Chapter 28 // The Next Few Words

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***Author's note: Hello lovelies!! I'm SO sorry for not updating for the past few weeks! I've just been so caught up with school work and sports that I haven't had the time or energy to write another chapter. However I love this story and I know that you all do too so I'm definitely not going to give up on it! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and hopefully the next one will be up by next Sunday! x

Chloe's POV.

Shortly after boarding our plane, the hospital called to let us know that Reid did not suffer from any fatal injuries, only a few scratches and bruises, and he would soon be joining us on the plane.

Great. Although extremely selfish of me, I almost wanted him to have to stay at that hospital so that we wouldn't have to face each other. After my conversation with Hotch, I began to have so many mixed feelings towards Reid.

I pulled out my phone to pass the time. Maybe once Reid boarded the plane and saw that I was busy, he'd leave me alone? Who am I kidding, he practically had no filter and would say/do whatever he wanted or needed to do even in the worst possible situations. For instance, when we worked on a case in New Hampshire a few months ago, and one of the victim's wives asked if her husband would still be alive after being missing for two days, Reid had told her that statistically, he would most likely be dead due to the unsub's past victims and the profile of a basic male unsub. Although he was being completely honest with her, it definitely was not the right thing to say.

"There's the team hero." I heard Rossi say. Assuming that he was talking to Reid, I continued playing with the apps on my phone as if I didn't notice his arrival. After all, I was sitting towards the back of the plane.

I couldn't hear any of the conversation that was going on, but once it got silent I felt a huge bundle of nerves form in my chest. Before I even realized, Reid was standing infront of me and staring down quite awkwardly.

"This seat taken?" He asked, motioning towards the seat across from me. "Uh- nope. Go for it." I replied with a small smile. He would want to have this conversation on the plane, would he? No, I doubt it. The rest of the team would easily hear us.

I was right. The entire plane ride back to Quantico was filled with silence. Eventually I pulled out my headphones and listened to music and Reid fell asleep with his head leaning against the plane window. And I had to admit, he looked extremely adorable.

Once we landed, all of us were extremely worn out and barely made any conversation as we wheeled our luggages back into the BAU. After sorting out my papers in my cubicle and making sure everything was in place, I quickly said my goodbyes and made my way to the elevator.
Once it opened, I stepped inside and turned around only to see Reid rushing towards me. Quickly, I stopped the elevator doors with my hand and he joined me inside.

"Ground floor, right? Well, duh, obviously the ground floor since we're going home. Sorry, I'm just really tir-"

"Chloe." He cut me off, looking right in to my eyes.

"What?" I asked, trying to sound as calm and nonchalant as possible, even though I felt like I was going to be sick, and not from the plane ride.

"Can we talk now?" Reid asked, sounding more demanding. It was out of character for him.

"Right now? It's pretty late and I'm, well, we're all extremely tired. And you definitely need a ton of rest."

The elevator doors opened and I stepped out with Reid catching up next to me. Not getting a response from him, I continued to walk towards my car, leaving him behind me. I was unsure if he was just standing there or if he had decided to go find his car so that he could go home, but all I was focused on was driving home and passing out.

"Chloe, wait!" I heard him shout. I turned around and sure enough, he was still standing there.

"What, Reid? Can't this wait until tomorrow? I mean, Jesus Christ, just let it go for now!" I shouted right back, now I was getting pissed off.

I turned back towards where my car was parked, but the next few words that came out of his mouth made me stop dead in my tracks.

"Chloe, I love you."

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