in the first place.." *mumbles*

Ivy: "Did I heard something from you?!"

Heather: "Yes indeed. I said, YOU'RE THE ONE WHO TALKED TO ME IN TH-"


That made both of us shut up once and for all. Really, I was so scared that I literally almost pissed my pants.

The class went back into normal when Mr. Boreden released his anger issues at us. Now, I really want to get out of here since I can't stand being beside Miss Blabmouth. Until, the miracle happens..

*Bell rings*

When I heard that sound, I just took all of my belongings right away and rushed out the door and didn't care anymore about the world.

☆〜(ゝ。∂) ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

-Lunch time-

I decided to spend more time with Emily but, at the same, I don't want Chris to be lonely so, I just invited both of them for lunch in the cafeteria.

Heather: "So Chris, this is Emily and Emily, this is Chris"

Christopher: "Nice to meet you."

Emily: "Same with you."

Heather: "So Emily, tell us about yourself."

Emily: "Well, I was born in Mexico and when I was 5, my parents decided to move to this town. I'm 14 and my favorite hobby is reading books and yeah.."

Heather: "Wow Emily. You did so much better then Christopher!"

Christopher: "And way better then Heather too."

Heather: "..."

Emily: "Thanks, I appreciate it."

Christopher and Heather: "No problem."

Christopher: "Hey! We should all hang out sometime!"

Heather: "Agreed."

Emily: "Yeah, I like that idea!"

Christopher: "How about Friday? We can go to the movies?"

Heather: "Yeah, I'm not busy on Friday. How about you Emi?"

Emily: "Yeah, I'm available. I guess I can go."

Christopher: "It's all settled then!"

Heather: "Definitely."


?: "So, you're Heather Ariel Williams I see? It's good to finally meet you."

Heather: "What..?"


Author's Note:

Hope you liked this chapter! If you do like it, vote, comment and follow me. See you soon!

P.S Sorry for the cliffhanger.. Hehehe..

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