Chapter 6 // Unsub

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Chloe's POV.

After putting all of our information together, we called Garcia and had her find all of the guys with blonde hair and blue eyes that attended Abigail's college. After she ran background checks on several of them, she found out that one of them had spent time in a mental facility for a year during high school due to his fascination with his younger sister. It had gotten so bad to the point where he attempted to kill her. The man's name was Matthew Rendon, a twenty year old male whose little sister just happened to have blonde hair and blue eyes.

JJ called the college and asked them about Matthew, and they had told her that he would constantly be missing classes left and right. He was most likely kidnapping those women and holding them hostage during these times. We were able to locate his hide out after contacting his parents, who told us that whenever he would get angry or upset, he'd run away to the abandoned farm that was a few blocks from their house.

Once we had arrived there along with the SWAT team, we spread out to different areas of the farm.

"FBI, show yourself!" Agent Morgan shouted as he entered the farm. "We know you're in here, Matthew!"

I stayed behind him as we searched. He finally kicked open one of the doors that revealed the unsub, holding a gun to Abigail's head. "Drop your guns or I'll shoot." His voice was oddly calm, although his grip on the gun was so tight that his knuckles had turned white.

"Matthew, you don't want to do this. She is an innocent girl and she is not your sister." Reid came in from behind us. "I said drop your guns!" Matthew shouted. Reid continued, "I know that your parents sent you away because of your sister, and that's awful. My mother lives in a mental facility, and I'm aware of how horrible it is there. This woman has done nothing to you. Matthew, Let her go."

At this point, the unsub's face had turned bright red and his hands shook. Tears ran down his cheeks as he contemplated what to do. Finally, he dropped the gun and let go of the girl as he fell to his knees. Morgan quickly went to hand cuff him as I ran over to Abigail.

"You're okay now. It's going to be okay." I consoled her as she cried in my arms.

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