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Song: Goodbye
By: Avril Lavigne

It's been two months, since I left Endicott and I have moved to the States. The reason for that is my parents aren't that popular compared to Canada.

The house we live live in is small, it's an apartment. One small kitchen and two bedrooms, that's all we have for now. From a huge house to a small apartment... I never thought that would happen to me. I miss Endicott, I don't like it here. I have to restart my life again, when it wasn't necessary!

I hate the paparazzis, I hate Ivy Preston and I hate my image! My unwanted image! If I just— No, I wouldn't say I wish to change my mistakes. If I did, a lot of my precious memories would've been gone. But, what's worse? Never having those memories... Or...

Forcing myself to let them go?

It's finally summer vacation. As promised by Emily, she will be with Christopher for the whole summer in New York.

I haven't had any contact with both, since that day... Just seeing them together makes me feel angry. That could've been my happiness— It's no use to get angry over it, but still. It's been almost two months, but feels a hell lot like a year. I guess, the reason I'm so upset is that she's always been the reason to be happy and be proud of myself. I never thought that I, a person that lives with a broken family in a broken home, would have someone that amazing to save me from the darkness that's been created around me. My saviour to disappear like that, there's so little hope left in me.

Is there still light at the end of the tunnel for me? Or do I have to stop fighting and give up?

Should I try to forget about that town? Never again mention the friendships and relationship I made? Pretend it was just a long dream?

Well, no.

They were the best people people I've ever met and they should never be forgotten. I take them for granted.

Especially, Russell.

So, did I accomplish the typical life? The life I've always wanted? Well, even if it didn't last forever, I definitely did.

When I'll be sixteen, it will be impossible to obtain it. My parents have already made plans for my future. I don't agree with them, but I'm tired of repeating the same thing, so I'm stopping. It's official, I will be a celebrity every year I grow. The way it will lead me is still unknown.

Being the last page of this chapter of my life, the next one is just the beginning.

Take care diary,

-Heather A. Williams x


We have reached the end of the book... Wow. I really can't believe my first book is complete! Even if I had a hard time to finish the book and tried to put too much thought into it, I'm still satisfied from this book. It's not a masterpiece, but hey, it's my first book. I will learn from my mistakes. I hope you guys enjoyed the story and the ending :3

Now, I know what you're thinking.

Am I going to make a sequel out of this?

I haven't put so much thought into it, to be honest. There's an idea I can make for a sequel, but that will depend by how good this book will receive.

If you want a sequel, let me know!

Will I make another book?

The answer to that is definitely, yes. I have a book planned out called
"Finding The Path of Happiness"

I'll probably post it very soon, but to give you an idea of what it's about, here's the summary:

"Anna Caine's life was filled with people she loves, her family. But, on Christmas Day is when her life has turned upside down. The whole Caine family was on their car on the highway having a good time as a family. Suddenly, they suffered a car accident, when crashed by a drunk driver. Anna survived it, but her parents and younger brother were lifeless. Anna's life has changed forever ever since the accident. Even in her adulthood, she can't get over their deaths. But one day, she had enough. She decided to change her life around and try to find something else to replace her previous happiness. But, will she?"

You like the plot? Well, be sure to follow me to be the first people to read it!

That's all for now and see you again in "Finding The Path of Happiness"!

-AquamarineOtaku (Aqua-chan)

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