Chapter 16 // His Interests

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Once we arrived and checked into our hotel, Hotch sent all of us off to different locations. Morgan drove to Olivia Miller's house while I rode in the passenger seat. "So, you and Reid didn't share any romantic glances on the plane ride. Don't tell me that you're not in love anymore." Morgan teased, breaking the silence. "Oh, shut up. We've never shared 'romantic glances' anywhere." I rolled my eyes, however ther was a smile on my face. "Come on, Chloe. You're lying if you say that you've never seen the way he looks at you. He hasn't shown any sort of interest in a girl ever since Maeve. You changed that." 

Maeve? That was one name that I did not know. The fact that Reid might have had a girlfriend before was shocking enough. "Who's Maeve?" I asked, looking over at Morgan. His expression quickly changed and he looked like he had just told me something that he shouldn't have. "Reid never told you about her?" I shook my head and he let out a big sigh, closing his eyes and shaking his head for a second before returning his focus to the road.

"Last year, Reid had somehow met Maeve. She was being stalked and he was helping her through it. He kept it a secret from all of us." Morgan paused. "They never met in person, it was always on the phone. When he finally met her, it was because her stalker finally kidnapped her and Reid went to save her." Another sigh was let out before he continued. I listened intently, never taking my eyes off of Morgan. "Maeve's stalker shot herself and Maeve right infront of him." 

My lips parted, but no words came out. My throat felt extremely dry and I couldn't help but feel a massive amount of guilt overcome me. I already knew that Reid had been through so much, but this topped everything else and it made me feel sick. 

Never in my life had I ever met someone as sweet and as genuine as Reid, and I guess that was why the saying that the nicest people in the world have been through the most was true. Especially for him.

I must have been silent for a long time because when Morgan finally looked over at me, we were parked in the victim's driveway. "Chloe, you alright?" He asked. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and nodded my head. "Yeah, sorry." 

"Hey, he might not seem like it, but Reid is extremely strong. It took him a long time to recover from what happened, but he's a lot better now. You may not realize it, but whenever he sees you, he gets this light in his eyes. Please, don't ruin that." Morgan replied and gave my shoulder a squeeze before stepping out of the car.  "I won't." I replied softly, although he was already making his way towards the house. 

After stepping out of the car and jogging over to him, Morgan informed me that the parents would react differently once we broke the news. One way was that they would break down completely, another was that they would remain put together, although you could tell that they were grieving. 

A few knocks later, a woman who seemed to be Olivia's mother answered the door. "How may I help you?" She asked. Her voice was quiet and strained, as if she had gotten no sleep the night before. "Hello, Mrs. Miller. We're from the FBI-" I started, but she quickly interrupted me. "Did you find my daughter?" She asked, hope filling her voice. I didn't know exactly what to say, so I hoped that Morgan would reply. However, when the two of us stayed silent, she quickly caught on and her eyes widened. "No. No, no, please no. She can't be....No, this can't be happening!" Mrs. Miller broke into hysterics and almost collapsed. I quickly grabbed hold of her before she went down and led her to the couch in her living room. "What is going on?" A man who I guessed was Olivia's father ran into the room. "She's gone...she's gone." The mother cried out. Mr. Miller's expression quickly changed from concerned to extremely sad, but he remained silent as he sat down next to her and held her hand.  

After consoling them for a few minutes, the mother calmed down and we were able to ask them a few questions about Olivia. "Did she have a boyfriend?" I asked. "No. Olivia was very focused on her college work. She said that she didn't have time for one." Mrs. Miller replied with a shaky tone. "Why are you asking us these questions?" Mr. Miller asked, glaring at Morgan and I. "Sir, I'm deeply sorry for your loss, but you have to understand that the guy who did this is still out there. We have to find him before he kidnaps again." Morgan said, trying to keep the father calm. 

The more answers that we got, the more confused we were over why the unsub was targeting these victims other than their physical appearance. We left after about a half an hour, returning to the Suffolk County Police Department where the rest of our team now was. After sharing our information, Hotch sent Reid and I to check out the forest now that the police had taken away Olivia's body. On our way to the forest, we got a call from Garcia. "Okay, the scientists at the lab were able to find finger prints on Olivia's body. Now, those finger prints belong to a thirty year old scumbag named Bennett Myers. I did a background check on Myers and found out that he has been sent to prison multiple times for the abuse of several women who he claimed to be his girlfriends. Now, guess what these women looked like? Brown hair and brown eyes. I haven't found an exact location for him yet, but I'll keep you updated." Garcia informed us. "Alright, thanks Garcia." I replied and hung up. 

"Do you think that he sees the women that he's abducting as his girlfriend?" I asked, looking over at Reid. "Most likely. That's why each of the victims have bruises all over their bodies. If he was abusive towards his girlfriend, he's going to be abusive towards the victim that symbolizes his girlfriend." He replied. 

Once we got to the the forest, I opened the car door and started to get out when Reid grabbed my shoulder. "Be careful. Myers could be out here right now and you fit his interests. " He said. "I will." I nodded before getting out of the car. We walked around for a while, trying to look for clues. I had been concentrating so hard on looking for something that could help us solve this case that when I turned back around, I realized that I had walked away from Reid. "Reid?" I called out. No reply. I started to walk the other way when suddenly, I heard a twig snap behind me. I turned around, only to receive a painful impact to my head.

              Then everything went black.

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