Chapter 34 // Work Is Calling

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Chloe's POV.

"How'd you know that this is my favorite food?" I asked while peering over the pot of penne alla vodka that was cooking on the stove, trying my hardest not to drool from the delicious smell of it.

"Maybe because it's the only thing that you order whenever the team goes out to dinner?" He teased. I rolled my eyes playfully before smiling at Spencer's thoughtfulness. 

"Want me to take this?" He asked as he lightly placed both of his hands on my shoulders, referring to my coat. It was a small touch and only on my shoulders, but the feeling of his hands on my body gave me goosebumps and it felt electric in the best way possible. "Oh, yeah. Thank you." I sputtered after realizing how long it was taking me to reply. Gladly, he didn't notice the nervousness in my voice, or at least he didn't show it. 

After he set the small dinner table that was just outside of the kitchen, we both sat down to eat. "Wine?" He asked, holding up a bottle of red wine. "Yes, please." I smirked, holding out my glass. I never exactly saw Spencer as the type of person to drink alcohol, especially wine. Whenever we'd go out to eat with the team, he'd always get water or a Diet Coke, never alcohol. However, it added to the mood. There were candles lit around us that were all holiday scented and the lighting was dim. It almost made me feel like I was back at that coffee shop that Spencer and I used to go to all the time. We only stopped when we had that fight. 

Although I had a good feeling that if this dating thing all worked out, the two of us would be going to that coffee shop more often. Once he poured the wine into my glass and then his, he finally sat down and we began to eat. And to say the least, it was the most amazing date that I had ever been on. We talked about almost everything. From how although his mother's schizophrenia was getting worse, he was determined on finding a cure and he spends as much time as he can with her whenever the team doesn't have any cases and how it's hard for me being away from my family who lives in New York because I feel like every day that I don't tell them about how Adam abused me, is another day of me lying to them, to how he prefers coffee over tea because tea is essentially wet crushed leaves and he finds that disgusting, and how I prefer tea over coffee because it's much healthier but they only supply coffee at the BAU and it's starting to grow on me.

Once we finished our dinner, I stayed a little while longer in order to help him clean up and also just so that I could talk to him longer. There was always a new story that he could tell or a new statistic that he could inform me on and although many people might have found it annoying, I found it interesting and always listened intently. After that, he helped me put my coat back on and we eventually made our way to the door. 

"I...I had a great time tonight, Spencer." I said as I turned to him, somewhat blocking the door from being opened. "I did too, Chloe." He replied with a small smile. We stood there for a moment, just looking at each other. I didn't notice until his face was close to mine that he was about to kiss me. I leaned in and let our lips linger centimeters apart for a moment, just to tease him. However, as soon as my lips touched his-


Quickly pulling away, both of us went to check our phones only to realize that it was his that was ringing. "Hello?" He greeted the other person on the line as he brought his phone up to his ear. "Yeah, okay. I'll be there." He sighed after hanging up, which clued me in on what was coming next. "Time to head to the BAU." Spencer informed me with a sad smile. "Great. Why can't the criminals of the world understand that we have lives too?" I asked, somewhat whining. "Trust me, I'd love to stay here all night with you if I could." He said before realizing how dirty that sounded. "N-not like that. I just-"

"We should probably get going, shouldn't we?" I cut him off and smirked. "We can take my car." He offered, trying to hide the blush on his face. I nodded and stepped away from the door. As he opened it and the two of us stepped out, I quickly turned around. "Wait." I said before grabbing his wrist. Once he turned around, I cupped his face with my hands and his lips connected with mine. He pulled back slightly from shock, but then slid his hands around my waist and quickly kissed back while pulling me closer to him. His grip on my back tightened as the kiss deepened and all that I wanted to do in that moment was go back inside his apartment and spend the rest of the night kissing him until our lips were sore and every part of our necks were marked. However, after a few seconds I forced myself to pull away. Cases came first. Spencer leaned his forehead on mine and pulled me even closer as we tried to catch our breath. 

"I've been wanting to do that all night." I admitted, causing him to smile. "The feeling is mutual, I can assure you." He replied. Finally pulling away from each other, we walked down the stairs of his apartment building and to his car hand in hand, only letting go so that I could grab my to-go bag from my car. "We still have twenty-three minutes until we have to be there. Do you want to get coffee?" He asked. I nodded my head, knowing exactly where we were going. 

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