Chapter 12 // Stay Calm

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I was given orders by Agent Hotchner to stay with Reid throughout the rest of the case. Agent Morgan quickly recovered, and was out of the hospital to continue searching for the unsub. "We'll keep you posted." Agent Hotchner said to me before hanging up the phone. 

An hour passed before I recieved a text from Agent Morgan while I was walking back from the hospital's  cafeteria with a cup of water for Reid. The text was a headshot of the real unsub whose name was Owen McGregor. A second later, I recieved an incoming phonecall also from Agent Morgan. 

"Hey, what's going on? Did you find-" I started, but Agent Morgan quickly interrupted me. 

"Did you get it? He's the cop we're looking for." He asked, his voice sounding quite impatient. I was about to say yes and that I had no idea who he was, but once I looked up, I could have sworn that the unsub was right infront of my eyes. He was talking to a nurse at the front desk. His blue eyes, dark brown hair, and tan police officer uniform was what confirmed that he was the unsub, and that was when the panic sank in.

"Affirmative." I somewhat whispered into the phone, my voice shakey. There was a few seconds of silence before Agent Morgan replied, "He's right there, isn't he?" he asked. Although it came off as more of a statement than a question.

"He's at the nurses station. Oh my god, I've got to get back to Reid." I started walking quickly down the hall, trying my best not to draw any attention from the unsub to myself. "Campbell, get in that room and shut the door." He said slowly and clearly. I nodded my head even though he couldn't tell and moved the phone away from my ear, still keeping Agent Morgan on the line. The unsub was right infront of me and I kept my eyes glued to the back of his head as I made my way to Reid's room and shut the door quietly. 

With my back against the door, I brought my phone back up to my ear, "O-okay, I've shut the door, now what do I do?" As hard as I was trying to sound calm and collected, my voice had gone from shaking to stuttering and my hands were starting to feel clammy. "I need you to focus and I need you to listen to me. Can you do that?" Morgan asked. I nodded my head once again before replying, "Yes, yes I can do that." He asked me if there was a wheelchair in the room. After scanning the entire room, I spotted one in the corner and confirmed that there was. 

"Okay, I need you to get Reid into it." Agent Morgan directed. My eyes went back and forth from the wheel chair to a sleeping Reid. "Um, sir, that is not going to be easy." I replied.

"Then get out your gun." 

"Okay...I- okay." I managed to choke out. Yes, I was trained to use a gun and I was permitted to use one, but the one thing that I knew was going to come out of this was that I was going to have to shoot him. No, not just shoot him in the leg or the arm in order to weaken him enough to handcuff him, but I had to kill him. It was only my second case, and the amount of pressure and panic that I was feeling topped the charts.

"I need you to go out into that hallway." He directed me once again. I took a deep breath before reaching for my gun. I walked over to Reid's bedside and shook him awake. "We have to leave. Now." I said, quickly pulling the covers off of him and detaching his IV fluid bag from it's stand. I brought the wheel chair over and carefully helped him into it, reattaching the bag to the pole on the wheel chair. I tucked my gun into my coat jacket in order to conceal it, and rushed him out of the room and past the unsub who was now standing in the middle of the hallway. As I pushed Reid down the hallway, I pulled the emergency lever which sent off a loud buzzing noise throughout the entire hospital, ordering everyone to evacuate. I turned my head back to see if the unsub was behind me while I started to evacuate with the other workers and patients, and he was peeking around the corner with his phone up to his ear. I quickly turned back around and continued walking. Reid was clutching his shoulder with his right hand, grimacing at the pain. "We're almost there. Just stay calm....just stay calm." I quietly murmured to myself, really trying to convince myself to stay calm rather than him. 

We remained outside in the hospital parking lot for about ten minutes before the doors reopened and everyone was allowed back inside. Almost immediately as Reid and I reentered the building, I got another phone call from Agent Morgan. "Is everything alright?" He asked. "Yeah, everything's fine. They're letting us back inside now." I replied and let out a sigh of relief. "Well, I'm proud of you. Only on your second case and you're already acting like a pro." 

I smiled, "Yeah, I might have peed my pants a little, but other than that, I think that I did pretty well." Although I was completely kidding, we both shared a laugh. "We'll all be there in a few minutes." He replied with a chuckle before hanging up. 

After helping Reid settle back in to his hospital bed, I grabbed a seat at his bedside and rested my elbows on the mattress, tracing small circles on to his arm with my finger tips. He didn't seem to mind, so I kept doing so while we talked. 

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked, although I knew that it was dumb question. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just a bit tired." He replied, giving me a smile. "I don't blame you. You've been through a lot today. Get some sleep, alright?" I asked. Reid nodded his head and closed his eyes, only to reopen them once the same doctor from before entered the room. 

"Oh, but how can you sleep when you're at a hospital? Where people are always poking you." I tried not to sound extremely annoyed as I kept eye contact with the doctor. What could they possibly want now? "He had his meds an hour ago." I pointed out.  "He didn't have his post-OP antibiotics." The doctor replied as he filled a syringe with some sort of liquid. "Yeah, he did." I said, glaring at the doctor. 

"Which ones?" Reid asked, squinting his eyes to look at the label. "Carbenicillin? No, that's not right. I have a severe allergic reaction to beta lactams. I can't have that." Reid assured the doctor, although it didn't stop him from prepping the needle with an alcohol pad. "That's not in your chart." The doctor stated, now flipping through a binder with Reid's medical info. 

The doctor started to inject the syringe into Reid's fluid bag. "W-what are you doing? What are you doing?" Reid started to panic as he ripped the IV needle out of the vein in his hand and slapped the doctor's arm away from the fluid bag. I had been too shocked with the whole situation to say or do anything at that point. 

"Chloe, he has a gun!" Reid shouted, noticing the gun in the doctor's back pocket as he bent down to retrieve the syringe. I whipped my own gun out of my back pocket as the doctor did the same with his. I managed to pull the trigger faster than him, first shooting him in the head on my first try. His eyes went blank before his entire body fell to the ground, leaving me wide eyed and frozen. 

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