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SIENNA FORBES MIGHT NOT HAVE HAD THE BEST LIFE, but she had certainly always thought it was a simple one. Things were pretty cut and dry when it came to what was expected of her: get good grades, go to college, and eventually settle down and get married to a small-town boy. She never exactly had a problem with what was expected of her, but then again, she never really thought about it much. Most of her life was spent going through the motions.

Her sister, Caroline, did not share the same view of life. Everything had to be planned out for her, everything had to be perfect. She was constantly trying to be the best at everything, which turned out to be something she was good at― even if she didn't see it herself. Caroline was the captain of the cheer-leading squad, the head of both Mystic Falls' dance and beautification committees, the head of the school's recycling program, and she was also an honor student. Each report card carried nothing but straight A's, and the one time she brought home a B during freshman year's midterm, she freaked out about it.

Caroline Forbes was a perfectionist. Consequently, this also made her the perfect everything: the perfect daughter, the perfect student. Sienna, on the other hand, couldn't quite relate to her sister. The only things she was really good at was creating art, and running track. She wasn't peppy enough for cheer, or smart enough for a 4.0 GPA, and she definitely didn't have the patience or energy to be a part of all the groups and committees her sister was in.

Despite all of this, Sienna was mostly content with her life. Sure, her dad flaked out on them and skipped town; and sure, her mom spent more time working than she did being a mom; and sure, she had recently went through a dark patch that she refused to think about. But all things considered, she didn't have the worst life. She had a loving (although erratic) sister, some great friends, a decent boyfriend, and a nice home. Things were simple in Mystic Falls.

At least, until they weren't anymore.

Sienna would like to say that the turning point for the simple lives of she and her friends had been when the Salvatore brothers moved to town. She would like to, but she was hard-pressed to say that it was true. Not when Bonnie Bennett turned out to be a witch and Elena Gilbert was apparently a supernatural doppelganger― whose vampire ancestor had taken it upon herself to turn Caroline into a vampire, too. Her group of friends was riddled with supernatural creatures and, honestly, Sienna felt like she was the only human left. Except for Matt. She'd have added Tyler and her (ex?) boyfriend Nathan to the small list of humans, but lately it became clear that they weren't so human, after all.

Either way, it didn't matter. The Salvatore brothers hadn't been the catalyst to everything happening in Mystic Falls now, nor the way their lives had been turned upside-down. Even if some of her friends― A.K.A Bonnie― liked to say they were, that still didn't make it true. The way Sienna saw it, things in Mystic Falls were bound to blow up eventually.

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