Chapter 1 // New Girl

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Chloe's POV.

Dress to impress, right? At least, that's what you should do on your first day of work. Even if it involves examining mutilated bodies and such, might as well look my best. I chose a navy blue blouse, black skinny jeans, and black booties. I kept my hair down and makeup natural.

A case had already been filed for the first day that I was scheduled to work, so I had to pack a suitcase and bring it with me for the flight. Once I walked into the BAU building, I was immediately greeted by the woman at the front desk.

"You must be Agent Campbell?" She asked as I made my way over to her. After I validated that I was who I said that I was, she directed me towards the conference room, where my team was about to discuss the new case. I knocked on the door frame before peeking my head in to make sure that I wasn't interrupting anything. A tall man with dark brown hair, who I'd assume was Aaron Hotchner, the lead agent, made his way towards me.

"Everyone, this is Agent Chloe Campbell. She will be joining our team as well as the case that we are investigating today." He introduced me as I looked around the room and smiled. There were two blondes, one was dressed in a simple blouse and black pencil skirt, while the other's choice of clothing was slighty....eccentric, to say the least.

"I'm Agent Jaraeu, but you can call me JJ." The slimmer blonde smiled at me and put out her hand and I gently shook it before the other blonde introduced herself. "And I'm Penelope Garcia. However, I'm going to stick with the crowd and just say that you can call me Garcia. I'm pretty much the computer geek." Her voice was cheery and welcoming. Although she definitely stood out from the rest, I could already tell that Garcia brought light to the team.

"Derek Morgan at your service." I turned around to face a dark-skinned man with a killer smile. I gladly shook his hand and reciprocated a smile. The last agent was a rather lanky man who looked about my age, maybe a little older. "I'm Spencer Reid-" He began to say, "Doctor Spencer Reid." Agent Morgan interrupted. I let out a slight chuckle, those two were definitely good friends. You wouldn't even need profiling skills to come up with that. The last man to introduce himself seemed to be around the same age as Agent Hotchner. "David Rossi. I'd like to think that I'm co-chief of this team." I smiled and shook his hand as I did with the others before fully introducing myself.

"It's nice to meet you all." I eyed everyone in the room and smiled. "I just want to let you all know that I'm aware that I am replacing another agent. I'm not sure who she was, but I hope to live up to her and all of your expectations."

After the others reassured me and we continued some small talk, Agent Hotchner had us all sit down so we could go over the case. Garcia stood at the front of the screen.

"Today, my friends, you are heading to Manalapan, New Jersey. Two women, both white with blonde hair, were discovered last night and the night before, both mutilated and thrown off to the side of the road. Their eyes were sewn shut along with their mouth. What had initially killed them was the bullet to the head."

She pressed a button and the next slide was pictures of the bodies. Although I was trained in this particular field and this was exactly was I was getting myself into, I couldn't help but let out an almost inaudible gasp at the sight of those women. Doctor Reid had turned in my direction before giving me a reassuring smile. I smiled back before looking back at the screen, now trying to come up with theories or reasonings for the killings.

"Were either of them raped or tortured in any other way?" JJ asked.

"No, neither of the women had traces of sexual assault or marks of any kind." Garcia informed her.

"Alright, once we get down to Manalapan we're going to split into pairs. Two will go to the scene of the crime, two to the morgue, and the rest to talk to the agents that are there. Wheels up in thirty." Agent Hotchner closed his case file before exiting the room.

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